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What is the name of your school? And why?

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I've noticed since I've been :lurk5: lurking on this board that several of you have named your homeschool.


I'd love a roll call -- if you've named your homeschool, what do you call it, and (if you want to share your reasons), why did you name it that?


Can't wait to see all the clever names y'all have come up with!! :001_cool:

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Well, we don't have to name our school but the kids wanted a name because we felt it may lead to a better way to answer the "why aren't you in school" questions if they had a name to say. Usually when we say "we homeschool" we get funny looks, or worse someone lectures me and my kids about the dangers of homeschool. You know things like the big Socialization problem my kids are going to have.


We started out by naming is Evanlu Academy which was the 1st two letters of my kids names. They hated it. Then my dh came up with Voyager Learning Center because he felt like we were voyagers into the world of education. The kids lived with it but recently told me they didn't like it and my oldest who turned 9 yesterday said "learning center" sounded babyish. I asked for their input and they both agreed they loved Fawkes the Phoenix from the Harry Potter movies and wanted him as a mascot. After a bit of research we decided that it would work for us and our new name is Fawkes Academy. Our motto is "Soaring through home education" My dh and I liked the name because with a Phoenix as our mascot it made sense. In our journey we sometimes come to the end of one part and then begin anew, kind of like when the Phoenix would build a nest of cinnamon twigs and light it on fire, thus turning to ash and then rising again from them into a new life.


That's our homeschool name story and for once our kids love the name of their school and proudly announce to anyone that asks that they go to Fawkes Academy.

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Kel, that is really cool. I have been thinking about a name (mostly for our grade card, state-mandated records and such), but never thought to ask my DS what he thought we should be called.


I was thinking of Harvest Hills Homeschool or Harvest Hills Academy, because the HH part incorporates our name and location... although, being a military family, the location part might change before this HSing adventure ends!

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Ours is Lighthouse Christian Academy Homeschool.


Our motto is "Let your light shine among men"


I like lighthouses, so we decided that'd be a neat name for the school. I looked up and did not see anything with that name. I googled it even. But, later found there IS at least one main school---I think one that works with BJU, that has the name. So we added the Homeschool at the end later.

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Our name is Mt. Hope Academy. I didn't have to have a name... just happen to have a naming obsession/disorder. :)


I love the feelings and ideas it evokes for me. Hope of the future, climing a mountain, achieving, journey, all that sort of stuff. :) We also happen to live at the base of a hill. I call our little place in the country Mt. Hope.


Here are a couple of my favorite verses/quote/motto to go along with the theme:


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

- Jeremiah 29:11


"Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."

- Proverbs 24:14


"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but who they become by it"

- John Ruskin


Quo Non Ascendam .. (To what heights can we not ascend)

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We are Titus 2 Christian Academy. When we began homeschooling, I was doing a Bible study on Titus, and these verses really spoke to me.


In NC we have to name and register our school, so I was looking for something that would look good on a diploma, as well as something that meant something to us. We have studied the passage in Titus together in the past, although it is probably time for a refresher course.

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Grace Classical Academy here! "Classical Academy" explains itself...Grace is for the grace under which I plan to teach my kids, as well as the grace we've been given through Christ. My kids were NOT treated with grace at their former school, so we thought this fit nicely for us! A way to sort of turn the page.

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Our Homeschool is named The Omehay Oolschay Academy.....because when I started HSing I lived in Kansas and they require you to choose a name for your HS....and, well, that is just my wacky sense of humor I guess....LOL


Love it! :lol:



Ours is Epiphany Prep School, though I've been through a bunch of others that I didn't like as much. I like how it can have a religious and a mental/educational meaning. The Prep part - well, I like to think I'm Prep-ing them for life, not just college.

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Sugar Creek High School, because, someday, when they are filling out job applications and other mumbo-jumbo, they didn't want to have to put "Last Name Academy" or really *anything* Academy because it sounded to private-school-ish.

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Cherry Valley Academy. Because we live on Cherry Valley Road. Gal. 5:22-23 is our school verse.



We're moving so a name change is on the horizon. The new street is Goldenview--and I don't like it enough to name our school after it. :tongue_smilie:


We'll see what we end up naming when we get there.

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EDEN Academy - Education and Discipleship through Encouragement and Nurturing because *that* is *why* we homeschool (Discipleship and Academic instruction) :001_smile:



I've noticed since I've been :lurk5: lurking on this board that several of you have named your homeschool.


I'd love a roll call -- if you've named your homeschool, what do you call it, and (if you want to share your reasons), why did you name it that?


Can't wait to see all the clever names y'all have come up with!! :001_cool:

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Also one suffering from lack of a creative gene - ours is Elbac Acadamy (guess you know where my user name came from now? lol) which is a certain "something" spelled backwards. And no, our family does not provide tv - and if you make any joke of the sort to me, I will try to 'get it' a little faster than I did the first time someone made one to me. Dh, otoh, grew up listening to the jokes and gets them immediately! :tongue_smilie:

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Cherry Valley Academy. Because we live on Cherry Valley Road. Gal. 5:22-23 is our school verse.



We're moving so a name change is on the horizon. The new street is Goldenview--and I don't like it enough to name our school after it. :tongue_smilie:


We'll see what we end up naming when we get there.


Do you live near Rockford? The name rings a bell in my brain!

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I love this thread!


We are "Granite Bridge Academy"


It was a pretty easy choice, I wanted something that sounded 'real' for transcripts etc. Being in NH - the "granite" state, your education is your bridge to your future and you want it rock solid - like granite! *S*


DH is working on a logo for us and I bought an embosser (like notary's use) to stamp "official" papers - like report cards and transcripts.:001_smile:


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Wow! These are some great names! I am so glad I asked. I know there are more out there with terrific homeschool names! Share them, if you will!


Now I'm rethinking mine... these have given me much food for thought.

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