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OMW...some telemarketer just got an earful from me

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So I pick up the phone a minute ago and hear this message that they are calling about my credit card account and that we may qualify for a lowered interest rate, blah, blah, blah. I think "WTHeck?!?!" because, um, we don't HAVE credit cards. I'm thinking identity theft or something here so I wait for them to connect me with an operator. She asks if I'm interested in the offer to lower my rate.




Her: Your number was randomly generated because of your excellent payment history and you may qualify for a lower interest rate.


Payment history ON WHAT CARD?!


This offer is for a Visa or Mastercard. Are you interested in a Visa or Mastercard?


WHAT PAYMENT HISTORY ON WHAT CARD? I don't HAVE any credit cards!!


Well, then you don't qualify! (said with attitude)


Then don't call me acting like you are calling about a real account!!


*loud click*





I really can't stand marketing techniques these days. I mean really. If you are calling to OFFER me a credit card then say so. Don't LIE and act like you are calling about an existing account. Do you really think I want to do business with you if you are full of crap right off the bat?? I've started getting spam on my FAX MACHINE now too. Unbelievable.

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I hate that stuff.:cursing:


Before we had caller I.D., and before the do-not-call registry, I used to answer the telephone by saying, "Hello?" Not my name, not "Burbaster residence," just "Hello." If the caller didn't identify himself, if I didn't recognize the voice, I wasn't in.




"May I speak to Ellie, please?"


"She's not here; may I take a message?"


If it was a legitimate caller, he'd leave his name and number; if he was a telemarketer, he'd say he'd call back (I never knew when Ellie would be back).


It really wasn't very long before I was dropped off most telemarketing lists.


With caller I.D., of course, I don't answer if I don't recognize the name (or if I do, lol).


I have gotten spam on my cell phone. :cursing:


ETA: Once I forgot myself and ended up in an actual conversation with a telemarketer. After I said "NO, I'M NOT INTERESTED" three times, and he kept after me, I said, "Please don't make me hang up on you. I'm not interested." And he excused himself and ended the call. Pfft.

Edited by Ellie
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I get a call like this at least once a month. We don't have any credit cards either. I don't even wait - I just hang up.


When I was child, I was taught that you always identify yourself when calling someone. Most telemarketers don't. They just ask to speak to Mr. _____________ or Mrs. __________. When that happens I always reply with the question, "Who's calling?" I usually get something annoying like, "Bill" or "Tom," to which I ask, "Bill who?" or "Tom who?" to which I get, "Bill Smith" or "Tom Johnson" or the like. They are so rude - I have to dig it out of them. I have to ask what company they represent and then I have to ask why they are calling. Finally, I get, "I'm Bill Smith with Wonderful Windows and would like to come out and give you an estimate for new windows." Um, thanks, but I can usually tell when I am in need of something and when that happens I go out shopping for it, tyvm.


When will these folks figure out that being rude will not culminate in a sale? Why can't they just tell me who they are up front? I would be a whole lot more likely to be open to their sales pitch if they used common phone manners. I am absolutely not open to their sales pitch when they are rude. Is this so hard to understand???


Still they persist with this approach. Do people really buy what these folks are selling when dealt with in this manner? If so, I am truly mystified.

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I hate that too. And now that most of these calls can be blocked (probably not the one's that aren't legit though) they come to my door now. I get a door to door sales person about once a week now. It infuriates me. I have one company who insists I need to give them a copy of my utility bill (after claiming they represent the utility company and want to make sure I'm not being overcharged). I have said, "Do I have stupid written on my forehead?"


Wendy, put a No Soliciting note on your door, they are then not supposed to ring your bell.


Also, when you get any telemarketing call, you must say "Please remove me from your call list." I don't know if any other comment will do.


I get that credit card call all the time. Robo-calls are the worst because they don't give you a chance to state the above.

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We had a bill collector calling multiple times a day about some random person. The conversation would go


Me: Hello


Bill Collector: I need to speak with Mr. XYZ about such and such account.


Me: You have the wrong number. This is the ABC residence.


Bill Collector: Click.


Repeat 2 hours later all.day.long.


Finally I managed to get in "Do not call this number again. Mr. XYZ does not live here."


Ma'am, only Mr. XYZ can request to not be called again. You do not have that authority. Click. :confused::cursing::banghead:


We got caller ID shortly after that incident.

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I get a call like this at least once a month. We don't have any credit cards either. I don't even wait - I just hang up.


When I was child, I was taught that you always identify yourself when calling someone. Most telemarketers don't. They just ask to speak to Mr. _____________ or Mrs. __________. When that happens I always reply with the question, "Who's calling?" I usually get something annoying like, "Bill" or "Tom," to which I ask, "Bill who?" or "Tom who?" to which I get, "Bill Smith" or "Tom Johnson" or the like. They are so rude - I have to dig it out of them. I have to ask what company they represent and then I have to ask why they are calling. Finally, I get, "I'm Bill Smith with Wonderful Windows and would like to come out and give you an estimate for new windows." Um, thanks, but I can usually tell when I am in need of something and when that happens I go out shopping for it, tyvm.


