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Common Sense Media: CARS 2 Review/Parents aren't happy

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I am so torn on whether to see this movie or not. Becca probably wouldn't be bothered by anything, but Sylvia still gets a little upset at the incinerator scene in TS3.


I was upset by the incinerator scene in TS3. My boys were very new 7 year olds when that came out and I know the scene bothered them. . . even though they wouldn't exactly admit it.


The only way we can vote on these movies is with our feet and our non-attendance.



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I let my children see a lot of things that other parents don't. But even I think I will review the new Cars movie fully beforehand.


The incinerator scene that everyones talking about is enough by itself to make me watch it first.


My kids love Toy Story 1 & 2, but 3 they absolutely hate/are scared of because of the incinerator scene.


What is the current fascination with adding fire and really evil toys into "cartoon" movies.


My children watch Law & Order SVU, with me watching with them, and explaining things, now that in itself is a scary type movie for any child, yet my kids have no problem with it, they understand cops are the good guys, putting the bad guys away, and even lightly (I do review each episode beforehand to make sure nothings too gruesome or detailed) touches upon the fact of not letting anyone touch your private parts, and that if they do, talk to mummy, and the good cop will get the bad person put away. So I think this gives a side to life that elsewise we may not address.


So what I am saying is that if my kids can watch SVU and not be frightened, but be absolutely scared of an incinerator scene in Toy Story (which seems to be put there for no reason I might add) then what on earth are the cartoon makers upto? How can they add something with no point other than to scare the living soul out of my kids?


Hopefully I can get DH to edit the movie when it comes out, that way the kids can still watch it, and they won't have nightmares after the mistake I made of not reviewing Toy Story 3.


Wat has the world of childrens shows come too? When adults show make more sense to them! :glare:

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:001_huh: Uuuummmm....in the first movie their is a pair of twins who flash Lightning with their headlights, flirting, Lightning disrespectfully calling Doc, "Grandpa."


I think their was another sexual innuendo with Ramone and his wife as well. "Gettin cozy at the Cone" and tatoos are a few others that come to mind.


I say that becuase we loved the movie anyway!!!! ;) I can't speak to the gun fighting and cars dying part, but there was a whole lot more than flirting and calling someone a "fool" in the first movie.


My point is that I think the review was oversimplifying what the original Cars movie was like.

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We saw Cars 2 today. I didn't have a problem with any of it. I was a bit surprised when some of the bad guys died, but you didn't actually see it.


It was a, "Oh, they let those cars die. Hmm. Okay." and didn't think of it again until this thread.

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We went to go see this today. We don't typically spend money on going out to the movies, but we had two free tickets. It still wasn't worth the $6.75 Sunday matinee price.


Pixar movies are usually excellent. They missed the mark with this one.

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Our kids are 8 and 14, and aren't scared by really much at this point. They weren't bothered by the TS3 scene.


We saw it Saturday and LOVED it!!!! There is a lot of action and spy kind of violence, including a good car getting burned up (flames are all you see then). It was hilarious, and we can't wait until we can own it. We paid $30 for all four of us to see it, and to us, the money was well worth it.

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I haven't seen it yet but from the reviews, I get the feeling that it's not that bad, it's just that the expectations for a Pixar film are really, really high and this one doesn't quite live up to the brand. If it was from any other studio, I'm guessing it would be getting less scrutiny and more praise.

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There's a WHOLE LOT of things that I won't let my kids watch/read/play with/etc. I check every movie they watch with kids-in-mind.com. I am very much sheltering my kids. That being said, I was fine with Cars 2. Yes, they really could have done without the guns, etc. But it didn't bother me that much. It is MUCH better than the likes of Shrek and those types of movies, which I do not let me kids watch.

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We (two adults and a 12 yo) saw it last night. I was surprised by a couple of things in a G rated movie. There are 2nd tier short term characters that you interact with briefly who are in mortal danger and then are "killed" - whatever that means in the car world. You see them "die".


The other problem I had was with the drinking. I kept expecting them to make a joke out of it and call it oil, or lemonade or something but they never did and it looked like and was treated like a martini (or whatever, I don't drink so I don't know).


I was annoyed by how.totally.stupid Mater is. I understand the characterization and it probably wouldn't bother a kid but it was so over the top that I want to gnaw my leg off. You have made your point, now stop and move on already.


There was also a lot of noise and racing and speed. I just asked my son and he was kind of annoyed by the Mater story line as well.


I guess I should add that we didn't hate it and we don't particularly care about seeing the stuff that was in it, we were just surprised and I remember thinking that the assimilation is complete and Pixar is Disney now...

