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Ok ladies, talk to me about chicken pox.

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Dd, 5 for a myriad of reasons I will not go into here, has not been vx'd for it. Tonight, while changing for bed, dd 12 noticed a rash on her belly and chest. It looks poxy to me, but then, what do I know.


It looks like there are a few spots on one arm and one spot on her leg, but the rest is fine.


We did get some deli food from Fred Meyer, but I am unaware of any allergies to food and she eats a varied diet. Nothing she had, should have been new.



There is no fever.


So, what comes first? Fever, spots, or what?



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For my oldest daughter, it was spots. For me, I felt a little crappy, called in to work, decided I was a wimp and went into the bathroom to get ready and... spots. I was 26. Honestly, other than the shunning, I didn't feel awful, and I'm not sure either of us had a fever at all.

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i had them at 15, and I thought my face had a pimple, and as I looked in the mirror at it, more appeared.


they were spots at first...but not rash-y.


and yes, i had fever, nausea, an excruciating headache...getting it when you are older is much worse than when you're small.

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We had spots first and a little tiredness preceding the first case, which was the biggest boy. The oldest had a very mild case. He laid low a couple of days, had spots primarily on his trunk and a couple in his throat! He had very few on his face, if you didn't know he had the Pox, you would not have guessed just by looking at his face.


My #2 had the most severe case, like covered in them. On her lips, her eyes, everywhere. She felt the worst of all of mine and laid low for a couple of days, but she is also the one who needs the most sleep. She did have remnants of Pox 2 months after getting them in a couple of places, but is all cleared.


Our #3 and 4 had much milder cases. Neither was particularly uncomfortable after the second day or so and just carried on with life as usual at home.


All in all it was relatively easy at our house. The big boy was exposed first and after his spots appeared everyone had caught it within two weeks. It went around our circle of friends and some of the kids had really bad cases. We passed it on to another family (that wanted it!). Thankfully all of those families that caught it weathered it fine. I did give some extra Vitamin C to help boost immune systems, as I was worried about them catching something following the Pox w/ their immune systems down.

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both my boys had them. First, I think they felt lousy but couldn't really explain that. it was only looking back that we realized they were ill. Then comes some spots and then comes MORE spots and fever etc. They usually start on the trunk or head then move outwards. There is a real BLOOM of spots. You see one, then maybe a couple more and then a what might be another one and then they are everywhere.


Trim their nails. Keep their hands really, really clean to reduce infection. I had them use a lot of sanitizer. One of the bigger complications of CP is secondary skin infection. Lay in a supply of spray benedryl and oatmeal bath. A chickenpox has a clear blister at the tip.


They feel like hell for about 4 or 5 days but then they start to feel better. I did sleep on their floor for those days. Lots of lukewarm baths. I remember just pouring water on their backs. The pouring water reduced the itching. I just poured and poured and poured. I borrowed a bunch of DVDs from friends. Both of them felt too lousy to read or colour. it was a week of hard core couch time. Lots of popsicles and sherbet.

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So how do I know for sure. I read Dr. Sears website and said it could be other things. I guess we are going to stay home for a few days.


It will became apparent in a couple of days if you are indeed dealing with CP. I was pretty certain b/c I knew there had been exposure from a child in a class my child participated in. When those first few spots appeared, I knew it was looking like we had them.

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I called the ped when my youngest got spots and a fever on his chest at 11 mths. The older 2 had been vaccinated, so I had never gone through it before. It was the oddest thing. The dr's office acted like we had the plague. They told me to come in immediately, and to go to the back door and someone would be waiting for me. I was escorted straight to a room, where the doctor came in right away. They took my credit card from me in the room, and then brought me back the receipt to sign. Then, a nurse escorted me out the back door. It was so over the top.


But then I started thinking, that was the fastest I've ever been in and out of the pediatrician's on a sick visit. Maybe I'll get a red marker and draw dots the next time I need an appointment....


btw, the dr said tylenol/motrin and socks to cover his hands.

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I called the ped when my youngest got spots and a fever on his chest at 11 mths. The older 2 had been vaccinated, so I had never gone through it before. It was the oddest thing. The dr's office acted like we had the plague. They told me to come in immediately, and to go to the back door and someone would be waiting for me. I was escorted straight to a room, where the doctor came in right away. They took my credit card from me in the room, and then brought me back the receipt to sign. Then, a nurse escorted me out the back door. It was so over the top.


