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I am having a lot of problems with acne, what should I do?

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I like most teenagers have acne, but lately my acne has gotten out of control. For 2 years now I have been going to a dermatologist to be treated for my acne problems, but about 7 months ago my acne started coming back and now my face is a mess again. I hate the way I look with acne and nothing my dermatologist is giving me works anymore and I am a little tired of it. My face is so oily and I have acne all over my forehead, around my nose and on my chin. Two years ago my face was so clear it was ridiculous.


Now my dermatologist is retired and I won't be able to get another appointment with a new derm. for another 3 months. No home remedy treatments work and I have almost ordered proactiv just to try it. OTC stuff is junk, it doesn't work for me.


What should I do?:bigear:

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I'm 31 and my acne has just gone away. Why? Well, my dermatologist told me to take zinc pills. I thought that was weird, but he takes it because it works for him so I tried it. I'd try anything really since at 31 it's long since time for my acne to clear up. I'm very happy with the results. I still have some blackheads but only once every few months do I get a zit. Before I looked like a teen in the midst of hormone surges.

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Is there a chance you could have PCOS (e.g., do you have irregular cycles)?


This is a good question. I have PCOS and my acne went away at 17, but it came back at 19 when my PCOS came on full force and hasn't gone away since until recently when I finally found something that worked.

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Who got your records from the old derm? If the products that he last prescribed worked for you, call and ask if the new dr who took them over will authorize one refill of each until you can reschedule.


Depending on how long it was, the new dr may be okay with that. If you don't know who it was, call the old phone number and see if they have the information you need.




Otherwise, have you tried either Apple Cider Vinegar or Honey to clean your face? Have you tried the oil cleaning method? These are different than just treating with OTC items and if you haven't tried them, they may be worth a week or so to see if they will help you.



I have to be very, very careful about what face lotion I buy or just that alone will break me out. Neutrogena combination skin w/o sunscreen is one of the few I have found to be good for me. Sunscreens are horrible on my acne. I have tried soooo many kinds and they all break out my face. I have always had acne here are a few things I know make a difference for me. I have to wash my face at night before bed and in the shower in the morning. Washing my cell phone, work phones and the house phone with rubbing alcohol every couple of weeks, help me immensely. I try to not touch my face through the day but sometimes I catch my self propping my face on my hands. I wash my pillowcase without fabric softener. I have a couple and wash them all together with bleach and switch them out as needed. I don't lay my head on the couch pillows (full of everyone's germs/bacteria). I can't use hair products and then go to bed with them in my hair or they will break out my face. If I want to use them, I have to take a shower at night to wash them out before bedtime.

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Is there a chance you could have PCOS (e.g., do you have irregular cycles)?


In all honestly I don't know. Sometimes it seems like I do, and then sometimes I don't you know? I don't think I do though.


Check out Makeupalley.com - they have a GREAT skincare board with very knowledgeable women. You might also look closely at your diet.


Hope you find a solution! Dealing with skin issues is miserable.


I actually changed my diet so that it will help my face. I eat tons of fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water to help deal with my acne. I lost weight, but not the acne.:glare:


I'm 31 and my acne has just gone away. Why? Well, my dermatologist told me to take zinc pills. I thought that was weird, but he takes it because it works for him so I tried it. I'd try anything really since at 31 it's long since time for my acne to clear up. I'm very happy with the results. I still have some blackheads but only once every few months do I get a zit. Before I looked like a teen in the midst of hormone surges.


How big are the zinc pills and do you think they wll work for me? I am willing to try anything! And glad to hear your acne has cleared up!:)


This is a good question. I have PCOS and my acne went away at 17, but it came back at 19 when my PCOS came on full force and hasn't gone away since until recently when I finally found something that worked.


Do you mean you get your cycle one month and not the next? If so, then I don't think I have PCOS because I seem to have a fairly normal cycle.

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Who got your records from the old derm? If the products that he last prescribed worked for you, call and ask if the new dr who took them over will authorize one refill of each until you can reschedule.


Depending on how long it was, the new dr may be okay with that. If you don't know who it was, call the old phone number and see if they have the information you need.




Otherwise, have you tried either Apple Cider Vinegar or Honey to clean your face? Have you tried the oil cleaning method? These are different than just treating with OTC items and if you haven't tried them, they may be worth a week or so to see if they will help you.



