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Book Thread: Last, Current, Next?

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Last: A Raisin in the Sun


Current: The Turn of the Screw


Next: Soul Surfer


The first two are on ds1's summer reading list. The last book is on ds2's reading list. Since they're required to complete writing assignments with these (they're not homeschooled anymore) I try to read along in case they need someone to discuss with.

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Last: The Story of Britain by Rebecca Fraser


Current: Charlemagne: Father of a Continent by Allesandro Barbero and Blackbeard: The Real Pirate of the Caribbean by Dan Parry


Next: Reflections on the French Revolution by Edmund Burke and 1066 the Year of Conquest by David Howarth

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Haha! The book I just finished was Hit List by Laurel K. Hamilton


The book I am currently reading is (for my bookclub): The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I'm looking forward to the movie also.


The book I plan to read next is: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin


Apparently we have similar tastes. ;)


LOL! That's funny! Then allow me to HIGHLY recommend JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series for more vampire stuff, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series cause it's just the best series ever! :D

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Last: Mini Shopaholic (I know, I know, but I needed a success. I have so little reading time these days and am forever starting but never finishing things, so I wanted to pick something I knew would be easy to finish)

Current: Just wrapping up No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers (again)

Next: Oh, my there are so many in the queue! I could go for something pure pleasure: Bloodroot is next up if that's the case. Something for school: The History of the Ancient World is up in that scenario. Some parenting inspiration: Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles (again, it's been a long time and I need a tune up as we enter the 2.5 burgeoning independent phase and the 5 year old's yelling) will be first up. I also have something about the difficulties public schools are facing from the library that looks interesting, so lots of choice, just not enough time! LOL

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Last: A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon


Current: Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon & Driven to Distraction by Hallowell


Next: Protecting the Gift or Desiring God by Piper (or both simultaneously)

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LOL! That's funny! Then allow me to HIGHLY recommend JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series for more vampire stuff, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series cause it's just the best series ever! :D


Love those both! They are lined up on my "favourites" section on my book shelves. :lol:

Karen Marie Moning's urban fantasy Fever series is fantastic. The series is now completed so there is no horrendous waiting for more books after cliff hangers.

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Last: The Victorian Internet (story of the telegraph)

Now: The English Reader by the Ravitches

Next:The Mystery of the Periodic Table (I like to read books geared towards logic aged kids, the better to use the nomenclature in conversation with my grammar stage kid.)


After that is Kentish Lad, the memoir of Frank Muir.

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I'm currently reading A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin - 2nd in the Song of Ice and Fire Series.


The last book I read was A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin - 1st in the Song of Ice and Fire Series.


The next book I plan to read is A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin - 3rd in the Song of Ice and Fire Series.


Can anyone guess what I plan to read after that? :-)

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Love those both! They are lined up on my "favourites" section on my book shelves. :lol:

Karen Marie Moning's urban fantasy Fever series is fantastic. The series is now completed so there is no horrendous waiting for more books after cliff hangers.


Well then I'm going to have to check out that Karen Marie Moning series since I have the feeling I will like your recommendation lol. Is Darkfever the first in the series...?

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Well then I'm going to have to check out that Karen Marie Moning series since I have the feeling I will like your recommendation lol. Is Darkfever the first in the series...?


Yep, they're awesome. Also on my favourites shelf.

1. Darkfever

2. Bloodfever

3. Faefever

4. Dreamfever

5. Shadowfever

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Last: Here be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penham


Current: Falls the Shadow by Sharon Kay Penham


Next: ColorBlind by Melanie Meadow and The Reckoning by S. Penham


I love Sharon Kay Penman's books. Well, I've read one of them "When Christ and His Saints Slept", and I want to read the rest in that series. I just have too many other books that get in the way.

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Last: The Hunger Games. It's on my Kindle so I decided to try it again. This time I read it and actually liked it. Still had trouble with suspension of disbelief and not sure if I'll read the rest of the series.


Current: Jane Eyre. There's a "What are you reading?" thread on the Kindle forum each month, and last month a lot of people were reading or re-reading this. They inspired me to read it again.


Next: Not sure. I was planning to re-read some Jane Austen before I decided on Jane Eyre. It will either be one of hers or O Pioneers, by Willa Cather.


Current read-aloud (yes, my almost 14yo still likes read alouds): A Land Remembered, Patrick Smith. It's Florida historical fiction.

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What book did you read last, what book are you currently reading, and what book will you read next?


The last book I read was: Hit List by Laurel K. Hamilton (latest in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series).


The book I am currently reading is: The Help by Kathryn Stockett.


The book I plan to read next is: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin (the third in the series- I loved the first two, waiting for this one to be available at my library).


And just for fun, most recent Read Aloud in my house was: James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.


Your turn!



Haha! The book I just finished was Hit List by Laurel K. Hamilton


The book I am currently reading is (for my bookclub): The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I'm looking forward to the movie also.


The book I plan to read next is: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin


Apparently we have similar tastes. ;)



I'm joining Nance and Sara's Book Club :D.


The last book I read was ShadowFever by Karen Marie Moning


I am currently reading Fate (My Blood Approves Book #2) by self publishing wonder Amanda Hocking. Fluffy, YA vampire series, and a quickie read to gear me up for another "big" book after ShadowFever.


My next book will be Echo in the Bone (to *finally* finish the Outlander series, 16 years after starting it), The Help, or Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind. I haven't decided yet.


ETA: Currently family read aloud is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

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Last: Robinson Crusoe

Current: Augustine's Confessions, The Iliad, Acts, James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Colleges that Change Lives.

Next: I'll probably concentrate on finishing Don Quixote, SWB's Acient History, and Utopia

Read Aloud is the Three Musketeers (abridged), next will be The Jungle Book then Rikki Tikki Tavi


I like to have a variety of books going so I can pick them up when the mood strikes.

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Last: The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, no. 1 The Pox Party


Current: Rainbow's End (Vinge); The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat; Marcella Cuchina


Next: That's tough, I have a few books half finished (Cloudsplitter, Operatives Spies and Sabateurs).


Maybe Beyond the Hundreth Meridian by Wallace Stegner.

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The last book I read: "The Help" (wonderful by the way)


I am currently reading: " Water for Elephants"


Next book : "The Marva Collins' Way" (Returning to Excellence in Education)


and currently "listening to" on audio while house cleaning: Janet Evanovich's "One For The Money" & Dr. Laura's "Parenting by Proxy"


* By the way, The Help on audio was fantastic !! They use 4 different actresses to play out the various parts and it was the best audio I ever heard done ( with the various voices that is). I highly recommend listening to it, it is like listening to a stage play and it is Awesome !!



* I have a HUGE TBR (to be read) pile that grows daily !


LOL! That's funny! Then allow me to HIGHLY recommend JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series for more vampire stuff, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series cause it's just the best series ever! :D


Loved the book Water for Elephants. Movie was ok.

Outlander series is the. best. ever. Can't wait for the next one to come out next year!

I really need to check out the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I keep hearing so much about it.


last-Harry Potter 7, The Reaf by Nora Roberts. Enjoyed it actually. Don't usually read her stuff.

Current-forever by Maggie stiefvater. Came out on Tuesday! *squee*, Pride and Prejudice by Austen.

Future-The Monstumologist by Rick Yancey and anything else I decide to pick up.


Current read aloud-The Marvelous Land of Oz by Baum.

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