But then I started thinking, that was the fastest I've ever been in and out of the pediatrician's on a sick visit. Maybe I'll get a red marker and draw dots the next time I need an appointment....


btw, the dr said tylenol/motrin and socks to cover his hands.


I'm telling you.

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If you think it is chicken pox you might want to call your dr. They need to verify that it is chicken pox for the vaccination records.


There is also a blood test that shows CP antibodies, if it ever comes to that. My family Dr is very CP friendly and I didn't have to go in. The kids felt lousy and he didn't want me to make them travel. He said that if anyone ever questions if they have had CP I can ask for a blood test to prove it.


My husband had to have the antibody test because he couldn't remember if he had CP (neither did his parents) and he had to go out of town. He didn't want to be in an airplane and suddenly come down with CP.


He was out of town each time one of the kids had CP, btw. I put him on puke duty for life to make it up to me.

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If you think it is chicken pox you might want to call your dr. They need to verify that it is chicken pox for the vaccination records.



I took my boys in to have it verified and written in their records that they had cp. A couple years later, a different Dr. in the group, told me the boys needed the cp vax. I told her it was in their records that they'd had them. She told me it didn't matter if kids had already had cp because the office policy was all kids had to get the vax regardless of natural immunity. I replied, "That seems like a great way to make some money." She gave me a dirty look, and that pretty much ended the appointment. We don't go there any more.



I'm waiting for my little one to get it.


Oh, for my boys, they got spots first. Oldest ds was 4 at the time and he developed a fever. Other ds was 16 months and did not develop a fever.


Aveeno makes a great lotion to help with itchiness. It actually says chicken pox rash on the bottle.

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I took my boys in to have it verified and written in their records that they had cp. A couple years later, a different Dr. in the group, told me the boys needed the cp vax. I told her it was in their records that they'd had them. She told me it didn't matter if kids had already had cp because the office policy was all kids had to get the vax regardless of natural immunity.


Wow, that's crazy. I just took my dd in for a checkup. She had one cp vaccine when she was 2 and then had cp at 4. The checkup was at a different Dr office and they offered the second cp vaccine. I just told them she'd already had cp. They said, "That's terrific! Good for you!", made a note in the chart and didn't mention the vaccine again. I turned down 4 out of 5 vaccines offered at that appointment.

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I didn't get the chicken pox until I was 21 with a baby. It was hell! I was exposed many times as child, deliberately by my mom, just never got it. Everyone gets it late in my family. I waited until DD was 10 to vaccinate her as I was hoping she would get it. I didn't want her to end up like me, older and have it be worse!


I had a horrible flu for about three days prior to getting them. I had the worst, bone-wracking body aches of my life and a high fever. I started getting weird bumps and blisters on my head and chest. First I thought that it was an irritant from something. I got more and that was that. They really seemed like blisters or something..


Good luck

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I didn't get the chicken pox until I was 21 with a baby. It was hell! I was exposed many times as child, deliberately by my mom, just never got it. Everyone gets it late in my family. I waited until DD was 10 to vaccinate her as I was hoping she would get it. I didn't want her to end up like me, older and have it be worse!


I had a horrible flu for about three days prior to getting them. I had the worst, bone-wracking body aches of my life and a high fever. I started getting weird bumps and blisters on my head and chest. First I thought that it was an irritant from something. I got more and that was that. They really seemed like blisters or something..


Good luck


:iagree: This was me, I had them at 20, and that was the sickest I've ever been. I never caught it as a kid either, despite being exposed to it several times. Kids do seem to get off much more lightly with it than adults do.

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They don't vaccinate in the UK for chickenpox. My ds had it earlier this year (January the 1st no less). He never had any fever, just lots of itchiness. Gave him baths with finely ground oats to sooth the itch. It was over in about 1 1/2 weeks. He has some scars but oh, well.... I have no idea where he got it.

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Well aside from the bumps on her belly and a slight temp, 99.8 she is whiny and demanding and well acting normal. :o She's the baby and a bit spoiled.


I don't see any more, but some of them are starting to look a bit blistery. I may call the dr to give a heads up but doubt I will bring her in. Doesn't really seem necessary at this point.


Would be nice though if she does have it and the vx my other kids rcvd is going to wear off that the others got it now too. My ds is 9 and I am seriously considering a booster for him if he doesn't get it soon. I heard cp can cause sterility in boys if they get it after puberty.


I suppose I should go and research some more.

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Sometimes it can be very mild. Apparently I only had a few on my legs when I was an infant.


