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So, y'all seen the new Kia add?

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Good Lord. Sick!


What unsinkable said on the Amish sexting thread is true:


Wherever we're going in this handbasket, it sure is traveling fast. :(


My God, that was gross.

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Good Lord. Sick!


What unsinkable said on the Amish sexting thread is true:


Wherever we're going in this handbasket, it sure is traveling fast. :(


My God, that was gross.


:iagree:I was trying to figure out how to articulate what I thought when I saw the ad, then I read what Dulcimeramy said. She read my mind.

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Eww. Who in the world would approve that ad to actually go through? And sadly, it was probably a panel of people and not just one. :confused:


Apparently the same people that told Abercrombie that padded bikinis for 8 year olds was a good idea.


Only, on the scale, I actually think this one is worse because it visually actualizes what Abercrombie was trying to do.

Edited by justamouse
oh deh poor kitteh
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I was trying to determine if it was real, and decided it likely could be. Then I was trying to find words. Then, wendilouwho did it for me:


:svengo: What dumba$$ approved that one?


Except, it wouldn't have been just one dumba$$. It would have been entire crews of them.




(Is it real? Really??)

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:svengo: What dumba$$ approved that one?


One who will do anything to get their product name out there. They succeeded. Sickening. I will remember this ad - the next time we need to car shop. We will drive right by Kia. That's the only way to stop this type of sleezy advertising. If we buy the product, then their advertising worked. If we don't, then they'll have to change.

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Not Cool.


I'd like to know who was the snail mucous face that thought this one up.


I bet I can guess what gender the person was. :glare:


Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that?


I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is...

One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual.


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Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that?


I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is...

One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual.



You made my point. ;)

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Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that?


I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is...

One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual.



Personally, I have a problem with "mature and sensual" in the context of a high school student and a teacher. Just don't think that's appropriate.


Also, I guess I got the feeling/impression that the right side was the teacher's fantasy of what was going on in the left side. Just totally ick all the way around.

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Personally, I have a problem with "mature and sensual" in the context of a high school student and a teacher. Just don't think that's appropriate.


Also, I guess I got the feeling/impression that the right side was the teacher's fantasy of what was going on in the left side. Just totally ick all the way around.


I saw it the opposite way. The left side was clearly a cartoon style, the left was more realistic. And the left side looks like a student much younger than high school, where the right side could easily be a college situation. I didn't see it say high school anywhere in the ad.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.

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Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.

Well, I'm arguing on the other thread that the 50 yo teacher and the 18 yo are adults. :001_smile:


My point of disgust was the little girl in the ad-they extrapolated it out. They sexualized the little one by the portrayal of the older girl.

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Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.




I will add what the he!! does this have to do with selling cars? He is looking at a little girl and imagining her as a skanky co-ed. What flipping perve drew this? What panel of dumba$$es approved this? I am seriously hard to offend. I was in the Navy. I've seen and heard it all. This add makes me want to take a baseball bat to the sensitive areas of the idiots responsible.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Well, I'm arguing on the other thread that the 50 yo teacher and the 18 yo are adults. :001_smile:


My point of disgust was the little girl in the ad-they extrapolated it out. They sexualized the little one by the portrayal of the older girl.


Oh, I forgot that other thread was going on! Forgot to get all the outrage coordinated here at the Hive tonight before spoutin' off. LOL


Well, as someone who had graduated, moved out, and possessed job and apartment before even turning 18, I'm not too concerned about the 18yo student, either. Haven't really studied the facts of the matter, though.


My outrage on this one is in total agreement with the bolded part of your quote, there. In this advertisement a child, not a young adult, becomes a sex object in the teacher's twisted brain.

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I handed my laptop to my husband without saying anything. He looked at the ad and his reaction was: "That's really *#&@ing creepy". His next statement had "pedo" in it, so yeah, as a dude, he got it. Let's not pretend it's not there. :glare:

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I will add what the he!! does this have to do with selling cars? He is looking at a little girl and imagining her as a skanky co-ed. What flipping perve drew this? What panel of dumba$$es approved this? I am seriously hard to offend. I was in the Navy. I've seen and heard it all. This add makes me want to take a baseball bat to the sensitive areas of the idiots responsible.

:iagree: This I take issue with. I think it is wrong on many levels. My first reaction was "who in their right mind..." I think a lot of people need to have their head examined at that ad agency.

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Personally, I have a problem with "mature and sensual" in the context of a high school student and a teacher. Just don't think that's appropriate.


