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I may never volunteer again

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So it's our first year at this VBS at church and I volunteered. In snacks. Sounds easy. Right?


It's 3 hours of rushing carts full of food to classes too young to go to a snack room. My drop off locations are complete opposites in the church on different floors and the upstairs don't link from a hallway....each section requires a different elevator. So I am running for 3 hours back and forth, filling up with more food, dropping off to young kids, rushing out of the room before someone asks for seconds. repeat 4 more times.


Like a dummy we had playdates scheduled right afterward for the last 3 days. Tomorrow I am coming home to soak my feet :lol:


I haven't worked this hard since I waited tables in college! :tongue_smilie::lol:


Next year I am going to schedule Dr appt's so I am busy. Two more days to go. it's only 100+ this week and the air inside isn't working so great IMO!

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Yikes! Our VBS did snacks differently this year. Usually the older kids go to the fellowship hall for snack and the VBS crew brings the snack to the preschooler classes. This year all the snacks were packed in sandwich bags--one per kid. Each leader had a VBS Bag with their supplies, including snack bags and water bottles--the small 8 oz size. The bag was a bit heavy for some classes, but it worked out better this year with the leaders determining when to have the snack break.


Also there was a rule--no extra snacks, but you could refill your water bottle at the fountain. We did have a night-time VBS, so it was assumed kids had eaten dinner before they arrived (a reasonable assumption for the population attending).


Sounds like it will be a full and exciting week for you! :D

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Sorry you are not having a good week. Providing snacks for VBS is a lot of work but well worth it. You are a part of what makes VBS work and will reap the reward in heaven if not here on earth.


I was in charge of snacks for two yrs. It was pretty much an all day job. I chose to serve healthy snacks, fruit, veggies, cheese. I spent the afternoon or evening preparing for the next week and a couple of times had to go to the store for extra. I worked my tail off doing it but every time I saw a child look at me and smile or say thank you I knew that that child was seeing someone who loved Jesus and was setting an example of His love.


I hope the rest of the week goes better for you.

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I love VBS, but it is a lot of work. I was in charge of the 1st graders my 1st year, it took me until day 4 to realize that my helpers would only work if I told them specifically what I wanted them to do. Yeah, I spent the first 3 days doing everything myself and had one kid that was unmanageable. For the next 2 years I did photography, and now I actually enjoy working with the kids (but I'm much bossier now). :)


I firmly believe that serving should be a joy--find the job you like doing and volunteer for that. There is someone out there that will be blessed to cart snacks around next year. :)

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It sounds like you need some teen helpers to do all that delivering. You can prepare the snacks, and the teens can push carts to the classrooms and even stay there until snack time is done if that is needed.


Like the others said, you will know for next year. Either you can pick a different area where you can serve, or you can organize snacks better because you have experience now.

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I don't know, I would have liked snacks! I always taught which meant decorating the room, studying the teaching plans, cutting stuff out, finding prizes....on and on. I always wanted to try snacks (sigh). I loved the themed snacks our snack people did. They were always so cute and creative.


But, what you were doing does sound awful difficult. I imagine there is an easier approach for next year. And, hey, there's always crafts. :tongue_smilie:


Crafts is one job I would not touch with a ten foot pole :lol:.

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I signed my offspring (who are older) up for specific jobs, but didn't put my name down anywhere. I did verbally tell them that I'd be there to help, but hopefully that doesn't result in some horrible job. It usually means set-up and clean-up if you name isn't down ;). Try it!

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It's too late to help you now, but one year when we had a situation like this, my older son was my helper for snacks for the toddler rooms. He came in early and we staged their snacks to or near the rooms so that when it was their snack time we didn't have to have people running to get the snack there on time. All the teachers helped serve the snack, too. This takes several rolling carts, of course, or you'd have to start early and remove the items to tables or counters in the rooms if you don't have enough carts to just leave the food on those....

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Both churches we've been to VBS at had different "stations" that the classes traveled to (crafts, music, etc). Snacks was one of them, so the snack leaders just stayed in the same room and the kids came to them.


That won't help you now, but maybe you could pass on the idea for next year.


The years I've helped with VBS, I did 3rd grade leader, craft leader and preschool helper. It is all a lot of work!

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You realize that snacks is the position they give to newbies, right (because everyone else knows better)? :D Next year, you will be able to trade up. ;)


yeah, I figured that out. when she picked the cart people it was everyone she didn't know. the rest sit in the kitchen prepping things and talking :tongue_smilie:

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over 600 kids. grades 2-6 go to a room for snacks. everyone else is taken to them.


:eek: My son is one of seven children. Not that I thought seven kids was your typical VBS... but I definitely can't wrap my head around 600! That is a K-12 school around here. No wonder you're drained.

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