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Weight loss :/

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Ok, so today I realized I weigh more than DH :glare:

Therefore, I must lose weight. Well, I knew I needed to anyway, but now I really need to (hopefully this will motivate me - aside from having the kids, I have never weighed more than him!)

My BMI is 26, so I'm not TOO bad off, but would like to lose like 20 lbs.

Has anyone ever tried anything that really, truly worked for them??

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The only thing that really works is a change in lifestyle and adding exercise to your change of eating habits. There is no quick fix. But losing weight, at least after having babies, wasn't too hard for me. I just started walking every day around the park across from our house, and cut down on the amount of junk food I ate. For example, instead of eating 8 cookies with milk before bed, have just 4 cookies. Small changes. I also eat less frozen food like chicken nuggets and french fries and eat more "home cooking" like chicken and potatoes for supper. It is more work to cook but healthier for me and my family. These small steps have really worked for me.

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I am struggling with that too! Some days/weeks I am more motivated than others. I've been here often enough to know that if I start something that I can't live with the rest of my life, it is destined to fail. So that cuts out any of those diets that can never have sugar, white flour, etc.


My best bet is the old-fashioned, boring way. I count calories. That way I can eat a variety of foods, not just proteins. I also increase the number of servings of fruits and vegetables in that calorie count. I like Lean Cuisine. It has several dishes that aren't bad and are easy to make. Easy wins over fancy. I'm more likely to stick with something easy.


I also try to increase the amount of water I drink, and decrease the amount of soda. But again, I'm not going to cut soda out all together. Any diet that kicks out my favs, won't last long.


I allow myself sweets, but by counting calories and making sure I have a lot of the healthy foods, I usually don't have many calories left to "spend" on the goodies. So, I eat a bite or two instead.


I have to exercise. I hate it. But when I don't, the eating habits slowly deteriorate. I think the exercise increases the endorphines, so I feel happier without all the goodies. Also, I hate to exercise, so when I do I definitely don't want to "waste" all that effort by eating wrong later!


I lost 35 pounds between January and March this year doing this plan. I have bounced around and maintained since then. I'm trying to get myself to get back to doing the right things again. I really haven't since March. :glare: *sigh*


There is a support e-mail group that started from a post here. It is called the "No Excuses Weight Loss" group on Yahoo.

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In my weight loss pursuits, I was successful either counting calories or doing WW points. Doing both, I added exercise 3-4 times per week. However, just adding exercise can make a huge difference. I began running about three years ago (for fun, not to lose weight) and never changed my eating habits...in fact, I know at times, I ate more than usual. I was training for a marathon so near the end of that training my long runs were anywhere between 3-5 hours so you have to figure that amount of time in, but the fact is, I lost 25-30 pounds *only adding exercise*.


When it comes to eating habits, to lose weight and maintain weight loss, it DOES have to be a lifestyle change. period.


For exercise, experiment. Find what you *enjoy* so it doesn't feel like you're punishing yourself.





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Ok, so today I realized I weigh more than DH :glare:

Therefore, I must lose weight. Well, I knew I needed to anyway, but now I really need to (hopefully this will motivate me - aside from having the kids, I have never weighed more than him!)

My BMI is 26, so I'm not TOO bad off, but would like to lose like 20 lbs.

Has anyone ever tried anything that really, truly worked for them??


Low carb worked for me. I didn't follow a particular diet, just cut out sweet tea and snacking. I ate salads as meals 3-4 times per week, but I always included some kind of protein on the salad (sauted chicken breast, tuna, salmon, hard-boiled egg, etc). I also would stop and think about whether I was actually hungry or not before taking seconds. I put a slice of lime in water to make it easier to drink all day.

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BTDT in terms of weighing more than DH. :grouphug: I've maintained a 50 lb weight loss for over 5 years now, with a current BMI of 22. What works for me:


* Daily exercise. I wear a pedometer and have a daily goal of getting at least 10,000 steps everyday. I've read that an average of over 12,000 steps is needed to lose weight so I up my daily goal if I'm trying to shed a few pounds after vacation or whatever.


