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Do You Like Children That Aren't Your Own?

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I like most kids. I like having them play here. Kids are just people. They're very interesting with all their quirks and thoughts.


Most kids are pretty nice if they want to be here. If they don't they aren't invited over next time. I'm not afraid to ban someone and they know it.


Mine are getting older though. And I don't have the parents over too, so its not like 'entertaining.' They keep each other busy and then the boys clean up. Good for everyone all around.

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:lol: Some of these posts could be made to sound very Creepy!:eek:


"I like teens."

"I love teens."

"I love nice teens!":drool5:


I'm just getting a kick out this. Please don't bash me!





I have a friend who, if asked by a kid if she likes kids (strangely, they seem to ask her a lot), always replies "Yes, but I couldn't eat a whole one". Even creepier.

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:lol: Some of these posts could be made to sound very Creepy!:eek:


"I like teens."

"I love teens."

"I love nice teens!":drool5:


I'm just getting a kick out this. Please don't bash me!



So if I confess that I like teen aged boys, I'm really in trouble, eh? I thought of that which is why I said just that I like teens! :D

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:lol: Some of these posts could be made to sound very Creepy!:eek:


"I like teens."

"I love teens."

"I love nice teens!":drool5:


I'm just getting a kick out this. Please don't bash me!



:lol: I do though. I am enamored of my own teens and their friends. I've known a lot of them a very long time and they have give me hope. I've seen first hand very annoying 11-year old boys become respectful, interesting people at 15/16.


I always dreaded having teens, and was treated poorly as a teen, so this is such a wonderful surprise for me. I love it, does it read weird? I guess, but I just know some really great young people.

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So if I confess that I like teen aged boys, I'm really in trouble, eh? I thought of that which is why I said just that I like teens! :D


See! This is what I wanted to say because ds has been bringing such nice boys home. :001_huh: That's sounds awful too!


Seriously, I find teenage boys to be very forgiving of other's faults. That's why I enjoy time with them. I have so many faults and they don't care.

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See! This is what I wanted to say because ds has been bringing such nice boys home. :001_huh: That's sounds awful too!


Seriously, I find teenage boys to be very forgiving of other's faults. That's why I enjoy time with them. I have so many faults and they don't care.


In addition, all you have to do is give a teen aged boy a good snack and he will think you walk on water.

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I like kids. I don't really get the baby/toddler thing when they aren't mine. They are cute, and there is nothing like a quick cuddle, but I don't want to talk to them on the phone, and I don't think their every move is adorable, unless I am related to them. Closely related, like mine, or my grandson, other than that you can keep them until they are about 4-5 and then they get interesting, and I prefer them to most adults.




:iagree:with the bolded. My mom does this with my nieces and nephew. OMG it drives me crazy. I feel stupid talking to someone who is obviously on the other end drooling into the phone. It just does not make for stimulating conversation. I'm sorry. It just doesn't. :glare:

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I'll be brave and answer this since deep down, the honesty of answering 'No' honestly does kind of bother me. Maybe it's sort of 'taboo' because children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? I guess I just always imagine my kids going to someone's house and the thought that the adults don't like other kids---including mine----kind of leaves me feeling weird. :001_huh:


Well, I said I don't like other kids much, but that doesn't mean I'm not caring towards them. I mean, i don't dislike them really either. I just don't enjoy playing dolls or mudpies or whatever. I don't. I don't even enjoy it with my kids. I will involve young kids in what I am doing, and when I babysit I take EXCELLENT care of the kids, because I should. I've been told I'm a wonderful babysitter. I print out coloring pages of the kid's favorite characters, break out the pasta and beans for art projects, etc. But I don't enjoy it, it's work. Fulfilling work, but work.


