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I don't know what to think, much less what to label this thread.

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at least you didn't accidentally send it to you parents or your mother in law or your pastor.


Yeah...I did that once to my 16 year-old SIL who is right below my husband on my contacts list. Oh man, was I embarrassed. Luckily no pictures, but still. She just thought it was hilarious.

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My dh has a weird name in his contact folder in his email account. He asked me to log into his email and send his friend a picture he had scanned. When I typed the first letter of friend's name, a few contacts popped up and I noticed one that said "drunkgirlroom." I went to his contact folder and saw that under the name part but there is no actual email address with it. I asked dh about it and he has no clue what it is or how it got there. I'm tempted to send an email just to see what response I get if any. Weird.


Weird things happen where electronics are concerned.

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I'm glad you were able to figure it out! I've had weird cell phone things happen too.


Not cell phone related, but our pastor looked in the phone book for our number. "I" answered the phone and was not very friendly, but the pastor forged ahead and discussed a personal issue of dh's with "me." When pastor asked if dh was going to be at church later, "I" told him I didn't know, that we weren't very close and led pretty separate lives.


Turns out the pastor had called another person with the same name as dh and spoke to that man's wife. The pastor didn't figure it out until after he hung up, quite concerned about our marriage! Meanwhile, we were guessing the other guy's wife was surprised to hear of her dh's health problems, lol.



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I have people periodically call me looking for an (obviously) very loose woman, LOL. She apparently has the same phone number as me but with a different area code. I guess they are either in my area code and are just dialing in the seven digit phone number without the area code, or they're mistakenly using the wrong area code.


So perhaps if you live in an area where different area codes intersect, and your husband was driving, then your call might have gotten crossed with someone who had the same number but a different area code...? I don't know....


You could check his phone log for recent calls to see if he was on the phone with his brother at the time he said he was....

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My husband works in telecommunication in cellular and landline and he says that this is possible. Cellular is not secure. It is over open air. It can be picked up by some scanners. He says that landline is the only secure communication. Hope that helps!



ds 10, MFW next year, can't wait!:001_smile:



O.k., now I just read back through your posts and I see you've got this figured out! Great! :)

My info is late, but at least you know! ha!

Edited by homemama
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My husband works in telecommunication in cellular and landline and he says that this is possible. Cellular is not secure. It is over open air. It can be picked up by some scanners. He says that landline is the only secure communication. Hope that helps!



ds 10, MFW next year, can't wait!:001_smile:



O.k., now I just read back through your posts and I see you've got this figured out! Great! :)

My info is late, but at least you know! ha!


That is frightening. Thanks for passing along this information.

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If he was on the freeway, how could he be texting at a red light?


There's a section of (rural) freeway near me with several traffic signals. They're always preceded by a sign that says "freeway ends", and a temporary reduced speed limit, but it's the same stretch of road.

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I have people periodically call me looking for an (obviously) very loose woman, LOL. She apparently has the same phone number as me but with a different area code. I guess they are either in my area code and are just dialing in the seven digit phone number without the area code, or they're mistakenly using the wrong area code.


So perhaps if you live in an area where different area codes intersect, and your husband was driving, then your call might have gotten crossed with someone who had the same number but a different area code...? I don't know....


You could check his phone log for recent calls to see if he was on the phone with his brother at the time he said he was....


You know what ended up happening? If you haven't read my update, when I called DH by selecting his name in my favorites menu, somehow anothe simlar number was connected. Say DH's number was (123) 555-5555, I was connected to someone at (123) 555-6555. Very odd, but apparently common n

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Well, unless your dh was a complete idiot, I doubt he'd be letting a girlfriend answer his cell, especially if it was a time when he'd expect that you might be calling and when your caller info would come up on the screen.


Yes, but if it did happen that way, he would brazen it out, I'm thinking.


ETA: Not that I think that's what happened. I don't.

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I'm glad you were able to figure it out! I've had weird cell phone things happen too.


Not cell phone related, but our pastor looked in the phone book for our number. "I" answered the phone and was not very friendly, but the pastor forged ahead and discussed a personal issue of dh's with "me." When pastor asked if dh was going to be at church later, "I" told him I didn't know, that we weren't very close and led pretty separate lives.


Turns out the pastor had called another person with the same name as dh and spoke to that man's wife. The pastor didn't figure it out until after he hung up, quite concerned about our marriage! Meanwhile, we were guessing the other guy's wife was surprised to hear of her dh's health problems, lol.




That's something you'd see on tv. :lol:

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I have people periodically call me looking for an (obviously) very loose woman, LOL. She apparently has the same phone number as me but with a different area code. I guess they are either in my area code and are just dialing in the seven digit phone number without the area code, or they're mistakenly using the wrong area code.


So perhaps if you live in an area where different area codes intersect, and your husband was driving, then your call might have gotten crossed with someone who had the same number but a different area code...? I don't know....


You could check his phone log for recent calls to see if he was on the phone with his brother at the time he said he was....


Is your phone number 867-5309?

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I've had a cell phone call get crossed before. It was really weird, but it really happened!



I did also, Infact A friend of mine in another state sent me a text and it went to somebody else. We called verizon and they could see that it went to another phone.


I would call the cell phone carrier. I doubt if dh was having an affair, that she would answer the phone and give her name.

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I did also, Infact A friend of mine in another state sent me a text and it went to somebody else. We called verizon and they could see that it went to another phone.


I would call the cell phone carrier. I doubt if dh was having an affair, that she would answer the phone and give her name.


EX texted his boyfriend R-rated messages and they landed on my phone instead. It took me telling him 3 times that his texts were coming to me before he got it. :glare:


In other "crossed lines" news, I picked up the phone (land line) to call for a pizza and the phone was answered by a friend! It was late at night, but she was awake, thinking about me and my family. What's odd about that is, after I figured I'd misdialed and we laughed it off, I hung up, picked the phone up again and hit redial (because I was sure I'd NOT misdialed) and guess who answered? The pizza place. Very weird.

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FYI - this is why I no longer send PG-13 or R texts to my dh.


Last week, "my sister" (who lives in GA) texted me "Steaks, ribs, burgers, dogs! I'm grilling tonight!!!"


Oookay... So I text "my sister" back with "Jealous!"


The response was something along the lines of "Why? Everything is for us, baby!"


And now I'm REALLY confused.

Until my HUSBAND walks through the door with a bunch of grocery bags in his hands and a new grill in his car.


All of the texts were under my sister's name, number, and picture. My texts auto save to gmail, and these are saved under her name there, too. It's the freakiest thing.


I really hope I never inadvertently send an "I love you" text to my ex, lol. I've already accidentally yelled at him for acting like an idiot when asked to throw a casserole in the oven before I get home. Whoops! Wrong familiar male voice!

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This thread is hilarious and scary. I once got a text that said something like, Sorry about last night, my dad came home and he would be furious if he knew.


I also used to get tons of phone calls for some guy. Most were calls for an interview. I even changed my voicemail to specify I was not him (it's amazing how many messages I got!). I even got a text msg from Yahoo informing me that he'd set up my number as a backup for sending his password. So I could have gotten into his email. I wish he'd figure out his phone number!


But then again, some random guy showed up at our house last Saturday night at 11:30. He was 'looking for a girl.' apparently. And talking on the phone at the same time. House number wrong by one digit.


Too much confusion in the world.

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This thread is very interesting and may explain why I get random text messages that I know aren't for me (I don't even have texting on my plan!)


But I get messages like, "Can you pick up Timmy from practice today" or, "We thought you might want to stay for dinner tonight, from Mom"


I have had weird things happen on our internet based home phone too.



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