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How to make a baby(fetus) wiggle/kick/move?

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DD (23 weeks along) informed me this morning that she hasn't felt the baby move in 48 hours and she is worried. I had her contact her midwife and they discussed possible reasons for a sluggish/not moving baby. That was at 8am this morning. If there is still no movement by tomorrow AM the midwife wants DD to go to the hospital.


It's been 9 hours and still no movement. DD had her job interview and we went window shopping so DD has been active today. She ate a decent, healthy lunch. DD says she just doesn't feel like herself but she cannot explain what is off.


What can we try to get this baby moving? I am thinking about having DD drink some caffeine and eat some sugar, two items she has been avoiding since she became pregnant.


I am going to have her lie on her left side and watch a movie.


What else can we try?

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Pretty sure dr had me drink some juice and lie down for a while. [this was at 38 weeks though] IIRC, when it is still early, and 23 weeks is still early for movement, there can be extended times where you don't feel the baby.


That said, if dd 'feels' something is not right, follow through. I would much rather look stupid and feel better than not check it out. KWIM?


Hope the little one starts a party in there for her. :grouphug:

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Yes, orange juice is a great one. At 23 weeks, it is very possible to go periods without feeling the baby. However, I'm big on mother's intuition. If she feels something is off, I would schedule an appointment to hear the heartbeat right away (I wouldn't wait). More than likely it's totally nothing, but goodness knows you don't want to make a mother worry unnecessarily!

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I had a lot of these episodes with my last pregnancy just last year around those same weeks. Lying down on your left side, drink something sugary or eat graham crackers. At my non-stress tests, when he wouldn't move, they'd use a buzzer/vibrator type thing (yeah it sounds bad... ;) ) but I don't remember when that type of thing would start working.


However, if she's not feeling right, I'd go straight to the hospital and have them check. They can relieve your anxiety in just a few minutes or get a start on any issues right away and at 23 weeks, you'd want to get started right away.


Good luck,

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My dr. had me drink a can of Diet Coke. It was hard to do because I had had zero caffeine and no soda throughout my pregnancy, but I did drink a half can of soda and it got my baby to moving.


I agree about the mother's intention... I'd want to have it checked out.

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At 23 weeks my current little bundle of kicks was like that, too. He would mostly wake up and start moving when I sat down in the evening to relax. While I was up and walking around doing things, I never felt him that much. Now I can't get him to stop, regardless of the time of day or what I'm doing.


FWIW, I was also told to start tracking the movements at 27 weeks. Now that I'm further along, he is kicking and moving all day long.

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If she'd previously felt the baby moving, I'd suggest a trip to the ER to check things out if she's not feelign movement and has a feeling something isn't right - intuition is a big thing in my opinion!


She actually doesn't necessarily need something with caffeine - just something really cold and possibly sweet (like orange juice).....then lay on her left side with her belly (section between hip and belly button) on the mattrass - that should help her feel movement if the baby is turned or if the placenta is forward. The other thing she can do is "jolt" the baby with a very loud sound - they'll do that too if she goes to the ER if they need to get the baby moving more.....she can use any sound, just has to get close to her belly and be really loud and then pulled away.


There are lots of reasons why someone might not feel movement - fluid levels up (not good, but it happens and can be monitored), placenta placed in front, baby moving but not hitting the uterus hard, etc.


I hope things turn out okay!

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I will 2nd/3rd/etc getting checked sooner than tomorrow (especially if she's been feeling consistent movement so far. It is probably fine, maybe baby is in a weird/different position, but still checking is always best, because it isn't always okay. With our first, getting checked wouldn't have changed anything, but I still wish I would have known sooner.

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Yes, something like juice gets my babies moving, as well as pushing on the baby a bit. My MWs said they didn't worry about consistent movement until about 24 weeks, but if she's been feeling movement pretty regularly for a while, I would suggest getting checked out. I hope the baby has just been sleeping because of your daughter's busy day (that does tend to make my babies fall asleep)!

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Apple juice, and laying on the left side is what worked for me.


I found that when I was busy, I didn't notice baby moving as much, if at all. Too distracted, esp at this point. Still, I'd be heading in to get the heartrate too.

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At 23 weeks my current little bundle of kicks was like that, too. He would mostly wake up and start moving when I sat down in the evening to relax. While I was up and walking around doing things, I never felt him that much. Now I can't get him to stop, regardless of the time of day or what I'm doing.