* The previously mentioned No S Diet. Since I'm fairly short and within a healthy weight range, I find I have the best success with this when I use smaller (9" or less) plates for meals at home and when I keep my weekday lunches -- a big bowl of homemade veggie based soups w a hunk of good bread or rice and beans with fresh fruits/veggies, etc -- somewhat light, have a smallish breakfast and then eat one plate of whatever I'm serving my family for dinner. I like No S because it is sane, there isn't any counting, I can have treats on special days and it fits well with my family's lifestyle.



Edited by sophiasapientia
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I am doing the new Weight Watcher Points Plus program. I LOVE it. I've lost 50 pounds so far. While it hasn't been "easy" it's extremely livable. I feel 10 times healthier than I have in years. I am doing the program with whole foods, very little processed foods and no artificial sweeteners. The only exercise I do it walking (though I do walk 4 miles a day, with more on weekends). I allow some treats too - like 2 donuts every Saturday morning and frozen yogurt about once a week. I highly recommend it.

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I am doing the new Weight Watcher Points Plus program. I LOVE it. I've lost 50 pounds so far. While it hasn't been "easy" it's extremely livable. .


Wow! Congrats. That is great.


I lost 20 lbs on WW, but haven't seen the new points plus program. The previous program works great though.

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I have lost on WW twice but always gained it back. Why? Well it had nothing to do with the WW program itself but rather with my lifestyle and personality. I would lose weight because I knew I had to weigh in but never recorded what I ate. I know that is stupid but I'm just being real here.


The WW program works best for those who log all food eaten, whether it is on paper or computer. Since I didn't, I never really adopted it as a lifestyle.


The best way is slow and steady although it really stinks. I personally am on my third day of juicing after seing FatSickandNearlyDead on Netflix. I am doing the juicing because I have lost control of my body's natural triggers. I never feel full but just eat. I am trying to juice for a week or so to get rid of the processed foods in my system and reconnect with what my body is telling me to do, whether it is sleep, hunger, rest, exercise, etc.


Then, I plan on eating only whole foods and things with three ingredients or less. I want to start "clean" from the juicing and be picky about what I eat from there. I am planning on sticking to lots of whole grains and beans, plus tons of fruits and vegetables. And, we are joining a gym because I am flabby and think circuit weights would really benefit me.


All this to say, think about the lifestyle you want and what you will eat in that lifestyle. Eat like the weight you want to be, not the weight you are now and exercise. You can do it!!

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I'm using myfitnesspal.com It also has an app for the phone. It basically tracks your calories and subtracts calories for exercise. I like it because it's very black and white. So the other night I hopped on my elliptical to burn 83 calories (not a single one more!) so I could have a Shiner.


Losing weight stinks. I remember when I could eat anything I wanted and not gain an ounce...

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I got the app Lose It. They also have a website you can use. I set my current weight and my goal weight, and my weekly weight loss goal and it give me a number of calories each day to eat. I log everything I eat (it has a database or foods and exercises and I can also enter my own foods and recipes) and it computes the calories and nutritional info daily and as a weekly average. I can also add exercises I do and it incorporates that into the record and number of calories I eat that day.


So it is not a diet, but more of a record and computing aid. I think it is working because I log everything I eat, so I am aware of quantity and calories. When I log, the number of calories and nutritional info shows. I can also see if I am too carb heavy or fat heavy that day or week because the percentages of protein, fat and carb are computed as well. It helps me be accountable for what I eat.

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I'm just finishing up round 1 of the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 20 days. I have maintained that weight loss for 5 weeks, and I can't wait to start round 2. It was both the hardest and the easiest diet I have ever been on. Hardest because the first 23 days of phase one is very limited, easiest because the scale moved quickly and after the first 23 days I was able to eat til I was full.


I am maintaining by eating 2200 calories a day on a modified Atkins diet. As long as I keep my meals high protein I can eat low carb/sugar foods and not gain. I literally did not gain an ounce in 4 weeks.


I'm starting round 2 the first week of Sept.

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Wow! Congrats. That is great.


I lost 20 lbs on WW, but haven't seen the new points plus program. The previous program works great though.


