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Birthday Parties

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Do you throw a birthday party for each child every year? Just certain years? Never?


Do you do something else for the birthday child? Let them choose between a party or special event?


If you don't have birthday parties for your kids, what do you think about friends who do and invite you to them frequently?


I've been throwing birthday parties for my kids every year. I started because my friends did when my oldest was little and it looked fun, and I enjoy the planning that goes into it.


My kids' birthdays are all spread throughout the year so I always get to be planning. Again, I enjoy the planning. I make cute crafts for decorations and party favors, dh decorates awesome cakes. Sometimes we do generic parties (ladybug or alligator) and sometimes we do character parties (Mario Brothers or Curious George). The day of the party I do get a little stressed trying to get everything set up but during the party itself, I have fun, and my kids love them.


I don't throw the parties because I think kids *deserve* parties or because I didn't have many as a kid. I genuinely just like to do it and I love how much my kids enjoy them. I don't spend too much money (in my and dh's opinion), usually $75-$150. We have parties at home or at parks, rarely at a paid venue. We usually include lunch or dinner for the guests (hotdogs/pizza type food).


Dh has talked about not doing them every year anymore (he doesn't really care for parties), but my kid's talk about their next birthday party right after their last one so I don't know who to stop at. Dh has suggested letting them choose between going somewhere fun or having a party, which I think is a good idea, especially as they get older.


I just wanted to see what others outside of my group of IRL friends do and think.

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We love birthday parties :)


When my daughter turned 6 we had her first birthday party where we invited friends- she was in public school at the time and we invited all the girls from her class and met at a nail place in the mall where the girls all got their nails painted and got to pick designs to put on their nails. Then we moved across the mall to the pizza place where family met us and we all had pizza and cake and did presents.


When she turned 7, we again invited just the girls and did a tea party at a bed and breakfast place that did tea luncheons for girls.


When she turned 8, we had a "storybook" theme party at the house and invited different friends to come dressed as fave book characters. We made a cake in the shape of a book, gave out books for favors, decorated bags to put the books in, told stories, etc.


When she turned 9, my son turned 4 around the same time (one's October, once's November), and they were homeschooled as of that year, so we had a joint birthday party at a community place that has a climbing wall, trampolines, sports, electronic games, and so on and brought in food and did our party there, inviting some homeschool friends, neighborhood friends and family.


When she turned 10, we had a carnival theme party in our backyard and got a bounce house and made cotton candy and hubby did face painting and so on. I would have had a joint party again that year but my son turning 5 was absolutely begging for a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party, so we let him have one. He loved it.


This year as they turn 11 and 6, we'll be doing a joint party again- we're going to a farmer's market type place that has a fall festival where they do hayrides, have a bucking bronco thing, a little corn maze, an apple sling, a chute slide, and an inflatable obstacle course thing, nerf tag and so on.


I think once my daughter gets to be like 12, 13, though, we'll stop with the bigger birthday parties and do ones that focus more on my younger son, and for her, I'll start moving toward letting her choose a friend or two to take to some sort of event or outing instead, or maybe a sleepover, and just do a family dinner/cake at home (or go out to eat or whatever).

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All three of our kids' birthdays and mine are all about the same time of the year. So, kids take turns having parties. Can't afford one party right after another! :) Each year it is a different kid's turn.


If it is not their year we just do something fun as a family(cheap but fun) that the birthday kid gets to pick.


Birthday kid also get to pick some where to go out to dinner with just dh and I.


Also, if it is their turn for a party and they are asking for something expensive as a gift then they have to choose between expensive gift or party.

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When I was a kid, we had birthday parties every year. I am doing the same for mine (except now my teen's party consisted of me sending cake and pizza to teh barn where she rides.)

We had all parties at home, with very little expense. We usually played games and had a treasure hunt. The treasure hunt is the only thing that requires planning.

My kids had between 3 and 8 guests.