When will these folks figure out that being rude will not culminate in a sale? Why can't they just tell me who they are up front? I would be a whole lot more likely to be open to their sales pitch if they used common phone manners. I am absolutely not open to their sales pitch when they are rude. Is this so hard to understand???


Still they persist with this approach. Do people really buy what these folks are selling when dealt with in this manner? If so, I am truly mystified.




I almost signed my kid up for OHVA/K12 this year, except that they called me over 20 times when I told them not to, that I would make my own decision and I didn't like people calling me. I finally wrote them a nasty note about how their pushy sales made me decide to never get entangled with their company.

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The biggest incident I had was with one of those companies that collects "charity" for police and fire fighters. Many of them are for-profit companies and only give a percentage of their profits to the charities in question. So, we never donate through them.


I get a phone call at 9 o'clock at night, it was the first time my dh was in Afghanistan. He gives his spiel. I say "sorry, we're not interested in donating at this time." The guy said, "don't you think in these times it's important to support those on the front lines of terrorism?" I *lost my mind* on that guy. They never, ever called me again.

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Yeah I think I'll do that. I love the ones that act like they aren't trying to sell you something. Whatever...:glare:


Yeah -- "this is just a courtesy call."


Um, no it isn't.


As we're on the do not call list, I'm guessing that all sales calls we get are illegal. When I point this out the them, they usually tend to hang up in a hurry. But I'd rather scream at them. Really. I know jobs are hard to come by, but I wouldn't think anyone would really want to be involved in illegal activity.


And we are now getting those automated "we can lower your credit card rate" several times a day. I don't answer the phone until someone tries to leave a message on the answering machine. It probably sounds rude, but I can't deal with hopping up over and over for that.

Edited by emubird
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The biggest incident I had was with one of those companies that collects "charity" for police and fire fighters. Many of them are for-profit companies and only give a percentage of their profits to the charities in question. So, we never donate through them.


I get a phone call at 9 o'clock at night, it was the first time my dh was in Afghanistan. He gives his spiel. I say "sorry, we're not interested in donating at this time." The guy said, "don't you think in these times it's important to support those on the front lines of terrorism?" I *lost my mind* on that guy. They never, ever called me again.


:grouphug: That gets my ire up just thinking about it. I wonder if they changed thier spiel after that. Wow.

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:grouphug: That gets my ire up just thinking about it. I wonder if they changed thier spiel after that. Wow.


It wouldn't surprise me if they did. If I had been the guy on the other end of the phone I would have quit my telemarketing job. It was a serious butt-chewing.

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At our previous house we had a No Soliciting sign, I was amazed at the number of solicitors that rang my bell anyway. I would simply point to the RED sign next to the button they just pushed and gently tell tham that reading thsi sign would save them time at the next house and any house that has one won't buy no matter how "fabulous" their widget is...all that to say the sign helps but you still get bothered. Now we live in a neighborhood that solicitors can't get into for the most part and if they do we can call security who will be more than happy to jump into their lil cart and escort the solicitor out (very quiet boring neighborhood and they think this is exciting, lol) :D


Oh and 3 times I had different sales people tell me the thought my sign said No SMOKING!!!! Well I'm still not going to buy from you so please move along

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Yeah I think I'll do that. I love the ones that act like they aren't trying to sell you something. Whatever...:glare:


OMG the magazine selling kids. Oh, sorry, I mean the kids who are doing a project in communication (or whatever their line is). I've never wanted to strangle a kid with my bare hands so badly in my life. Ever. They are ALWAYS the nastiest people when you tell them no.

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My worst door to door was a company that said it was new to our area and needed reviews for how their carpet cleaning service was so they could build up their business. My friend (hopelessly ignorant of this stuff) referred them so I thought it was a nice way to get my carpet cleaned. It was a flat out lie. They really wanted to sell me a vacuum cleaner. It wound up that the guy cleaned our carpet while we all ate dinner. Then, the company calls again 3-4 years later with the same spiel. I told them I would never buy from a company that had to lie to sell its product. Unbelievable! I've learned not to be so trusting.



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We are on the do not call list, and about the only calls I still get are the credit card lowering people. I always press 3 for do not call again, and they still keep calling. Once I waited for a person, so I could tell them "remove me now!" and the person said, "well there are a million companies doing this same thing, so you'll still be getting calls"


How am I getting these calls when I am on the Do Not Call? I would love to have some way to report them. I am considering playing along until I get the name of the company, just so I can report them.

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My mom got a call from this woman. The woman told her that I, using my maiden name, had signed up w/ the company to do this work from home job. My mom said, "I wouldn't know anything about that. My DD doesn't live here." "Oh she doesn't? Well would you be interested in a work from home job? You could be earning blah blah blah." She used my name as bait to get my mother signed up for some crap just to take her money!!!