I have to be very, very careful about what face lotion I buy or just that alone will break me out. Neutrogena combination skin w/o sunscreen is one of the few I have found to be good for me. Sunscreens are horrible on my acne. I have tried soooo many kinds and they all break out my face. I have always had acne here are a few things I know make a difference for me. I have to wash my face at night before bed and in the shower in the morning. Washing my cell phone, work phones and the house phone with rubbing alcohol every couple of weeks, help me immensely. I try to not touch my face through the day but sometimes I catch my self propping my face on my hands. I wash my pillowcase without fabric softener. I have a couple and wash them all together with bleach and switch them out as needed. I don't lay my head on the couch pillows (full of everyone's germs/bacteria). I can't use hair products and then go to bed with them in my hair or they will break out my face. If I want to use them, I have to take a shower at night to wash them out before bedtime.


I have used honey, apple cider vinegar, and alcohol and nothing worked. But what is the oil cleaning method? And I do the same thing you do but still it doesn't get rid of it, it just controls it.

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I have used honey, apple cider vinegar, and alcohol and nothing worked. But what is the oil cleaning method? And I do the same thing you do but still it doesn't get rid of it, it just controls it.





I think for people like us who get acne...controlling it is where you have to be. Small little things, all added together, keeping it controlled or hopefully, eventually, controlled to the point where you don't see it anymore.

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I was going to suggest the oil cleansing method as well. What helps me though since I'm using soap is to stay away from any makeup like foundation or powder an to NOT wash my face every day. Sounds funny but I only wash my face when I have a shower and that's about every second day. Sometimes I don't even wash it in the shower.


For me at least, when I started not using soap everyday on my face it stopped producing so much oil and now acne is a very occasional thing.


Someone reccomended Proactiv. It can work but it's basically the same as acne treatments you buy in any drugstore but much more expensive.

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I have had a lot of luck with the oil cleansing method. It has made the biggest difference of anything I've tried. I couldn't do the oil cleansing method the way others described, however. I couldn't get the oil off and I felt oily all day and my breakouts were worse. What does the trick is to do the OCM about 4-5 times a week in the shower so that the steam opens my pores. I put the oil on after I wash my hair and take it off last. I take it off with a clarisonic face brush with some random cleanser on it. I was nervous about letting the oil on the clarisonic brush but it has been fine. I tried the clarisonic first and it was not a miracle worker. I tried the OCM alone and the results were mixed, but the OCM with the clarisonic does the trick for me. I used to get cysts which were horrible and haven't had one in almost a year.

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I had problems with acne for a while and proactive was absolutely the only thing that helped me. It might be worth trying it for 6 weeks to see if it helps. I was skeptical but amazed. Now I don't use it again, because I have no problems again.

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How big are the zinc pills and do you think they wll work for me? I am willing to try anything! And glad to hear your acne has cleared up!:)


Do you mean you get your cycle one month and not the next? If so, then I don't think I have PCOS because I seem to have a fairly normal cycle.


They are 50mg. I have no idea why they work so well, but my dermatologist had the same experience and that's why he recommends it to his patients.


I mean I go years at times without a cycle. If you're regular, then it's very unlikely that your issue is PCOS. :001_smile:

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I've had a huge success with these items and my ds14 has had a huge success as well:



They also have a gel form that might work better for you. Though both my son and I do well on this even though it is lotion and we both have oily skin. This is the one that really helps the acne the most.



We use this one several times a week. I don't usually wash it off anymore as my skin is used to it. I also don't use it everyday as it will cause your skin to peel.


I use plain Apricot Scrub in the morning in the shower and at night I use Phisoderm PH Anti-Blemish Gel Wash:



Good luck - I hope you find what works for you,

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Check out Makeupalley.com - they have a GREAT skincare board with very knowledgeable women. You might also look closely at your diet.


Hope you find a solution! Dealing with skin issues is miserable.


Oh my goodness, another MUAer?!?!


I highly recommend retinol. Find yourself the strongest form you can and start using.

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Thank you everyone for all of the tips for solving my acne. My dad is going to make another appointment with the dermatologist and I am going to give some of the tips you all gave me a try. Even if it just controls it until I can see the derm again is good enough for me!:001_smile:

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For me, a visit to the naturopath & dentist worked.


Turns out I have sensitivities to chemicals in foods along with good supplements.. and about six months of dental work fixed it. I had no idea how much infection was literally in my face from poor gum health. I now eat a totally weird diet called raw, but it's marvelous for me.


Have you tried diet or dentist?

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For me, a visit to the naturopath & dentist worked.


