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With all the skepticism on the boards lately, I feel compelled to declare

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I'm really a childless divorced, unemployed, middle-aged male with a loose grip on reality and a house full of cats. I'm in my underwear now.


Same here. I hang out here because I enjoy discussions on children's lit, recipes using whole grains, and art/craft ideas for children under the age of ten. All common interests for men who live with their mothers until they are in their mid-50's. :001_smile:

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Oldest ds tried explaining how I could be in two places at one time but there would not be two of me. He also tried to explain some of the math behind this theory. :confused:


So, apparently, I am real here and someplace else too. Or maybe multiple places. Or maybe, none of this is real (Twilight Zone music).


I just want two or three of me so I can get the laundry done, shop for groceries and school my dc.:D Oldest says it can't be done. Oh well.



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I'm real. Really procrastinating. I just sat here & read 6 pages of Hive Ladies prattling about being real (or not so real ;)) when I should be defrosting chicken, cleaning my oven & mopping my floor.


*le sigh*


ETA: However, in the interest of transparency & full disclosure, I am not (as my avatar may lead you to believe) 2 little blonde kids sitting by a pond. I'm just their Mama.

Edited by KristinaBreece
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I'm really a childless divorced, unemployed, middle-aged male with a loose grip on reality and a house full of cats. I'm in my underwear now.


I'd always suspected that about you. :lol:


I am who I am. Dragon Academy and Michelle in MO have both met me and can vouch that I am, indeed, real. :001_smile:

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I met my husband online. Not on a dating site either. It was on a chat board. We chatted online for years. If you chat long enough with someone it is hard for their true personality to not come out. He was exactly the same in person. And of course I worried he was some sort of psycho when I agreed to meet him (and I'd never recommend anyone do anything like that without taking some precautions), but just wanted to say there ARE plenty of real people online.


Me too! SHOCK on MySpace :) We were in our early 20s and 4 years later we got married. We've been married less than a year though so I can't brag on the success yet although obviously I think it will be lol


ETA: The reason I haven't told much of the drama in my life is that people would then think I was a troll for sure and after the last week I am really scared to! It is crazy over here at my house!

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There have been times when I have thought...I bet people here think I am making this stuff up! I knew I had a Beekeeping Professor that had my back! ;)


PS...if the house doesn't sell, by the time my lease is up I may be headed your way for awhile :glare:.


While I hope your house sells, if you're back this way, we must get together!

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I must have missed something big going on around here in my attempt to be more productive in real life.


I'm real, I think. Most days. At least after I've had my coffee.


ETA: I've read most of this thread now & you guys are really funny. I'm real, I'm just really boring & have a very obscure sense of humor.

Edited by momoflaw
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I really need to get a cooler avatar.


None cooler than mine! ;)


I'd always suspected that about you. :lol:


I am who I am. Dragon Academy and Michelle in MO have both met me and can vouch that I am, indeed, real. :001_smile:


And Chelle in MO would LOVE to meet you! Come see Jean and me next month!

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