Same here. I rarely felt this one move during the day. And, between maybe 20-30 weeks, how much movement I felt really seemed to depend on the baby's position. If he was in certain positions, I could go days without feeling much if any movement.


In general, cold sugary drinks, as mentioned, got him going. I'd suggest having a sugary snack or drink, and then laying down for a while, to see if that works.

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Thank you all for the replies and the concern. I love how caring you all are.


DD drank a glass of cold orange juice and the baby moved three times. DD is relieved and is able to relax for the time being. She is going to take it easy and watch Little Fockers while lying on her side.



I think this pregnancy is going to give me gray hair.

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Oops, I missed the part where she is only 23 weeks. That's not terribly uncommon, especially if her placenta is towards the front or the baby has turned around, upside down, etc. Just have her spend a few moments each day making sure that she can feel movement. If she were past 25 weeks, I'd recommend she get checked.

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Oops, I missed the part where she is only 23 weeks. That's not terribly uncommon, especially if her placenta is towards the front or the baby has turned around, upside down, etc. Just have her spend a few moments each day making sure that she can feel movement. If she were past 25 weeks, I'd recommend she get checked.


Thanks. I will try to help her relax for the next couple of weeks if baby is quiet again. I think it caught DD by surprise because baby had been quite active the last couple of weeks, so active in fact that baby knocked a bowl off of DD's abdomen.

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Thanks. I will try to help her relax for the next couple of weeks if baby is quiet again. I think it caught DD by surprise because baby had been quite active the last couple of weeks, so active in fact that baby knocked a bowl off of DD's abdomen.


I bet the baby shifted into a different position. When I went for my u/s at around 21 weeks, I wasn't feeling any movement. (I had been feeling movement in weeks 18 and 19.) But, the u/s tech told me he was moving around like crazy. He was just in a position where I couldn't feel it.


Tell her to just wait. LOL I'm in the phase right now where the baby is constantly bumping into either my lungs or my bladder.

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I bet the baby shifted into a different position. When I went for my u/s at around 21 weeks, I wasn't feeling any movement. (I had been feeling movement in weeks 18 and 19.) But, the u/s tech told me he was moving around like crazy. He was just in a position where I couldn't feel it.


Tell her to just wait. LOL I'm in the phase right now where the baby is constantly bumping into either my lungs or my bladder.


How far are you? I think I'm 30 weeks tomorrow. (The weeks go by so fast, I'm always losing count! I'm due in mid-September.) I'm also at that stage. He is always hitting my bladder within minutes of me thinking I had it emptied! And he seems to be getting me in the ribs pretty good, too. I don't remember my girls causing so much pain.

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Thank you all for the replies and the concern. I love how caring you all are.


DD drank a glass of cold orange juice and the baby moved three times. DD is relieved and is able to relax for the time being. She is going to take it easy and watch Little Fockers while lying on her side.



I think this pregnancy is going to give me gray hair.


I'm glad all is well. My opinion would be that she just was walking the little bugger to sleep all day. I have had several days in this pregnancy where I thought, "Gee, I haven't felt him move much today." And then, within minutes of sitting down and placing my hands on my belly, he woke up and started rolling like crazy. And those do tend to be the days where I'm out shopping or cleaning a lot or hanging out in the yard with my girls.

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I'm so glad she felt the baby move!! Just wanted to say that my doctor told me that when I was up and active that it was very calming and soothing to the baby- like rocking. When you're still and calm, the baby wakes up because they're not being 'rocked'. It seems to make sense!

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So glad she felt the baby move! I've had days like that, and it's so very scary.


If it makes your daughter feel better, you can get a fetoscope from ebay; I got mine three years ago, but it was only about $15, IIRC. At her stage, she would probably be able to hear the baby, and it's safe to use -- no waves going to the baby like with a Doppler. It's just a stethoscope that is designed for hearing an in utero baby. Maybe that would bring her peace of mind for the next few weeks, until she's feeling lots of regular movement.

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This is why I rented a doppler. To keep myself from going nuts. I decided not to worry about the waves for 10 seconds or less, used only when I was having trouble getting good kick counts. With DS2, he turned so his back was facing out and all of the movement was where I couldn't feel it. He also liked to sleep. That whole pregnancy, his personality was that of a warm snuggly lump. It was very hard to wake him up. He was the same after he was born. I would have been in a constant state of panic without any way to check on him.

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