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Do you send your kids to VBS at a church you don't attend?

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We attend church and our church will be having their VBS in mid July. DD7 noticed a VBS sign at a nearby church (I actually used to attend there for about 6 years up until I got married 11 years ago) and asked to attend. It started today, but I had an OB appointment this morning and couldn't take her. She wants to go tomorrow. Is there anything wrong with letting her attend another church's VBS?

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My sister and I attended 3-4 different VBS programs each summer at churches with compatible doctrinal stances. This was very normal in our area--the more the merrier! I've worked in 3 different churches' VBS programs and we considered this perfectly normal. While VBS is technically "outreach" to unchurched kids for most churches, we always appreciated having anyone who wanted to come.

Edited by AndyJoy
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All of the churches I've been a part of who have VBS really want non-members' children to come. It is an outreach thing and even if your child is part of another church, and so not really a prospect for their church, she still will hopefully have a good experience there and you all will be a good future reference for the church.

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I sent my kids to VBS at another church. As a matter of fact we did not go to church, nor were we christians then. these were my oldest 3. On the day it was to begin, the teacher for the 3 year old class was ill and couldn't teach. I ended up volunteering...figured, how hard could it be to teach 3 year olds...lol.


Anyway, I wasn't a Christian yet, so I asked for the song tape...and the curriculum book. I took it home, learned the songs, studied the lessons and pulled out my Bible.


I was introduced to the Lord through VBS!! I became a Christian a few years later...but this was the beginning of opening my heart to the forgiveness of Jesus! My children also all gave their hearts to the Lord since then.



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I sent my kids to VBS at another church. As a matter of fact we did not go to church, nor were we christians then. these were my oldest 3. On the day it was to begin, the teacher for the 3 year old class was ill and couldn't teach. I ended up volunteering...figured, how hard could it be to teach 3 year olds...lol.


Anyway, I wasn't a Christian yet, so I asked for the song tape...and the curriculum book. I took it home, learned the songs, studied the lessons and pulled out my Bible.


I was introduced to the Lord through VBS!! I became a Christian a few years later...but this was the beginning of opening my heart to the forgiveness of Jesus! My children also all gave their hearts to the Lord since then.





AWESOME!!!! That just sends chills all over me, as our church just baptized 5 yesterday who were converted in VBS last week.

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Yes, but it's my parents' church and the church I grew up in. And there's tons of people there from our homeschool group. So, I know a lot of people there and trust them. I wouldn't send my kids if it were a church that I had no experience with.

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