Turns out I have sensitivities to chemicals in foods along with good supplements.. and about six months of dental work fixed it. I had no idea how much infection was literally in my face from poor gum health. I now eat a totally weird diet called raw, but it's marvelous for me.


Have you tried diet or dentist?


I have and I am on a diet that includes a lot more vegetables and fruits, not a lot of red meat or bread, and a lot less junk food. There has been an improvement in my face but I notice if I go back to my old ways for one day my face breaks out a little. The dentist has said nothing about how my mouth affects my face, I have a good mouth and everything looks fine to the dentist.


Thanks for the tips!

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There was a study presented at one of the big dermatology conferences suggesting a reduced carbohydrate diet might be helpful.


If there's any chance you are dealing w/ PCOS, this may be particularly helpful.



We started eating a paleo diet, ie: meat, veggies, fruit, good fats, etc.; no grains. My son have terrible acne but after being on the diet for a few months his acne is virtually gone. It will flair up if he eats any grain products at all.


That was one of the many great side affects of our diet change.

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We tried the dermatologist, and oral antibiotics were helpful, but my Dd 16 was sick more in that time than ever before so we stopped them.


So, now she takes higher doses of Vit E, D, tones with witch hazel and uses a natural salicylic wash. Her skin is beautiful.


We tried proactive and it was *horrid*. The vitamins and witch hazel have woked the best, and they work even with me.

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Try some research on systemic disease and dental health.


It's a learning process if you've never explored this issue before.


Try to preview quality reference material, peer-reviewed etc.


I also have experimented with elimination diets (removal of specific foods) to test my body response. The most dramatic first test to try is the removal of all starch based foods. Try it for ten days or so to see if you may have a style of candida.


You'll know at the end of ten days just by the way your skin responds. If you see major improvement or not.

Edited by one*mom
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We tried the dermatologist, and oral antibiotics were helpful, but my Dd 16 was sick more in that time than ever before so we stopped them.


So, now she takes higher doses of Vit E, D, tones with witch hazel and uses a natural salicylic wash. Her skin is beautiful.


We tried proactive and it was *horrid*. The vitamins and witch hazel have woked the best, and they work even with me.


Does she use an alcohol free witch hazel?

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Proactiv is just a weaker version of what your dermatologist prescribes. I have tried it and it helped for a little while. I also went to a dermatologist for about a year when I was a teen, and I saw little improvement. I still get acne and I'm 27. The only time I have clear skin is when I'm pregnant or nursing, but I don't recommend that unless you are graduated and married;). Sorry I can not offer you really any advice.

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Liz Earle hot polish cleanser 100% changed my skin. I've always broken out no matter my diet or sleep habits.


I've used Proactive, and it worked well for a year or two. Liz Earle is so much more gentle and natural. I've been using it for at least 4 years, and my skin still looks great.


I have Lupus so my skin has issues from that too. This product has been a real blessing in my life.


It's from the UK, but they have a US website: http://us.lizearle.com/


Also, it lasts a long time and smells great.


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My 15yo has had a lot of success following the regimen at acne.org . She does it just 1x/day instead of 2x/day. I found about it on this board.


My 18yo is having issues with it too, but refuses to do all 3 steps, so she hasn't made any progress. She is willing to use one and only one product on her face each day. She doesn't care what that product is, but she won't do anything that requires more than one step.


What my 15yo initially used was Nutrogena 7-day Acne Intervention Kit. That worked great. She tried seeing if she could control it after that, but she couldn't. That's when she agreed to try acne.org (because she didn't want to do anything with 3 steps long-term either). She cleared up again with it. She still has issues, but NOTHING like before.

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My 15yo has had a lot of success following the regimen at acne.org . She does it just 1x/day instead of 2x/day. I found about it on this board.


My 18yo is having issues with it too, but refuses to do all 3 steps, so she hasn't made any progress. She is willing to use one and only one product on her face each day. She doesn't care what that product is, but she won't do anything that requires more than one step.


What my 15yo initially used was Nutrogena 7-day Acne Intervention Kit. That worked great. She tried seeing if she could control it after that, but she couldn't. That's when she agreed to try acne.org (because she didn't want to do anything with 3 steps long-term either). She cleared up again with it. She still has issues, but NOTHING like before.


Do you think I could start the regimen even though I have been using a different kind of medication for my face?? I don't want my face to get worse if it might reacte bad to the new medication. But I want my face to clear up!!:confused:

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