Four of my children had it all over and were quite sick, so I actually vaccinated my fifth. Then, four years later, SHE got the chicken pox! It was quite mild. So even if you are vaccinated, you can still get them, although it's usually very mild. Just in case anyone was wondering! :)

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So the rash can come before or after a fever that may or may not arrive. Alright, I'm cool. :D


Well, lmk, because there are a TON of people who would want to come play at your house, if you have them!! I also would tell you about the witch's brew that I made for the kids.... helped with the "no" scarring ;)

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Well, lmk, because there are a TON of people who would want to come play at your house, if you have them!! I also would tell you about the witch's brew that I made for the kids.... helped with the "no" scarring ;)


Wait, I have to clean my house! :glare: Can't I just have her drink out of a water bottle and pass it around to friends? :tongue_smilie:

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No. That is MUMPS that can cause sterility after puberty NOT chicken pox.


Hmmm, found a blog with a mayo article that I cannot access now. The excerpt said that mumps is def. the main cause of sterility in a post pubescent boy. However, it is possible, though unlikely. That is heartening b/c I really am not a big fan of this vax.

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Would you please get it confirmed by a doctor? 'Cause then if your family passes it around we just may drive down for a visit next week. Do you have room for us to stay the night?


And a warm bath can help bring out more bumps if it is pox. I remember my mom throwing us in the bath.

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Would you please get it confirmed by a doctor? 'Cause then if your family passes it around we just may drive down for a visit next week. Do you have room for us to stay the night?


And a warm bath can help bring out more bumps if it is pox. I remember my mom throwing us in the bath.


They want me to call them tomorrow.


Is there a benefit to bring out more bumps? Does it run its course quicker?

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Yup, you're right... it's all about the virus. I'd see ya anyway, but we are SOOOO done with chx pox. Oatmeal baths were horrible for us, keeping slathered with different oils was great. Especially when healing, you want to keep slathered. AND, if it turns into a respiratory thing, you want a simple antiviral. (Nathan improved in maybe 1 day or something... as soon as he got on it.) He was so horrible looking that the Dr said it was a good thing he was a boy. (You know... boys wouldn't care about having scars all over their face...) Anyway, you know how it ended up... No visible scars..

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They want me to call them tomorrow.


Is there a benefit to bring out more bumps? Does it run its course quicker?


Just if you like screaming kids!! I don't think that really helps much... but... you are contagious for a certain amount of days after breaking out. (I think it may be 10)

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Mika and I are camping near Ocean Shores tomorrow through Sunday morning. I just called her down and asked if she wanted to visit Hannah and get sick. LOL She's 11 1/2 and hasn't gotten it yet. Every time someone we knew had them, I had a brand new baby so I couldn't expose mine. We're getting close to vaccinating her because of the risks to teens/adults.

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Mika and I are camping near Ocean Shores tomorrow through Sunday morning. I just called her down and asked if she wanted to visit Hannah and get sick. LOL She's 11 1/2 and hasn't gotten it yet. Every time someone we knew had them, I had a brand new baby so I couldn't expose mine. We're getting close to vaccinating her because of the risks to teens/adults.


Well if it was a choice btw sickness with itching and pain vs Ocean Shores, I would most definitely pick Ocean Shores. We were there last Oct., it was wonderful.


:001_smile: I suppose we could make room. It'd be tight, and well, I guess I have to clean now. :glare: Oh and dh just made an awesome but messy Craigslist run.


Anyone need a 3-ring binder?

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At 12, be prepared for her to feel really, really bad. Before Collin and Keira were born, all my other kids contracted chicken pox. Mia's were mild and everyone else got a moderate case. Meghan was 14 and she was so much sicker than then rest. As an aside, Jenna was out of town with a relative when the whole thing started, so when she came back I stuck her in the room with the freshest case. It was only 3-4 days before she began to break out. So incubation can take 21 days, but it can be a lot quicker than that.



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We got treated like ds had the plague too. He was about 13 mos old and I had just refused the CP vax at his one year checkup, and the ped *apologized* to him (and her tone made it sound like it was my fault) that he got the CP and made us leave thru the back door, and told me it was 95% likely my dd would get CP (she hadn't been vaccinated either). Well, she didn't get it. My ds never had a fever, it didn't seem to bother him at all, he didn't itch or anything. The doc said it was CP, but I'm not entirely convinced. The rash did cover his entire abdomen but didn't really spread anywhere else.

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