Thanks so much for the encouragement!! I LOVE the new PP program (and I had done a few iterations of WW before!). It really encourages you to make wise, healthy choices. I eat a TON of fruit and a lot of salads - along with some lean meats and whole grain carbs. I like that nothing is off limits - but you have to approach things reasonably. Today for lunch I had an awesome taco salad with baked chips, reduced fat cheese, and a lot of veg. Super delicious and filling. My DH has lost 25 pounds and my WW buddy is down 30. It's working for all of us. :)

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I've recently lost 30 lbs and hubby has lost 50 ish lbs. We did it the good old fashioned way of more exercise and more fruits/vegetables! We were wanting to change our habits to have a healthy lifestyle!


We weigh in on the Wii fit daily- it helps keeps us accountable and when we start to creep back up, we know we have been to relaxed.


We exercise at least 5 times a week and try to do something active as a family on the weekends- hiking, bike rides, etc.


We reach for fruits/vegetables as our snacks. We do smaller portions and don't get seconds unless we truly are hungry. Our meals have more fruits and vegetables with a healthy portion of lean meat and whole-grain.


It took us almost a year to do this but it was worth it. I've also noticed that we are more energetic and healthy! It is also more of a habit for us then a fad now!

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The caveman diet. (High fat, quite a bit of protein, minimal carbs.) We eat a lot of meat, cheese, nuts, etc. It's very easy. Never hungry and feel great.


Agreed. Very easy and satisfying once you've got past the first week or two. I've actually lost too much weight (despite not purposefully restricting carbs or anything else, though I don't do dairy because the baby is sensitive to it)) and need to start adding in sweet potatoes or rice or something.

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I'm just finishing up round 1 of the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 20 days. I have maintained that weight loss for 5 weeks, and I can't wait to start round 2. It was both the hardest and the easiest diet I have ever been on. Hardest because the first 23 days of phase one is very limited, easiest because the scale moved quickly and after the first 23 days I was able to eat til I was full.

I'm starting round 2 the first week of Sept.

Great job! :D :D :D


I've also had great success with hcg. Success like I hadn't had before on any other diet.


Not sure when I'll start another round. I love hcg. :)

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Thanks everyone!

I was feeling pretty down about the whole thing last night (seeing DH at the 150 mark and me at 160 didn't do well for my self esteem - though he didn't seem to care ;) )- I'm feeling better today. :) Thanks for all the suggestions. I did go on myfitnesspal.com last night and list what I've been eating, and I knew I needed to cut back but - wow, seeing it all listed there really made a difference!! And some of the things that I thought were good for me really weren't, so much :tongue_smilie: ... like the salad dressing I like was really high on the calories! It was worse than my typical bowl of ice cream! And I already have some pretty good habits - I can't drink most sodas and have to limit sodas (majorly - like I don't drink soda at all unless we go out to eat, which is maybe once every week or two) because of my kidneys, and I always make home cooked meals. So once I look and make sure nothing else is hiding a bunch of secret calories and cut out most of the snacking, I should hopefully make some progress. :)

It is kind of hard to be motivated, I think - I've always (in the past, anyway) been about the same size, and after I had the boys I went back to that same size in just a couple of weeks. But between younger DS and DD, my body just seemed to change a lot, not sure why (age probably)! :) After DD I did go back to what I was pre-pregnancy (about 10 lbs more than I am now) and when she was about 4 months old I did WW and lost that 10. Since then I've stayed steadily where I am (aside from a 21 day Daniel fast our church did in January, when I lost another 10 - kept it off for a couple months, too, til I got used to eating all that junk food again :glare: ). If I can lose that 20-25 lbs I'll be back to where I've always been...

I really LOVE running. I just have to figure out a time to do it, with DH's work schedule and 3 kids :tongue_smilie: I have tried working out with videos or other things on netflix, and I get bored... and I just don't feel like paying a lot of money for a 'workout program' that I know I'll end up not using. So I'm going to definitely try!

Anyway, yeah, thanks! :D

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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So Far My husband has lost 15 LB and I have lost 11 lb we have simply cut out all processed foods. We try to eat grain based whole foods with lots of veggies. At first it was really hard it is amazing how addicting junk food is. The amazing thing is that when you are eating whole foods you automatically eat less and feel full. I have been amazed. We both added in exercise last week because we are hoping to lose the weight faster. We would both like to loose 30 lb. For both of us seeing the scale go down even a little bit has been a huge motivator. Good Luck:)



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I am doing Sparkpeople.com it is free.


I finally started losing weight.


