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What is One Book That You Wish All Parents Would Read?

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I know it's hard to narrow it down to one... but try! <--- ok, I changed my mind! If you want to put a few books down, that's ok by me!


I'm going to go with The Last Child In The Woods by Richard Louv.


I read it a few years ago and I will never forget it! Basically, it tells of the importance of children growing up with a love of nature and how we should promote community instead of fear.



I can't wait to see what the hive comes up with! :lurk5:

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Just one?


Protecting the Gift by Gavin de Becker.


I LOVE this book! It has seriously changed the way I go about my daily life, and what I teach my children. For a long time after 9/11, and then Elizabeth Smart, who lives in my city, I lived in a lot of fear. After reading this book, I learned how to deal with situations, to trust my gut, and to be more confident.

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"Mothering Your Nursing Toddler"--for making me forever let go of the anxiety to figure out 'how long' I was going to nurse.

"The Baby Book" and "The Continuum Concept" for giving me the space to follow my heart and instincts without worrying about spoiling a baby. (The old edition of "Right from the Start" was great for this as well.)

"Becoming the Parent You Want to Be" and "How to Really Love Your Child" for discipline/relationship stuff for children 4 and up.

"The Underground History of American Education" for making me a homeschooler by utter and complete conviction.

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Well, if we're talking about "everyone" including the K-mart moms shouting, "Ahmunna beat yo beat!" and various other threats involving smacking, whacking, etc, along with a slew of less violent threats that clearly aren't going to be carried out no matter what the child does... (And the child clearly knows this.) Or the calmer parents pleading with their young children to obey while sitting there looking defeated and hopeless... (And the child clearly knows that's going to continue no matter what the parent *says*.)


Well, I'm thinking my vote would be for plain old SuperNanny. Her advice is gentle, consistent, no-nonsense, respectful of children *and* parents...


My mother keeps threatening to buy a supply of her books and have silicon bracelets printed with "WWSND?" to hand out to people in public. ;)

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Each parent has their own strengths, weaknesses, and personal familial background. What may be a groundbreaking book for one parent may not resonate at all with another parent.


The Bible, for those who know and love the Lord, would be the only universally applicable book I can think of. And a good one. The best model for parenting is the Father Himself.


But, a book that was of tremendous help to me with being the parent of an infant was Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg. It met my need at the time, held my hand, and led me to be a better parent. But, I know plenty of parents who wouldn't get much out of it, because they weren't totally dunces like I was when it came to newborns. I've also seen people twist and distort ideas from the book, but I guess that happens with any popular parenting book.


Also, a book of general help to me over the long-haul of the parenting journey has been, and I'm sure will continue to be, A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality. It was interesting, had personal relevance for me, and I have changed some of my parenting ideas as a result.

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