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Can we maybe get a roll call of all the moms with a new kindy child this fall?

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...but I am itching to try something different. Maybe OPGTR, PP, or Funnix. We'll see. Any suggestions for this mama who has trouble making decisions? :lol:


we tried OPGTR and the alphabet poem was very helpful, but after that DS was totally unresponsive. Now we are using Alpha-Phonics and I LOVE it. It's simple and has the child reading short words right from the first lesson. I plan to use it with my other dc as well.

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My middle DS officially starts kindergarten in August. Even though I've been homeschooling my oldest for a couple of years, everyone seems so surprised when I tell them that I'll also be homeschooling his younger brother for K. I sometimes wonder what other people are thinking! :001_huh: :lol:

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My daughter is 5.5. She'll start K this year and I'm super excited about it! Two days a week will be spent at a homeschool enrichment program in our area. There she'll do science, humanities, Spanish, and art. At home we'll be doing Right Start B and McRuffy Phonics.

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My oldest will officially start Kindergarten on August 22. We sorta did K last year, but never anything very formal. We also took time off when baby girl was born. If he were in PS, he'd be starting K this fall, so I'm just calling it K even though he does some 1st grade work. Technically, I don't have to report him or record hours until next year, so this is my practice year to make sure we can do school consistently.

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My second daughter starts K this year. She'll turn 5 in August. We started our school week this week.


I did preschool with her last year, so she's pretty used to the idea of school, only now she has to do all three subjects (Math, Phonics & Handwriting) every day instead of twice a week. She's adjusting well.

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We're not new to homeschooling. I'll be teaching 6th, 4th, 1st/2nd with the boys and K with my dd.


My dd4 began doing K work back in Mar. We took off for summer (mommy) break and will start up again the last week of Aug. This fall we'll be working hard on penmanship and the development of her pincer muscles. She's my one child I have to limit schooling with. She would do seat & computer work all day if I let her. We purchased Starfall's kindergarten curriculum for the fun stuff, Phonics Pathways/Phonics Reader, and Math U See. She did SM Early Bird series last year. We have a hodgepog of art and music materials she'll use with her brothers. We won't be doing any science, social studies or history, just because I won't have time with one doing Jr.high and Mr. tandem boy (my 9yo).

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We'll be starting year 2 of our 2 year Kindergarten with my soon to be 4 year old and my 5 year old. Well, we don't ever really stop for summer, so I guess we're just continuing. My 5 year old will be moving on to some 1st grade curriculum, but I decided against starting all of her 1st grade stuff until she's reading more fluently.

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My daughter will be starting K this fall. She won't be 5 until Feb., but loves learning. I really didn't want to start her yet but she keeps begging me. LOL Anyway, I was just going to do a pre-K curriculum for her but after looking over some, realized she knew all of that. So we will start the K curriculum and see how she does. I'm not going to push her or anything just take our time with it and have fun.:001_smile:

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Guest starbuck22

Hi, I am new to the forum and new to homeschooling. I have DS who will be five in August.

We have been doing R&S this summer and he is about to finish the Counting With Numbers book. So, I guess we have kind of been doing kindy since early June.

I'm leaning towards HOD or maybe MFW for our "official" kindy start probably after labor day.

We also have DD who will be 3 in October and will be following along where she can and a noob due in November.

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My I-assume-he's-last son starts kindergarten this fall. Even though he's our eighth, each child is so different that there are always, always new challenges! This little guy has graduated out of speech therapy but still has expressive and receptive language delays, so still plenty to be nervous about, and learn how to teach to.

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This will be our first "real" homeschool year with DD (4) who will be 5 in August. We are calling it K. We've been doing stuff for the past year and have been working on HOD, math, and handwriting since last March. I really wanted to take a picture of her "1st day of K" but we've been doing some things through the summer, so not sure when to do that. We will probably start more consistently again the last week of August. She reads well and does simple Math. She is doing mostly 1st grade and some K work.

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Child number 6 starts K this year. I'm a little in shock but am starting to get excited. This is Not our first year, but I plan on it being one of our best.


Our newest kindergartener has A Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder. I am so thankful that we home school because there is no way he could have attended a traditional school. It's nice that home school was already "normal" for our family.

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My DS1 turned five in June. We are technically delaying kindergarten (Virginia requires registration or an official delay if the child is five by August something--the delay is only optional to those who are not six by September 30), but we will work on a few subjects. It will be more official than last year, but I'm sort of in line with the "start school at age six" crowd, so I'm not feeling too much pressure. But I am excited to do a bit more than last year!

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Guest carolinashore

This is our first year with HS - my son will be in kindergarten. I'm waiting to start when the PSs start. I didn't make the final decision to HS until 2 or 3 weeks ago, so I'm still getting myself organized.

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Nope, but yes this is our first official year, I've got kids just before and just past kdg and i taught ps kdg for 7 years so i've gotta post something!! I've got a 1st grader this year (an older due to the age cutoff, she just turned 7) and my littler 3 1/2 year old is wanting to do school, but not quite preschool age.

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I posted before that I have a dd who will be official K age this year, but she is generally doing 1st work so I'm going to post about my other dd who is actually doing K work this year :tongue_smilie:. The Drama is (we started already) using MFW K, Singapore Essentials K (on book B), and HWoT K for a core. We also have an assortment of extras for fun that we do when we feel like it: ASL, Spanish, ETC online, Happy Phonics, Lollipop Logic, and I will be starting Miquon soon. She also takes gymnastics.

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Guest mamajse

We're starting K with our oldest, who is 5 turning 6 this winter. This is our first year of 'official' homeschooling. I'm trying to find a healthy balance between the curriculum stuff we're working on, and the importance of being only 5 and having plenty of time to play and imagine. SWB's advice of Kindergarten work requiring only an hour or so each day is providing a helpful check!

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We have two K'ers starting this year and this will be our first year of official homeschooling. One of my sons will be 6 at the end of September and the other will be 6 in mid-November. We are planning to start around the same time the kids go back to school here, which is around 8/19.


I'm excited and a little nervous.

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Are any of you planning to read SOTW this early?



I believe some are and hopefully they will respond. I have gone back and forth about it, as we are doing a mix of K and 1st. For now, we are not going to be doing it but we may add it later, maybe in Jan., depending on how everything goes.

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