I've been using sparkspeople too and Shaklee's Cinch plan to get the pounds rolling off. I've been doing this for 1 week so far with no results, but I think that's my cycle messing up the scale. It always goes up before.


Even without a weight loss yet the Cinch plan's helping me get my hungries under control. I feel better and more energetic and I know I'm eating less. And I'm keeping it all written down on the sparkspeople.com site.


Calories out vs. Calories In is what I'm keeping my eye on.

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Weight Watchers is the main way i have ever lost weight.


The nosdiet is also a great method that eliminates the whole yo yo dieting thing- worth checking out. I am using its wisdom to maintain my healthy weight.


I agree! I lost weight easily with WW years ago, but sadly put it all back on - and then some :glare: For some reson I haven't been able to stick with WW again, but have found success with the NoS way of eating.

Edited by knit247
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In '97 I started going to Weight Watchers (for the billionth time), but realized that I had to commit to it for life.


I struggled w/ that idea for so long. How stupid that I should have to do anything like that for life??


Well, you need time. . . lots of time. . . to really establish different eating patterns. It won't happen over night and it won't even happen in a few months. I honestly think it takes years to truly get good eating/shopping/snacking habits into your very being.


So, I lost 48 lbs. and have kept it off for six years now and I think about how I eat every day. People in my new state say, "you're so skinny -- how do you do it?" And when I start to tell them, their eyes glaze over. They really don't want to hear. So I've stopped explaining.


I didn't think exercise helped me to lose weight -- contrary to popular opinion. Plus I think adding an exercise habits into your life when you're trying to change your eating habits it's next to impossible. That's why it doesn't really work for people. On top of that only Army bootcamp style workouts will really and truly help you lose.


I recommend seriously changing your habits to start. And, after you feel like your habits are in line, then consider adding an activity that you actually like.


I dislike all exercise, but I've found that if I download my favorite radio show onto my ipod, I'll walk each evening for at least a mile or more. But, again, the real weight loss came when I learned to eat less. Period.


Good luck to you -- you can do this. Oh, the other thing that really helped me was to think of my weight loss journey as a part time job. That way I devoted time to chopping veggies, shopping properly, cooking properly etc. I also had to learn to deal w/ the fact that dh would never give up bringing junk food into the house. He's better, but I've sworn off his ice cream for so long now that wolfing down a bowl of ice cream sound gross to me. I'm not kidding.


Good habits -- once established -- become your friends.



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I've been using sparkspeople too and Shaklee's Cinch plan to get the pounds rolling off. I've been doing this for 1 week so far with no results, but I think that's my cycle messing up the scale. It always goes up before.


Even without a weight loss yet the Cinch plan's helping me get my hungries under control. I feel better and more energetic and I know I'm eating less. And I'm keeping it all written down on the sparkspeople.com site.


Calories out vs. Calories In is what I'm keeping my eye on.

yeah another sparkperson.


I didn't go there originally for me, but it is working. I like the easy of use of the fitness and counting calories, you can also adjust what you are tracking too.

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Oh I also have used the library for work out videos. It has been nice for variety. I have also found some on Netflix that have instant streaming. That is nice too.



and I've also worked hard to do 10,000 steps I think the combo of things is helping

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This is very interesting.


I had just decided that I would spend at least a week writing down all that I eat and getting my eating under control before adding exercise.


Now, I would like to add at least brisk walking so that my stamina for things like going to Disney World would better, but I did wonder how much exercise would actually help in weight loss, particularly cardio.


So, when you lost the weight, you didn't exercise?


Do you do the new WW plan now or do you stick to the older plan?


My only true success with WW was the old plan that included exchanges with only two bread servings per day.


My eyes aren't glazing over, I promise!




In '97 I started going to Weight Watchers (for the billionth time), but realized that I had to commit to it for life.


I struggled w/ that idea for so long. How stupid that I should have to do anything like that for life??


Well, you need time. . . lots of time. . . to really establish different eating patterns. It won't happen over night and it won't even happen in a few months. I honestly think it takes years to truly get good eating/shopping/snacking habits into your very being.


So, I lost 48 lbs. and have kept it off for six years now and I think about how I eat every day. People in my new state say, "you're so skinny -- how do you do it?" And when I start to tell them, their eyes glaze over. They really don't want to hear. So I've stopped explaining.


