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Help for Aubrey

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Does anyone have a phone number for Aubrey? Can you pm it to me? I have found a place for them in the part of Denver where her mom is located. Two weeks in an extended stay hotel. We have enough in the paypal account to cover it.


That is great! I didn't get here in time today to contribute to the Aubrey fund. Has there been something set up for Joanne? Who is overseeing it?

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Paypal donations are still being accepted. All of it will go to Aubrey. My paypal address is jennifer4079 AT yahoo DOT com



Okay. Thanks.


I suppose we need someone to step up and oversee something for Joanne. It might be best/easiest if someone with a paypal account who has been here a long while volunteers.

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Okay. Thanks.


I suppose we need someone to step up and oversee something for Joanne. It might be best/easiest if someone with a paypal account who has been here a long while volunteers.


I think there needs to be a separate thread for Joanne - by someone who is willing to do the paypal thing. It's too easy for it to get lost in this thread otherwise.

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I think there needs to be a separate thread for Joanne - by someone who is willing to do the paypal thing. It's too easy for it to get lost in this thread otherwise.



I agree. I'd definitely like to do something for Joanne as well, but it's going to get buried here as Jennifer keeps us updated and then we all respond to those updates.



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I agree. I'd definitely like to do something for Joanne as well, but it's going to get buried here as Jennifer keeps us updated and then we all respond to those updates.






I can help for Joanne too, can someone start a thread for her?

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I could do it. I've Paypal'd her before but I need to confirm her address first.

I think it would be great if you are up to it.

I think there needs to be a separate thread for Joanne - by someone who is willing to do the paypal thing. It's too easy for it to get lost in this thread otherwise.


Amy - see if you can PM or email her and get confirmation. Then start a separate thread.




Oh, and "bump."

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What about buying a trailer (rv type) and park it in the mom's driveway?


There are a lot of them for sale on Denver craigslist.




It's a nice idea if her mom does not live in a neighborhood with covenants (ie. homeowner's association or other restrictions). But, Colorado being the "hey, let's go camping, skiing, hiking" state, maybe a campsite with full hook up is not out of the question. Some of those may be cheap during the off season. The main thing is that they'll need to be indoors before winter storms hit.



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Does anyone have a phone number for Aubrey? Can you pm it to me? I have found a place for them in the part of Denver where her mom is located. Two weeks in an extended stay hotel. We have enough in the paypal account to cover it.



Jennifer, did you get Aubrey's number yet? I have her (hopefully still working) cell phone number if you still need it. Please let me know!

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I finally found the Aubrey thread to know what you all were talking about. That situation doesn't sound good even without the house problems, but with them....very unsafe and mentally horrible.


I can't send much, but I will send a bit tomorrow morning. Now, if I could only sell off a bit more of my used curriculum maybe I could send more.


Haven't read the Joanne thread yet, but I would like to help there too.


It is wonderful seeing so much support when most of have never/will never even meet each other.

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I don't have much to give because we're still in recovery mode from our own recent crisis, but I sent what I could right now. I'll never forget our mystery angel, and I intend to honor that gift by paying forward whenever we can. Thank you, Jennifer, for organizing this! This group is good for the soul!!

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You guys are sneaky, too--I would never have agreed to this. But I am so humbled & touched & grateful.


I thought the downstairs bedroom at least would be livable today, but when dh told me how much he's got due today...:svengo: I tuned him out after the 3 paper & 4th project. He really meant it when he said he needed all day to catch up. I've tried to make time for him earlier in the week, but you know--he says it's hard to walk away from his pg wife & recovering mil doing full-blown renovations.


I'm trying to keep the kids quiet/out of his space & just praying that things will go faster & smoother than he thinks.


The day before we moved, he got a job lead based on his current course work. I didn't mention it here because we've had so many of those that didn't turn into anything, but the contact actually returned dh's call (a first), & they had a good conversation. The co has some kind of system so good that it's a topic covered in dh's coursework.


The catch? Their "openings" are "around the corner." As in, NOT NOW.


And they're in TX. :svengo: :lol:


Anyway, it's a potentially good enough job that dh was daydreaming about the neighborhood he wants to live in, etc.


It all makes me think of Faulkner's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, about hope & pity & passion & what makes us human. For better or worse, I guess. The speech was good, maybe I should go reread it. And I'm thinking about finding a copy of Pursuit of Happyness--that movie's hitting a little too close to home these days. Dh pointed out that Will Smith had it worse. I pointed out that if our lives get Worse. Than. The. Movies, we're really sunk. :lol:


You guys already have my love & respect & gratitude, for who you are every morning when I log on, but over the years...thank you so, so much.

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