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I like birthday parties and I think they're fun! That being said, for our family, dh and I decided that our kids will only have a party on special years. (10, 13, 16 etc.) We have 4 children so having a birthday party for each child every year would be to much financially. We would rather use any extra money toward necessities and extras.


We asked our middle child (his birthday is coming up) what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said he wants to go fishing.


I love birthdays and we try to make each child feel extra special on their birthday. We budget $35 per kid for their gift. This year we let them all pick out their own gift and they loved doing that!


We love to take a nice vacation every 3 years as a family. We also go and visit my family in a beach location every year. That is where we like to spend our money. I really try not to judge people when they throw their children extravagent parties. It's hard though because some people go so over the top. I just think that if you are not careful you will have adult children that have extremely high expectations on their birthday. Then their spouse is left to deal with the repercussions. KWIM?

Edited by Momto4kids
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My DS8 has had a b-day party every year since he was 3. However, DD4's is just before Thanksgiving, DS6 and I are right after Thanksgiving but before X-Mas so few people wanted to come to another social event during that time, so they were missing out. This year we have decided to do a big annual "Everybody" party at the end of summer or beginning of Fall. On the actual b-day the child gets to chose a movie and restaurant to go to and the parents and siblings all troop along. DS8 chose Cheesecake Factory and Rango at the dollar theatre, so that is how I will be spending my Saturday, then going and buying him a new bike.

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We do parties here also. I love doing them as much as the kids love having them. My girls birthdays are only a week apart, so we combine them. They take turns picking the theme. The boy has one all to himself. This year the girls want a bug/garden party, and the boy wants "Lightning McQueen". Last year the girls had a Tangled party and the boy had trains. My mind runs wild with ideas! My dh gets into it as much as I do though. We both had parties growing up, and want our kids to experience the same joy. We have started asking people not to bring presents, and instead bless our friends with a little something. The gifts were getting to be too many.

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My kids get a birthday party every other year. We rarely do a paid venue. Usually it is a sleepover with a homemade cake. My dh and I also take each child out to eat at a place of their choice. Honestly, after 20+ plus years of parenting, I don't really like birthday parties, but the kids love them, so I persevere.;)


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OMG, I love birthday parties! Love to do them big! Indy has had parties for all but 6, but that's because my BFF from high school got married on his birthday, so we flew to Chicago for the wedding. He had a great time at the wedding and partied until 2 am. They even had a small birthday cake for him. He said it was a great party. :001_smile:


For his 7th, we did a HUGE Indiana Jones party that is still the talk of our neighborhood. I planned for 6 months.


Last year, for his 8th, we did a big pirate party. I was under huge pressure to live up the the IJ party. It was a blast. James Bond even carved watermelon brains.


This year we were going to do a Star Wars party (he started planning it the day after the pirate party), but all of his friends are in the States for the summer, and 2 of his best friends are PCSing (military speak for move) this week, so there won't be anybody here. I could have done one earlier, I suppose, but with the baby, I wasn't up to it. I feel terrible for not doing a party this year because I figure I only have so many before he decides he's too old for them. :crying:

We are planning to go to London for a week (if James Bond can get the time off work), but I still feel bad for not doing a party. I may have to put something together anyway after the kids return and just so a late party.


If you're interested, there are loads of photos on my blog.


Indiana Jones Party Prep (a behind the scenes look at the work)


Indiana Jones Party


Super cool pirate party invites how-to


Pirate Party

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Do you throw a birthday party for each child every year? Just certain years? Never?


Do you do something else for the birthday child? Let them choose between a party or special event?


If you don't have birthday parties for your kids, what do you think about friends who do and invite you to them frequently?


I don't throw the parties because I think kids *deserve* parties or because I didn't have many as a kid. I genuinely just like to do it and I love how much my kids enjoy them.



