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It's "crap" people, not "carp"!

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I've been reading through the food threads the last few days and reading things like "carp is bad for you", etc. :001_huh: Um, carp isn't, but crap is!


Really guys, one or two typos like this is acceptable, but when we can't even take the time to proofread our own posts maybe we are posting the heat of our emotions and we need to take a break! I just had to post because it seems to be an epidemic over the last few days and has spread to several posters! I've caught myself typing "carp" instead of "crap" as well. I laugh at myself, fix my error and move on.


It just so hard to read your posts when they are so full of typos that actually change the meaning of what you are trying to say! :confused: I know, I'm guilty too. I've taken more time to proofread what I type before I hit "send" or "submit".


I'm really not trying to be rude, but I've seen such a rise of this on the boards lately. Maybe if we all took a little more time to re-read what we've posted as well as what others have posted we wouldn't have so many people taking offense. :)

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I've been reading through the food threads the last few days and reading things like "carp is bad for you", etc. :001_huh: Um, carp isn't, but crap is!


Spoken like a woman who's never had goldfish. They're a type of carp and after cleaning the aquarium for awhile anyone would tell you there's a direct and obvious relation between carp and crap.

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I thought they were typos at first. Now I think people say "carp" on purpose so as not to say the actual word. I'm not sure if they're worried about getting in trouble with the mods or just don't want to use foul language or if it's a regional thing. *shrugs* I think it's funny because I had put a lot of thought into why people were doing it, but to me it's just nothing to get worked up over.:001_smile:

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It's not a typo, any more than sh!t is. ;)


I'm pretty sure it's a cutesy way of saying crap.


I didn't take it as a typo. My circle of friends actually will say "carp" to avoid saying the other in front of kids ... kind of like "darn" versus the other.


I thought it was on purpose as well.


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Spoken like a woman who's never had goldfish. They're a type of carp and after cleaning the aquarium for awhile anyone would tell you there's a direct and obvious relation between carp and crap.


:lol: We've had "Buddy" for 6 years! He has completely changed color, his fins are drooping and every night he races around the aquarium banging his head against the sides until he's bloody. I get it! But...isn't carp a delicacy in other places? I thought they ate them, like, in Japan? Aren't Coi, carp? I'm so confused today! :confused: Maybe I just need to get off the internet and go "do" something!

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:lol: We've had "Buddy" for 6 years! He has completely changed color, his fins are drooping and every night he races around the aquarium banging his head against the sides until he's bloody. I get it! But...isn't carp a delicacy in other places? I thought they ate them, like, in Japan? Aren't Coi, carp? I'm so confused today! :confused: Maybe I just need to get off the internet and go "do" something!


Coi are carp two. They're related to goldfish.


On Buddy, does he have a big enough aquarium? 10 gallons is good for one goldfish. You might want to change about half his water every week as well, it could be a water problem.

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I use carp, as I know some people see the other as a curse word and prefer not to see it written out. I do believe the two are tied together. :tongue_smilie:


CARPe diem = seize the day


CRAPe diem = I'm having a really lousy day


So you're saying they don't come from the same Latin root? :001_huh:


That shoots Dawn's theory.

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:lol: We've had "Buddy" for 6 years! He has completely changed color, his fins are drooping and every night he races around the aquarium banging his head against the sides until he's bloody. I get it! But...isn't carp a delicacy in other places? I thought they ate them, like, in Japan? Aren't Coi, carp? I'm so confused today! :confused: Maybe I just need to get off the internet and go "do" something!



Oh no - poor Buddy! Is it possible that he's outgrown his aquarium and needs more space to swim around?


Don't worry about missing the carp euphemism - there's a lot here to take in! I'm thinking teA, bOOks, carpet, etc.. Can you imagine what a newcomer here has to figure out? :lol: This thread has probably helped them out as well. :)

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OOOHHHHHH!!!!! Boy do I feel stupid! :001_huh:


:lol: It makes it so hard for me to read because then I have to slow down to figure out what the "mis-spelled" word "should" mean and then get on with reading the post.


Now, I get it! Thanks ladies! :blush:


See, it's really our secret, SOF-related, group code.

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Coi are carp two. They're related to goldfish.


On Buddy, does he have a big enough aquarium? 10 gallons is good for one goldfish. You might want to change about half his water every week as well, it could be a water problem.


He's in a 10 gallon aquarium with a fantail and ???(the speckly goldfish) and a sucker fish. They recently killed a fantail, so now they are 3 fish and sucker. He just recently started doing it. We figured it was his age. He's not always interested in eating. We have a filter that recycles the water constantly and the sucker fish keeps the tank really clean. We don't have anything growing on the sides and just a little gunk lower in the rocks, which we were told was the natural eco-system for the tank.

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He's in a 10 gallon aquarium with a fantail and ???(the speckly goldfish) and a sucker fish. They recently killed a fantail, so now they are 3 fish and sucker. He just recently started doing it. We figured it was his age. He's not always interested in eating. We have a filter that recycles the water constantly and the sucker fish keeps the tank really clean. We don't have anything growing on the sides and just a little gunk lower in the rocks, which we were told was the natural eco-system for the tank.


Yup. When I had my goldfish I would only clean off on side for viewing. I'd leave the other sides covered in gunk. Extra treats for the goldfish.


Sounds like your right. Senility has set in. :D

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Why do some people on here write v*gan?


Again, it's code. The asterix stands for "people", as in vpeoplegan. They don't want anyone else knowing they eat people so they use the asterix and let people think they're vegans.


I really am right on this one you know.

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Again, it's code. The asterix stands for "people", as in vpeoplegan. They don't want anyone else knowing they eat people so they use the asterix and let people think they're vegans.


I really am right on this one you know.


Either that or velcrogan.

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Okay, so we have carp sorted, right?


It's ridiculous, not rediculous.


If you are getting with the program or conforming to the standard, then you are going to TOE the line, not tow the line.


I'm sure I'll have more to add. ;)




That one drives me batty (although I'm sure I misspell it half the time but MY misspellings don't count)

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Okay, so we have carp sorted, right?


It's ridiculous, not rediculous.


If you are getting with the program or conforming to the standard, then you are going to TOE the line, not tow the line.


I'm sure I'll have more to add. ;)


Yes! Revolution!


Isn't it also "Hard row to hoe"? As in a gardening euphemism?

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OOOO, I know that one. The area below the books that is frequently related to activities of tEa!


Um... have I wandered into a gathering of those with furry bellies? :001_huh:


Yes, I'm being deliberately obtuse. :lol:


Dawn, you can have an SOF if you'd like, but OUR SOF rejects the fish stance. You're out. Sorry. I would have let you down easier but I didn't want to.


And Mrs.M, those definately get my goat, too.

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Okay, so we have carp sorted, right?


It's ridiculous, not rediculous.


If you are getting with the program or conforming to the standard, then you are going to TOE the line, not tow the line.


I'm sure I'll have more to add. ;)



How about "for all intensive purposes" Gaaaah!


It's "intents and purposes"

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It's not a typo, any more than sh!t is. ;)


Again, it's code. The asterix stands for "people", as in vpeoplegan. They don't want anyone else knowing they eat people so they use the asterix and let people think they're vegans.


I really am right on this one you know.


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