I am blessed with an ability to be amazing with animals. I'm a certified veterinary technician, and a certified pet dog trainer, and I love working and being with animals. Not everyone can handle dealing with anal glands and dog poo and pee and blood and such on a daily basis, but they love their own pets. My mom is blessed to be excellent with the elderly. She worked in geriatrics for several decades, and is amazing with anyone with dementia. It's her calling, just like animals are mine. She could never work in a veterinary office, and I could never work in a nursing home. And neither of us could work in a daycare. That said, we both take wondeful care of children, and are loved by kids of all ages.


I hope that clarifies things? I mean, heck, there are other people's kids here right now, in my son's room. I will make them lemonade and offer them snacks, and send them home for dinner, because that is what moms are supposed to do. But I don't want to hang out with them in there, or play with them.

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For the most part, no. I don't like other people's children. That said, I do like to be the house where everyone is playing. I don't mind the noise or the mess (to an extent) or the food and drink needs.


I really don't want to carry on conversations though. Just go play and leave me be.


This is me exactly. I like that they are here, so I know what is going on. I like providing food and drink. but I don't want to play with you. Go outside now please, lol.

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I used to LOVE kids -- all kids. Then I had my own. I use up all my patience on my own kids that I really don't have much for other people's kids. I don't know a way to say this without coming across as bragging, but I like my kids so much better than other kids, plus if they get out of line I can smack them (figuratively) back into place. I can't do that with other kids.

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I was born old, as most of my friends from upper elementary forward were markedly older than me. I am the youngest in my family, so I was never exposed to youngers nor did I have any interest in babysitting or even being around younger kids. Truthfully, when I was expecting my first born (whom I adore) I was terrified that I wouldn't like her. I had never been around babies. In any case, my mom told me not to worry because, in her opinion, every mom at least likes her own children. Of course, she was right. ;)


I never cared to hold my sister's babies nor my brother's, and I didn't care to have anyone hold mine. I will say as time has gone by, I truly love and enjoy my brother's boys, particularly their youngest (born with cancer) who is the only baby other than mine I have treasured holding. Other than that, I am not really a "kid person" beside entertaining my children's friends.

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I find I am loving teenagers. I like hanging out with them when my kids bring them over. I like the zany conversations, the mixture of vulnerability and arrogance. I love teens.

Little kids- toddlers and such- I am ok for a while. I love babies and toddlers. I like little kids. But I find when they are with parents who don't have any boundaries, who can't hold a conversation with me because their kid is always interrupting- I do get annoyed, so I might have outgrown that phase for now. I have friends with a toddler and I adore him, and love them, but in small doses!

Middle school aged kids- while I liked my own kids at that age, I must admit I haven't enjoyed all my kids friends so much at that age. Maybe it was just because those were the years I homeschooled and I was tired a lot of the time.

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I LOVE little kids, and feel awkward around teenagers.


I loved the time in my life when I had my own little kids & any others that wanted to come over too. I've always looked after my little nephews and neices - begged to have them sometimes!! Some of them even took to calling me 'mum' when I had them for a week at a time!!


I've had the comment from friends & family more than a few times that their child wishes they could live with me! I am so thrilled!! But then when those same kids get to teen years - I'm almost nervous of them!


Lately I get a little sad over the fact that all the kids of our friends & family are getting older! I guess I'll just have to hang out for grandkids! And that's sad, too, because I can't have them permanently!!

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I'll be brave and answer this since deep down, the honesty of answering 'No' honestly does kind of bother me. Maybe it's sort of 'taboo' because children are the vulnerable members of society and need adult protection and guidance. And if adults don't actually 'like' children, would they be willing to help a hurt, lost, hungry etc. child? Would that dislike of children cause an adult to miss a kid needing food for a diabetic sugar low and mistake it for greed? I guess I just always imagine my kids going to someone's house and the thought that the adults don't like other kids---including mine----kind of leaves me feeling weird. :001_huh:


:D Honestly, it's probably more the opinionated parents I can't abide. If I was free to get to know kids without having to worry about offending a parent I would feel different.


And as a adoptive/foster parent I guess I wasn't being totally honest. My children were all other people's children before they were mine. And I love them profoundly, instantly, the minute the phone call came.

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