I didn't think exercise helped me to lose weight -- contrary to popular opinion. Plus I think adding an exercise habits into your life when you're trying to change your eating habits it's next to impossible. That's why it doesn't really work for people. On top of that only Army bootcamp style workouts will really and truly help you lose.


I recommend seriously changing your habits to start. And, after you feel like your habits are in line, then consider adding an activity that you actually like.


I dislike all exercise, but I've found that if I download my favorite radio show onto my ipod, I'll walk each evening for at least a mile or more. But, again, the real weight loss came when I learned to eat less. Period.


Good luck to you -- you can do this. Oh, the other thing that really helped me was to think of my weight loss journey as a part time job. That way I devoted time to chopping veggies, shopping properly, cooking properly etc. I also had to learn to deal w/ the fact that dh would never give up bringing junk food into the house. He's better, but I've sworn off his ice cream for so long now that wolfing down a bowl of ice cream sound gross to me. I'm not kidding.


Good habits -- once established -- become your friends.



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Hi Dawn,


Your idea of working out for stamina in Disney World is an excellent idea. I "believe" in exercise for increasing stamina -- just not for serious weight loss. When are you going? We'll be there in mid-Oct.


No, I didn't get much exercise when I lost the weight. I had exhausting toddlers and keeping to the points program was demanding enough w/ the kids.


Now, I did throw the kids into the jogger and walk the neighborhood, but that was about it. Plus picking the two of them up all of the time was excellent arm exercise, but it really saddens me to hear moms wanting to lose weight focusing on the exercise instead of the eating. For me, it was reducing my eating that produced every result.


Today I'm pretty dedicated to walking a mile to two miles every day -- but for heart reasons. If I gain a pound, I reduce my eating. Period.


I do the older WW's point plan. They have a new points plan where the fruit is completely free. I do the plan that was around in '03 or so. Does that make sense? They change things up every so often to make a profit -- which I'm fine with. They're a business.


But the latest changes to the points plan required that I buy a counter or something like that and thought, "no, I'm sticking with what I know."


Kids bugging me,






This is very interesting.


I had just decided that I would spend at least a week writing down all that I eat and getting my eating under control before adding exercise.


Now, I would like to add at least brisk walking so that my stamina for things like going to Disney World would better, but I did wonder how much exercise would actually help in weight loss, particularly cardio.


So, when you lost the weight, you didn't exercise?


Do you do the new WW plan now or do you stick to the older plan?


My only true success with WW was the old plan that included exchanges with only two bread servings per day.


My eyes aren't glazing over, I promise!



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I am doing Sparkpeople.com it is free.


I finally started losing weight.


I used Sparkpeople, too.


I exercise. Currently, I use the plans in the book, "Strength Training for Women" by Joan Pagano.


Also, quitting dairy helped me, but I didn't do that until I was diagnosed as Lactose Intolerant.

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We are going the first full week in November. We got the homeschool tickets and are going with Carolina Homeschoolers' Group.


I actually HAVE the new stuff from WW that I bought from a friend who bought double of the new member stuff, including a pedometer.


My problem is that WW isn't *enough* for me. What I mean by that is that the calorie count they recommend (or that is in their points) is maintenance for me. Part of the problem I think is that I am 4'11", so eating 1500 calories isn't going to cut it for weight loss.


So, I will do both really.....points and make sure my calorie count is low enough.




Hi Dawn,


Your idea of working out for stamina in Disney World is an excellent idea. I "believe" in exercise for increasing stamina -- just not for serious weight loss. When are you going? We'll be there in mid-Oct.


No, I didn't get much exercise when I lost the weight. I had exhausting toddlers and keeping to the points program was demanding enough w/ the kids.


Now, I did throw the kids into the jogger and walk the neighborhood, but that was about it. Plus picking the two of them up all of the time was excellent arm exercise, but it really saddens me to hear moms wanting to lose weight focusing on the exercise instead of the eating. For me, it was reducing my eating that produced every result.


Today I'm pretty dedicated to walking a mile to two miles every day -- but for heart reasons. If I gain a pound, I reduce my eating. Period.


I do the older WW's point plan. They have a new points plan where the fruit is completely free. I do the plan that was around in '03 or so. Does that make sense? They change things up every so often to make a profit -- which I'm fine with. They're a business.