Then I had a company call me and tell me I won a free General Electric security system for my home. WHen I asked to have all the information in writing I got "Oh we don't put anything writing. We do it all over the phone." OH I see, well no thank you. We already have a security system. Click.


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How am I getting these calls when I am on the Do Not Call? I would love to have some way to report them. I am considering playing along until I get the name of the company, just so I can report them.




I always ask for the company name when I actually speak to someone. I don't know if anything actually happens with those complaints, but I still file them.


We've started hanging up if we don't get a reply in about 3 seconds (and the number isn't clearly someone we know). There's always that lag when the calls are being dialed by computer and then a real person has to pick up.


For those people who want donations, I've taken to saying "We have a select list of charities to whom we donate every year and we are unable to add someone new to the list at this time, thank you very much." DH is more of the "You're selling something? I don't have time for this." And then he hangs up or shuts the door. We have these sunblocking screens on our front screen door, so people often can't see into our house (but we can see out just fine), so that adds a layer of emotional distance.


I really don't like the door to door people who ask you your name. Then they move on to the next house and say, "I was just talking with your neighbor Amey about our great deals...." It's a hard social etiquette "rule" to not tell someone your name when they ask, but I've gotten a lot better about it when I learned it was just to sell carpet cleaning or whatever.

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I got a charity call once from an organization that helped families of kidnapped children. I do not pledge money over the phone. Ever. I told them they could send me their brochure/information in the mail and we would consider them when we were ready to make a donation. The guy was quite belligerent and argumentative. I finally told him that I didn't care for the way he was speaking and I don't know how he got anyone to pledge money. The last thing he said before he hung up, 'You had better wish your children will never be kidnapped.' I wish I had remembered the name of the organization because I wanted to report him. I was livid!


Now that we have caller ID, we do not answer any numbers we do not personally recognize.

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Then I had a company call me and tell me I won a free General Electric security system for my home. WHen I asked to have all the information in writing I got "Oh we don't put anything writing. We do it all over the phone." OH I see, well no thank you. We already have a security system. Click.



This made me :smilielol5::smilielol5: !! I wish I had been on the receiving end of that phone call. You're a SECURITY company and you don't put anything in writing? Bwahahahahaa!

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I LOVE to get calls from telemarketers. There's no one better to mess with over the phone. I have to be really busy not to engage with them, in fact, if the kids know that's what I'm doing they drop everything to come and listen.


At the very least you can pretend you are an old deaf woman and keep saying "What?? What?? Could you repeat that?? Wait, let me get something to write this down." Then repeat it back to them incorrectly. Accents are good too.


We don't get them anymore and they used to be a huge form of entertainment for me.

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So I pick up the phone a minute ago and hear this message that they are calling about my credit card account and that we may qualify for a lowered interest rate, blah, blah, blah. I think "WTHeck?!?!" because, um, we don't HAVE credit cards. I'm thinking identity theft or something here so I wait for them to connect me with an operator. She asks if I'm interested in the offer to lower my rate.




Her: Your number was randomly generated because of your excellent payment history and you may qualify for a lower interest rate.


Payment history ON WHAT CARD?!


This offer is for a Visa or Mastercard. Are you interested in a Visa or Mastercard?


WHAT PAYMENT HISTORY ON WHAT CARD? I don't HAVE any credit cards!!


Well, then you don't qualify! (said with attitude)


Then don't call me acting like you are calling about a real account!!


*loud click*





I really can't stand marketing techniques these days. I mean really. If you are calling to OFFER me a credit card then say so. Don't LIE and act like you are calling about an existing account. Do you really think I want to do business with you if you are full of crap right off the bat?? I've started getting spam on my FAX MACHINE now too. Unbelievable.


I get these calls too. I also do not have credit cards. I just hang up as soon as I hear the recording start.

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If I answer the phone for a number that I do not recognize, and that is a very big if, my favorite tactic is to not say hello or anything. If it is someone legitimate they generally say something. Telemarketers hang up or if they say something I can generally identify them as such and hang up fairly quickly.

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If I answer the phone for a number that I do not recognize, and that is a very big if, my favorite tactic is to not say hello or anything. If it is someone legitimate they generally say something. Telemarketers hang up or if they say something I can generally identify them as such and hang up fairly quickly.


Yes, I get the dead silence at the other end after I've said hello and then I just sit there. When they finally get around to saying hello to me, you can tell they're waiting for me to say hello, which, of course, I've already done. So I just wait silently. They usually say hello again to which I reply, "I've already said that." Like Remudamom, I do it just to mess with their heads. I mean, c'mon. If your computer is going to call 20 people at the same time and I have to sit there and wait for you to get around to me, you are most definitely going to get toyed with by me. It simply cannot be helped.:D

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