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I held LION CUBS!!!

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So we go to the local zoo and they have lions there. In talking with some of the zoo workers they let it slip that 4 lion cubs had recently been born. We asked if we could see them and they said no. We were a little bummed.


But a few minutes later one of the workers told us to go sit on some benches and wait. We were confused???? Ten minutes later two workers came out holding the lion clubs and PLUNKED THEM DOWN IN OUR LAPS!!!


When we said we wanted to "see" the lion clubs we meant like, behind the bars, ya know? :lol::lol::lol:


Instead, we are holding these cubs in our laps and they were the size of a full grown basset hound. They were wiggling and snarling and playing.


We were totally thrilled and a little scared all at the same time!!


They wouldn't let us take pics because they would get in trouble. Only in Malaysia...sheesh! But wow... what an amazing thing! I just had to share...

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So we go to the local zoo and they have lions there. In talking with some of the zoo workers they let it slip that 4 lion cubs had recently been born. We asked if we could see them and they said no. We were a little bummed.


But a few minutes later one of the workers told us to go sit on some benches and wait. We were confused???? Ten minutes later two workers came out holding the lion clubs and PLUNKED THEM DOWN IN OUR LAPS!!!


When we said we wanted to "see" the lion clubs we meant like, behind the bars, ya know? :lol::lol::lol:


Instead, we are holding these cubs in our laps and they were the size of a full grown basset hound. They were wiggling and snarling and playing.


We were totally thrilled and a little scared all at the same time!!


They wouldn't let us take pics because they would get in trouble. Only in Malaysia...sheesh! But wow... what an amazing thing! I just had to share...



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Ah, I read that as I HATE lion cubs and wondered what they could possibly have done to you. It's not like they roam the streets chewing on your car tyres, is it? :lol:


We got to see a baby spider monkey at the zoo last fortnight, but that was through glass, which is not nearly as cool as your experience!! Cuddling lion cubs, how exciting!



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Only in Malaysia...sheesh!


And in South Africa for those inclined to travel here for the experience ;)


There is a restaurant on a lion farm about 30 min drive from our home where they let the tiniest lion cubs play among the guests! It's quite something to be having lunch with a cub nipping at your shoelaces!


When they get a bit older they move the cubs to an enclosure where one can play with them (under the watchful eye of a guide). They also have a tame cheetah as a pet. He walks in their garden and is quite happy to be stroked. He sleeps on the owner's bed at night :001_huh: !!

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So we go to the local zoo and they have lions there. In talking with some of the zoo workers they let it slip that 4 lion cubs had recently been born. We asked if we could see them and they said no. We were a little bummed.


But a few minutes later one of the workers told us to go sit on some benches and wait. We were confused???? Ten minutes later two workers came out holding the lion clubs and PLUNKED THEM DOWN IN OUR LAPS!!!


When we said we wanted to "see" the lion clubs we meant like, behind the bars, ya know? :lol::lol::lol:


Instead, we are holding these cubs in our laps and they were the size of a full grown basset hound. They were wiggling and snarling and playing.


We were totally thrilled and a little scared all at the same time!!


They wouldn't let us take pics because they would get in trouble. Only in Malaysia...sheesh! But wow... what an amazing thing! I just had to share...


Oh my, how wonderful! I don't blame them about the pictures, but still so sweet of them to bring out the cubs to you.

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And in South Africa for those inclined to travel here for the experience ;)


There is a restaurant on a lion farm about 30 min drive from our home where they let the tiniest lion cubs play among the guests! It's quite something to be having lunch with a cub nipping at your shoelaces!


When they get a bit older they move the cubs to an enclosure where one can play with them (under the watchful eye of a guide). They also have a tame cheetah as a pet. He walks in their garden and is quite happy to be stroked. He sleeps on the owner's bed at night :001_huh: !!


And in Cabo, right off the docks. You can hold lions and tigers under 5 months old. Very cool!

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Where is this? We'll be in Cabo in September!!!!


If you go to the marina, walk out to the farthest east point of the marina, following the coast line. That's where I know to start from. Walk back toward the city on the docks. You'll be turning right sometimes, that's the only way to go really, if I recall. Basically walk toward what is clearly tourist area. Ignore all the people trying to sell you things. HA. Before you get to the first big hotel going in that direction there is a large wood booth with the lions and tigers on your left, if you are following the water's edge.


Here is my mom with Tomas. He was 4 months old. There was also Valentina the tiger who was 2 months old. She was... wet. But, hey, they are babies. What should I expect? lol


Edited by Sputterduck
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If you go to the marina, walk out to the farthest east point of the marina, following the coast line. That's where I know to start from. Walk back toward the city on the docks. You'll be turning right sometimes, that's the only way to go really, if I recall. Basically walk toward what is clearly tourist area. Ignore all the people trying to sell you things. HA. Before you get to the first big hotel going in that direction there is a large wood booth with the lions and tigers on your left, if you are following the water's edge.


Here is my mom with Tomas. He was 4 months old. There was also Valentina the tiger who was 2 months old. She was... wet. But, hey, they are babies. What should I expect? lol


That is so cute! I showed my kids and they cannot wait to do this! It doesn't't sound hard to find either. How much was it?

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I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering what you've been up to. If you have been posting, somehow I've missed them - and I always look forward to reading your posts. And so just when I'm about to sound the alarm as to "where is Heather?", I see this post and find out you've been playing with lion cubs! : ) I love it!!! What a fun experience.

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