Edited by jcooperetc
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I was annoyed by how.totally.stupid Mater is. I understand the characterization and it probably wouldn't bother a kid but it was so over the top that I want to gnaw my leg off. You have made your point, now stop and move on already.



Now I'm feeling rather immature! ;) We loved Mater and found ourselves holding our ribs laughing at times. Maybe we are easily entertained...:confused:

Or maybe it's because we're from the south!

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We saw it today, prior to reading any reviews which we probably should have done before seeing it.


It was not at all what I expected, far darker and more harsh than it should have been imho. I'm not sure what's going on with Disney/Pixar after the TS3 incinerator scene and Cars 2, but they are becoming more violent than I believe necessary for a kids film. I would have to agree with the reviews from the OP's link.


Dh & I are disappointed, and our boys aren't excited about it like they were toward the first one.

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We took the dc to see it last night. I think the entire plot was a bit much for them -- so much happened so quickly, and there was a ton of rapid-fire dialogue that seemed like it was meant for the adults rather than for kids. I didn't have a problem with the violence, but I didn't realize it has a G rating -- that does seem like a stretch. I don't tend to like Pixar films but actually found the writing clever.

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I'm not happy about the gun violence, either. Hmmm, guess I better look through more reviews before purchasing our Monday night movie tickets...


As I type this, my husband is glaring and muttering that we lived through Fox and the Hound as children and that hunter was shooting 80% of the movie :lol:

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:iagree: Bambi's mom gets blown away!


Actually, there is a very funny gag with the cartinis. Mater drinks one through a straw, makes a face and spits it back in the glass through the straw.


You have to know your personal limits with movies, but if you're very picky it's probably best to wait for the dvd and preview it.

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We saw it just this afternoon with our not-quite-5 y.o. son.


The gun battles didn't faze us; he watches several other fighting type shows. Dad has talked to him for years about using weapons to defend ourselves.


The torture scene bugged me, but I don't think he grasped it. I think I would've worried more if my 6.5 y.o. DD had been with us, because she would've understood.


But overall, I felt like it was a more complex, fast-moving story, and therefore I think the preschool set will have a hard time following it. I'd peg it at around the 8-10 year old age, which puts a whole `nother spin on the violence question.


I didn't find the movie all that entertaining. I missed the humor of the first one. But DH says he and DS chortled and grunted at all the horsepower and techno-wizardry on display.... perhaps this is just a more testosterone-appealing movie?

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There's a WHOLE LOT of things that I won't let my kids watch/read/play with/etc. I check every movie they watch with kids-in-mind.com. I am very much sheltering my kids. That being said, I was fine with Cars 2. Yes, they really could have done without the guns, etc. But it didn't bother me that much. It is MUCH better than the likes of Shrek and those types of movies, which I do not let me kids watch.


This helps. I don't allow Shrek either. I'm going to discuss it with DH.

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I took my kids on opening day and we all loved it, but then again I'm not that picky about many of the complaints. The flirting stuff goes right over my kids heads, my 12 y/o understood it a little but it wasn't a big deal. I have no issues with the guns etc because my kids know it's all a fictional movie, this stuff isn't real. In the end maybe I'm not the best judge because I have no issue with my kids having seen all the Starwars movies and all of the LOTR movies as well as watching Law and Order, Grey's Anatomy and all of the CSI shows.

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My friend who has a (small) professional gig as a movie reviewer and is a big fan of Pixar movies said this one was underwhelming, not funny or well written, and the worst one they've made. We might watch it on DVD at some point, but I'm not going to bother seeing it in the theater.

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We were disappointed in the amount of violence.


Yes, most kids movies have villains of some sort and scary scenes, but this one had too many for us.


My almost 5 year old boy asked to leave before it was over, and spent about 10 minutes before that not watching it because it was too scary.

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Now I'm feeling rather immature! ;) We loved Mater and found ourselves holding our ribs laughing at times. Maybe we are easily entertained...:confused:

Or maybe it's because we're from the south!


I guess I should revise that - We thought it was funny, just that it went on too long. It sort of felt like they overdid it to make the point because we didn't remember him being that annoying in the previous movie. It was more poor movie making than the character himself, I guess. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult an entire portion of the US population :blushing:

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I guess I should revise that - We thought it was funny, just that it went on too long. It sort of felt like they overdid it to make the point because we didn't remember him being that annoying in the previous movie. It was more poor movie making than the character himself, I guess. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult an entire portion of the US population :blushing:


No apology necessary, I was just having fun with what you said and giving you a hard time. I was never offended in any way. I like to make fun of myself being from the south.

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