We always do a family party on the bday. The bday person gets dinner and desert of their choice. They also get to pick the group activity. Some of the picks were go-karting, movies, Chuck E Cheeses, Nerf war at home, laser tag. They usually get to pick 1-2 friends to join along. We have a set bday budget for each bday person each year. For their 13th and 16th and 18th bday we spend a bit more. We tend to budget about $250 for each bday child. That is for them to get something special that is expensive. We don't do big at Christmas (we budget about $75 for each child on Christmas) so we make up for it on bdays.


Twins had a friend party about five times from ages 1-8. A few times they did a separate party, a few parties at home, a few parties at public location. Younger two boys had only a few parties as we sort of just allowed the parties to dwindle out.


It was just getting to be too hard for me to do parties so close together. Ds#2 bday is about 6 weeks before the twins, and Ds#3 shares a bday with the twins (he was born on their 6th bday). And then Easter and spring break was always in there too. So having 4 bday parties, Easter, and spring break was just too complicated in scheduling parties.


By around age 8, the twins didn't want a friend party anyway. They usually just wanted to do something special with 2-3 friends with the family. Younger two boys want friend parties and we have done two or three. Usually they rather get more gifts from mom/dad than to get a few gifts with a party.


When my kids are invited to a party, if it is someone who is more than just a "recess" friend (they have to actually play with the friend outside of school), I try to allow the my kid to attend. Thankfully in our area, it seems that bday parties are minimal. I think each of my kids were invited to only 2-3 parties in their elementary years. Twins attended PS through 8th grade and younger two still attend. Bday invites are not allowed to be passed out during school or on school property in elementary.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I have twins with a June birthday and another one with a birthday the week before Christmas. We have family parties in the right month, but shared with other relatives (my brother's also in June, my mom and SIL have birthdays near Christmas).


Then we have one big honkin' friend party in June, and it's outside in our yard. I supply food, the kids are responsible for planning any activities. When they were little we had a kiddie pool, lately we've also had lawn games and sometimes a slip 'n' slide.


This year for the first time my twins are having a sleepover party (with a much smaller guest list and just girls) in a tent in the yard and going to a movie (HP7). Younger dd had the lawn party to herself, but still in June (1/2 birthday).

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We have family parties for the first 2-3 years and then start friend parties when they start getting involved in activities and making friends. This continues up to about 8, then they start requesting other stuff. Oldest ds has been having sleepovers with his best buds with pizza and either movies or video games since he was 8. Except for ages 11 and 13 he had a special outing. Mostly after 8, they get a choice of special outing or party. Mostly depends on finances, child's ideas and age, and time. We try to do something special for 13. For the older 3,at age 9, they have gone to visit my sister with only one adult. For instance, oldest went with my mom and the other two have gone with me. So depends on funds and other stuff happening.

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We get slammed with 3 birthdays in one month and another the following month. Birthday parties depend on the age they are turning and our financial situation each year.


Last year, we had ds turning double digits and another becoming a teenager - they had a combined laser tag party. Dd turning 7 just had friends at ChikFilA. Dd turning 16 had a HUGE water slide in the backyard and a party with all the trimmings.


This year, we didn't do much. Each child chose the breakfast, supper, and dessert they wanted, and we just celebrated as a family.



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We have a birthday party for each of our kids every year. So far for all of their parties we have pretty much just invited family and a maybe a couple close friends. We have a large family and the kids have a ton of cousins so family is plenty. My fall winter babies have parties at our house, and my oldest ds has his usually at a local park. The parties basically consist of a cake that dh and I make(we love making elaborate cakes), some kind of food, maybe some games or a pinata, and gifts. We have only been invited to a couple of parties that the child was not family.

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When we lived in NY, we had birthday trips. There's always so much to do up there! For his 3rd birthday, ds wanted to go to Mount Rushmore, but we talked him into the Statue of Liberty instead.:D


The girls usually had a spring and a Christmas Tea Party. Those were so nice! Now they host a Nutcracker Party for their dance friends and request used towels to donate to the local animal shelter.


We live close to family now, so we just have family birthday parties. I'd love to have a party for ds this year, but we live so far out in the sticks that I'm not sure anyone would show up.

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