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Anyone else feeling lazy and unmotivated?

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My house is a mess, I'm trying to work full time from home, don't want to plan next year's school stuff, Bipolar meds not working well and yet make my whole body ache and make me feel groggy all the time. blah.

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I'll come sit by you :)


It's dog hot where I live, and just the thought of getting up to do anything ... like grabbing the remote control that is >justbarely< out of reach so I can watch something remotely interesting ... just thinking about it and writing about it wore me out.


I'm not usually a tv-watcher, but the past few days I've gone zombie and have just been sitting around taking up air and not doing much else. You're not alone, but you're keeping questionable company LOL

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Burned out. Was feeling kinda burned out and then a stomach virus went through our house. Multiple days per person, with a week passing in between each person getting it...so it has been going on and on and on. DH just finished yesterday, so thankfully we've finally all gotten it.


We're schooling in the summer but I'm wondering if I need to just stop for a bit :(


We have some short summer trips planned and then a week-long vacation in September. I have a 15 month old who interrupts a lot (he is constantly climbing, getting into things, etc. if he's not contained on my back in a carrier). I feel like we need to school year-round, but mama is not a happy camper these days and that's not really great for anyone :ack2:

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Ugh yes! The boys are in morning camp this week and I am supposd to be doing so much, but I've only done some Homeschool Tracker stuff and vaguely cleaned.


I blame it on my ear infection-the antibiotics are making me sooo sleepy. Yea, that's the ticket....

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This is my first week of "nothing" since the summer started. I have a 7wk break until classes start again and this is my first week off. I kinda feel justified in feeling and being unmotivated. Though, i have managed to clean most of the upstairs between yday and today.


I have lots of motivation to get our schedule, lesson plans and school room organized but I am petrified by enormity of what needs to be done.

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Laziness loves company.


I actually just went to the store and bought myself an Arnold Palmer. I'd say that was a decent accomplishment for the day. Now, I will probably turn on HGTV for a bit. :001_smile:


We usually school year round as well. I've decided to take it really light this summer. I feel like I'm constantly playing hookie, which is ridiculous. Honestly, homeschooling has made me forget how to relax(without guilt):tongue_smilie:

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I'm almost done, I'm down to one small pile on the desk. I can.not.get.through.it. Dh has been sick, the dog has an ear infection, I'm grumpy. I am unmotivated to do a thing. I did finally clean on ds's desk today, which had been piled high with my books.

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I had so many visions and dreams of all the things I was going to accomplish during our Summer break! Especially this week when my 2 older kids were at camp.




I'm getting a lot of posting done on the hive though! Does that count? I'm getting close to Queen Bee! Can I count that as what I've accomplished this Summer??? Please??? :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I sprawled all of our science books out on the dining room table this morning and opened up my laptop to plan. I then proceeded to check FB, Google+, this board, and several other sites and get no planning done. Now I just have a big mess all over my table.


One of these days I'll accomplish something. :glare:

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Me!! I had a hernia repair last week and I am in pain. The house is a mess, my washing machine just packed up, I can't pick up my 12 month old and he still loves his Baba(nurses). We are supposed to start on the 15th of August but unless I can clean my house within the next 2 weeks(which I don't see happening- too much pain), we will be lucky to start in September.

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