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They say that there's nothing like seeing your husband...

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.


:) Very sweet.

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.


So true! I haven't gotten there yet with my mom, but as a teenager I developed so much respect for my dad by watching him deal with my Grandma (mom's mom) as she lived with us throughout her battle with dementia.

So glad you have a wonderful DH to help you through this difficult journey.

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.




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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.


Awww sweet ... thanks for sharing! :001_wub:

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.




I absolutely agree. My dh supported me and took care of the kids while I flew to IL to pack up my grandparents and drive them to NH because they were too sick to live on their own. My grandfather's alzheimers was quite advanced. When he was at our house and had an accident, he didn't want me cleaning up my grandfather so he did it. Diarrhea. Not many men could have done that. The ultimate act of love.:001_wub:


Many times when my mother needed help and no nurses were here, and I couldn't do it alone at the moment, dh always helped and always respected her privacy. When she wasn't dressed, he'd turn to the ceiling as his muscles helped me to position her, or do what ever I needed him to do. When we were up all hours of the night with her diarrhea, he'd dump and wash the bucket from the bedside commode so I didn't have to smell it while caring for my mother. He'd spoon feed her. He'd reposition her. He'd lift her into my car so we could go for a ride without that huge handicap bus. :001_wub:


I agree with you 100%. I don't know what I've ever done to deserve him.


How are you? Where is your mother? Where is your father?


I remember those hard days very well, but sometimes when we talk I realize how much I miss them. :crying:



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I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.


:grouphug: Not much can top witnessing that kind of love, can it?


It's good to feel so loved, but even better to be able to pause real life for a moment and reflect on how fortunate one is. Or both are, as I suspect the case may be ;)

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Thanks to everyone for letting me share. I sent a quickie e-mail to my mother-in-law this afternoon, thanking her for raising such a son.


I'm proud of the role model he is for both our son AND our daughter. *This* is how a good man acts and carries himself.


Denise, shame on you :001_smile:. Your post brought tears to my eyes. You've got quite a guy yourself! I'll pm you later with an update.

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.


That is a good man! It makes me cry to think about it. :crying: but happy kind of tears.

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I totally agree. Seeing my husband care for my mother in her final months (stage 4 lung cancer, she moved in with us and then we cared for her at a hospice when she was no longer mobile and we needed medical assistance and she needed better pain control options) was the most endearing thing I have ever seen him do.


Way to go, Mr. Sparrow!

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...care for a baby to set your heart aflutter. I disagree.


There's nothing like seeing your husband care for *your* elderly mother, while she struggles with dementia, to send you right over the top :001_wub:.


I couldn't ask for a better man.


I just had to share that today.



That is a very special blessing during a difficult time. My husband is of the same caliber, he helped care for my mother up to her last day battling cancer. Thinking back I'm still amazed at his self-less acts of love...:001_wub:

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