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please pray for my cousin's newborn baby

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update: the baby is with God now:crying:


My cousin had her baby last night. This is a copy of the FB post (so I don't mess up what the condition is and what it means)

"He was born last night with transpostion of the great vessels which means the right side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the lungs and the left side of the heart pumps regular blood to the rest of the body. Baby Kalebs blood vessels are backwards."


My heart hurts so bad for her. Her and her husband tried for so long to get pregnant and even though she had horrible morning sickness the whole way through, she kept a positive attitude and always loved that baby. The latest update has him going into surgery.

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Scary. I did a bit of reading and it sounds very treatable, so that's something. Please keep us updated. :grouphug:


Oh thank you. I was so scared to Google in case it was something very difficult to treat. I'm already kinda a basket case over it, I just couldn't make it worse.


Thank you everyone else.


Hug your kids.

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Oh thank you. I was so scared to Google in case it was something very difficult to treat. I'm already kinda a basket case over it, I just couldn't make it worse.


Thank you everyone else.


Hug your kids.


Yes - I googled too. Outlook promising with a successful surgery! I'll be thinking healing thoughts. I'm so sorry. It's so sad and scary to have a sick newborn.

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Update: My mom got to talk to her for about 30 seconds. Baby had 2 surgeries and is critical critical condition (that's what my mom said, I'm not sure if that's an official condition or not or if she just meant that it's very serious. In either case it's very serious.)


I am just hurting for her and her family. A few weeks ago her dogs escaped and she's been out looking for them every day but couldn't find them and as a big animal lover, she's just been so heartbroken over it. I just can't imagine having to go through this right after going through that.


She is close to Chicago, so they might transfer him and hopefully if that's the case, I'm praying a doctor there will know exactly what to do and how to handle it.


More prayers would be appreciated.

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She posted an update on FB. I am praying so hard he can keep fighting. And am so happy to hear so many success stories. And I am so grateful we live in a day where they can fix it. Thank you everyone.


"We are at XX Children's Hospital in XX, XX and baby is still in NICU and he is still fighting. I believe with every fiber in me that my Kaleb will come home with me and that WE WILL BE A HAPPY FAMILY WITH A HEALTHY BABY. So keep the prayers coming because he is definitely fighting."

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She posted an update on FB. I am praying so hard he can keep fighting. And am so happy to hear so many success stories. And I am so grateful we live in a day where they can fix it. Thank you everyone.


"We are at XX Children's Hospital in XX, XX and baby is still in NICU and he is still fighting. I believe with every fiber in me that my Kaleb will come home with me and that WE WILL BE A HAPPY FAMILY WITH A HEALTHY BABY. So keep the prayers coming because he is definitely fighting."



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I'm sorry, I hate to be such a downer, but it's not looking good.:crying:


"He was doing better last night after the first surgery, but since, his blood pressure dropped last night, causing his kidneys to shut down. They are going to attempt some sort of Dialysis to try and get them functioning again. It is also unclear if he has any brain damage due to lack of oxygen. "


ETA: my mom talked to my aunt. the doctors told my cousin she's going to have to make a decision. He needs a kidney transplant, they aren't sure if he has brain damage. The whole thing is just so sad. They took her blood and her husband's blood to do genetic testing. I am so, so sad for them.

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