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Do your kids drink juice?

Do your kids drink juice?  

  1. 1. Do your kids drink juice?

    • Yes, I require them to drink juice
    • Yes, they like juice but it is not required
    • No, I don't let them drink juice
    • They hardly ever drink juice
    • Other

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They like it, I like it, we drink it, I don't see the big deal.


I'm always puzzled by the comments of "it's not necessary so we don't drink it." Sure, it's not necessary for survival, but don't we all eat/drink things that strictly speaking are not necessary everyday? We don't "need" ice cream, chocolate, corn on the cob, potatoes and all sorts of either things but we still enjoy them as well.

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I require my oldest to drink juice. In fact, I almost never give her regular water. She's a unique case, though, because she's always struggled to keep up her weight and she needs every calorie I can give her. I give her V8 Fusion, so at least she's getting a full serving of veggies and fruit, right? :001_smile:


I give my baby half juice, half water. She's on the other side of the coin and is in the 97% for weight, so I will probably be careful with her, depending. Even so, both girls get no more than 8 oz of juice a day.

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Pretty much never. I think its as bad as soda.


They gave him juice at ski school and do at YMCA parent's nights out. I'm not going to worry about it in childcare situations - too much effort. I have some 5 oz V-8s (1/3 less sugar than OJ) that we sometimes takes hiking.

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zach rarely drinks juice-for the longest he drank those capri sun pouches but when I switched to the less sugary ones he didn't like the flavors and now basicly drinks water-he can have 7up or sprite occassionally----he did drink alot of apple juice but after reading out the FEINGOLD diet we saw that apples might be an issue for him so he only gets that very rarely.....I wish he would drink OJ but he says YUCK LOL ...his basic drink of choice now is water....I'm happy enough with that......

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So, now, who's going to admit that their kids drink juice regularly?:001_unsure:


Or am I the only one...


There is always a bottle of apple juice in the fridge for my 5yo. He drinks a cup or two a day. Every day. There's also usually a bottle of grape juice. My 18yo drinks it regularly. The 15yo doesn't like juice and drinks water almost exclusively.


They are healthy kids but I'm beginning to think I should feel guilty for letting them drink juice.:tongue_smilie:

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I make my own juice out of carrots, celery, and apple and my daughter loves it. I wish I made it everyday, I think it's super healthy. If we have fresh fruit (melon/pineapple) or cucumber, I'll throw some of that in too. We love fresh orange juice too! We drink it right when made so we get all the nutritious enzymes.


I try to limit sugary store-bought juice, I don't think it's healthy. I don't want my daughter to get addicted to it. She drinks a lot of water.

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I only buy the high end orange juice (or squeeze my own). My oldest usually drinks maybe 4 oz a day. My daughter doesn't like it. I might occasionally make juice in the summer when we have fruits and/or veggies in abundance. So juice is used very sparingly here. My youngest really doesn't like any sweet beverages with the exception of the occasional lemonade.

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We keep some orange juice around along with natural apple juice. The oldest two don't drink much juice-mostly milk and water. The youngest (toddler) still likes juice and I have traditionally watered down the apple juice for him.


Sometimes we have lemonade (not the powdered stuff) for a treat.


I also don't do powdered juice drinks like Cool-Aid.


I haven't forbidden any of it so they do get some at parties, friends' houses etc. That is fine, I just don't keep it at home.

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They have three servings of friut per day, but none of it is juice. I want them to have the fiber with the sugar, plus water is cheaper. :)


It's considered a treat here, like Sprite or chocolate milk, and so it is for parties, picnics, etc. (except for oldest dd, who only likes water or milk anyway.)


If we go to a restaurant for breakfast, though, they drink a few ounces of OJ in a full glass of water (they got that from me.)

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I voted that I require it, but that is only because my oldest son has type 1 diabetes and we use it to treat lows. He will usually get 1/2 of the little Juicy Juice box and the other half goes to his little brother. I'd guess that on any average day the boys each have a total of one whole juice box, but it really all depends on my son's numbers. We do not drink juice otherwise since it is not the easiest thing to dose for with insulin.

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