But the latest changes to the points plan required that I buy a counter or something like that and thought, "no, I'm sticking with what I know."


Kids bugging me,



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I used Sparkpeople, too.


I exercise. Currently, I use the plans in the book, "Strength Training for Women" by Joan Pagano.


Also, quitting dairy helped me, but I didn't do that until I was diagnosed as Lactose Intolerant.

HEy cool.


I'm trying to remember to do the strength training too. I keep forgeting it though. I found similar exercises at Sparkpeople so I can track it too.


Yikes I would starve without dairy. I found that I can eat greek yogurt with fruit and up the protien I need

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I'm just finishing up round 1 of the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 20 days. I have maintained that weight loss for 5 weeks, and I can't wait to start round 2. It was both the hardest and the easiest diet I have ever been on. Hardest because the first 23 days of phase one is very limited, easiest because the scale moved quickly and after the first 23 days I was able to eat til I was full.


I am maintaining by eating 2200 calories a day on a modified Atkins diet. As long as I keep my meals high protein I can eat low carb/sugar foods and not gain. I literally did not gain an ounce in 4 weeks.


I'm starting round 2 the first week of Sept.


I lost 30 pounds with HCG! and I tried a LOT of diets (including WW).

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I think I'm going to invest in a pedometer. I'd imagine one can get one pretty cheap, right? :) I think that it'll definitely help me to see how much moving around I do a day, and maybe just try to keep myself above a certain amount.

I started with myfitnesspal.com last week, and was doing the whole counting calories thing, but the truth is, I know what to eat. I know what is good for me. I can see where documenting everything one eats can be a good thing, to see it all 'in action' so to speak - to see all of the calories of the day and realize that one needs to be more regulated with the intake. It did help me out a lot, though, when I realized the smoothies I've been drinking for breakfast every morning for the last 8 months have almost as many calories as 2 pop tarts. o.O So that probably wasn't doing me any favors, weight wise.

I'll probably get on myfitnesspal off and on, but I think for right now I'm just going to work, in general, on fixing our eating habits. Its rough getting older - just like, 3-4 years ago I could regulate my snacking (like only eat from the bag of doritos up until the first commercial break of whatever show we were watching that night lol) and I lost 10 lbs!! lol. Now, its starting to get harder. :/ And I haven't even hit 30 yet! :D

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I lose weight when I reduce my eating. Excercise can help me feel better...but it often makes me hungry. I see it as good for my health but not necessary for my weight loss.


It helps me feel full longer when I eat better or cleaner foods, but I have lost significant weight counting points(ww) visiting a lot of drive thrus.


My problem is maintaining. I'm losing again on ww (the old system) but am antsy in the bakc of my mind knowing i haven't maintained well. I'm hoping that the eating changes become habits this time.


It is tough.:grouphug:

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That is a good step. HA HA.


I had a really nice small pedometer, got it cheap, but I broke it the other day. I have another one that I'm not as happy with but it was only $7. Yeah work on taking 10,000 steps, or if you can't do that many keep working on building up the number of steps until you are there.



I use spark people. The other thing that has helped me is looking at the balance of what I am eating. And I do loose if I'm eating protien more than the carbs



I think I'm going to invest in a pedometer. I'd imagine one can get one pretty cheap, right? :) I think that it'll definitely help me to see how much moving around I do a day, and maybe just try to keep myself above a certain amount.

I started with myfitnesspal.com last week, and was doing the whole counting calories thing, but the truth is, I know what to eat. I know what is good for me. I can see where documenting everything one eats can be a good thing, to see it all 'in action' so to speak - to see all of the calories of the day and realize that one needs to be more regulated with the intake. It did help me out a lot, though, when I realized the smoothies I've been drinking for breakfast every morning for the last 8 months have almost as many calories as 2 pop tarts. o.O So that probably wasn't doing me any favors, weight wise.

I'll probably get on myfitnesspal off and on, but I think for right now I'm just going to work, in general, on fixing our eating habits. Its rough getting older - just like, 3-4 years ago I could regulate my snacking (like only eat from the bag of doritos up until the first commercial break of whatever show we were watching that night lol) and I lost 10 lbs!! lol. Now, its starting to get harder. :/ And I haven't even hit 30 yet! :D

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