Also, I guess I got the feeling/impression that the right side was the teacher's fantasy of what was going on in the left side. Just totally ick all the way around.



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I didn't see it as the teacher lusting after a small child and imagining her to be a grown woman. I saw it as two completely separate scenarios, but placed side-by-side to contrast them. It was a weird and weak ad, but that's all I saw. And I'm not saying it was a good ad--I'm just saying that I was clueless to any pedophile undertones.


Until y'all pointed them out to me...and now I'm thinking "icky ad!" Hope they don't run it.

Edited by Garga
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Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that?


I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is...

One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual.



Well, here was my first impression. The dialog reads from left to right, and the set-up for the whole situation is established in the first panel. This gives the impression that what is happening is on the left, and what the teacher is imagining is on the right. Creepy. Disgusting. Inexcusable. I dream of a world where sexual exploitation and abuse are not considered either humorous or erotic. I guess I'll keep dreaming.

Edited by GretaLynne
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Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.


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Personally, I have a problem with "mature and sensual" in the context of a high school student and a teacher. Just don't think that's appropriate.


Also, I guess I got the feeling/impression that the right side was the teacher's fantasy of what was going on in the left side. Just totally ick all the way around.




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Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.


It could easily be seen as students lusting after teachers...

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I didn't see it as the teacher lusting after a small child and imagining her to be a grown woman. I saw it as two completely separate scenarios, but placed side-by-side to contrast them. It was a weird and weak ad, but that's all I saw. And I'm not saying it was a good ad--I'm just saying that I was clueless to any pedophile undertones.


Until y'all pointed them out to me...and now I'm thinking "icky ad!" Hope they don't run it.



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It could easily be seen as students lusting after teachers...


No, I don't think it can, because in half of the panels, and particularly in the first panel which establishes the scenario, the student is a pre-pubescent child incapable of "lust".

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The cartoon has a girl in an Asian style school uniform - which by the way is very similar to a Catholic school girl uniform. The "more realistic" drawing shows the ultimate "Catholic school girl sex fantasy". It is reprehensible, in my opinion.


Yeah, I noticed that too. :glare:

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Male teacher sees female student as sex object and fantasizes about her during class. There is nothing good or right or normal or healthy or acceptable about that. And it has nothing at all to do with selling cars.


Salacious advertising involving imagery of childhood innocence is reprehensible. That's a big word there, it just means that this cartoon is wrong and in extremely bad taste.


tntgoodwin, there are not two sides to everything. There are moral absolutes. There are taboos in every society and some exist for good reason. In America, up until here lately, we've had a problem with teachers lusting after students. Of course, everything seems to be changing faster than I can keep up or stand.


Well, here was my first impression. The dialog reads from left to right, and the set-up for the whole situation is established in the first panel. This gives the impression that what is happening is on the left, and what the teacher is imagining is on the right. Creepy. Disgusting. Inexcusable. I dream of a world where sexual exploitation and abuse are not considered either humorous or erotic. I guess I'll keep dreaming.



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There is another ad in the series. You can see it here.


Seriously, what are people smoking? :ack2:


You know what was a good car add? The one with the Ford Focus parking itself. I hated my old Ford but I seriously wanted to buy that darn self-parking Focus and shove my three kids, two dogs, and related paraphenalia in the tiny thing. Kias? I want to castrate all the add people.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Seriously, what are people smoking? :ack2:


You know what was a good car add? The one with the Ford Focus parking itself. I hated my old Ford but I seriously wanted to buy that darn self-parking Focus and shove my three kids, two dogs, and related paraphenalia in the tiny thing. Kias? I want to castrate all the add people.


Just imagine if all the decent Moms in this country decide to rise up.

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All they need to sell me a car is for someone to get in the muscle car and rev the engine. Ah, the sweet sound of horsepower. It is one of the few things I am looking forward to with regard to my kids growing up and moving out. Owning a real car again.


I can parallel park all day. I once parallel parked my Expedition in a spot that I watched a guy in a regular car give up on.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
All they need to sell me a car is for someone to get in the muscle car and rev the engine. Ah, the sweet sound of horsepower. It is one of the few things I am looking forward to with regard to my kids growing up and moving out. Owning a real car again.


I can parallel park all day. I once parallel parked my Expedition in a spot that I watched a guy in a regular car give up on.


:auto: :lol:


I am also driving a Mommy van against my will. I forgot about the van part when I decided to have four children.

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