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REALLY gross problem....

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This is so disgusting and nightmarish that if you are at all squeamish, please exit this thread now.

















Something - maybe a rat or possum - has died in a totally inaccessible crawl space in my ceiling. The stink has been atrocious and now there are ENOURMOUS flies streaming out of the air vents. This is straight out of Exodus or Amityville Horror.


We can't spray bug spray into the vent because it will travel through the air system. I have been killing flies as they emerge for three days - we're talking dozens and dozens of flies.


I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown. My kids are traumatized. I don't know what to do.


If you do, will you help me?




PS - This has nothing to do with cleanliness - the house is SUPER CLEAN. There is nothing to attract the flies. They must of hatched in whatever died in the crawl space.

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My MIL had that issue once. Gosh, the stink was awful. In her case, a rat died up in the roof.

She got someone in to deal with it- I am not sure if it was a handyman, a roof person or what. I remember it was a drama though and it wasn't dealt with immediately- the smell issue continued- the guy, or a different guy, had to go back and clean it up some more. It did go eventually.

You really have to get rid of the animal, horrible as that is. Or....let the flies do their job! If you kill them you are only slowing down the decomposition rate of the dead animal. But ideally- get rid of the animal and wash the area.

Definitely a job not for the faint hearted. I would do it if I had to but I would definitely pass that one over to dh or pay someone to do it.

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The problem is that it's this weird space that you cannot get into. It's like a crawl space between the two floors of the house and there is no entrance. Short of taking down entire walls/ceilings there is no way to get to the area.

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This is so disgusting and nightmarish that if you are at all squeamish, please exit this thread now.






The flies are doing their job. Killing them will prolong the rotting stage. I'd be hanging a sign out inviting all flies to come and bring their friends.

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The problem is that it's this weird space that you cannot get into. It's like a crawl space between the two floors of the house and there is no entrance. Short of taking down entire walls/ceilings there is no way to get to the area.


The problem is, you will continue to have the flies until the flesh of the animal is entirely gone and all you have are bones. I think that would take many months but don't know exactly how long. You might have to have exterminators cut into the ceiling, remove the problem and then patch the ceiling.

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You need to call a wildlife removal Company. This is what my DH has done for a living for years. I know you say the spot is not accessible but the critter got to it! Lol my DH has had to sometimes put holes in walls etc to get animals out of homes. The company you call should also be able to do an inspection on your house and let you know where/how the animal got inside. You more than likely have a hole somewhere. My DH usually gives an estimate to seal the house with a warranty that the critters won't get back in through the same place.


Good luck!

Edited by parias1126
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I have the same problem right now. Except I can't figure out where the flies are coming from. I don't smell anything dead - which has happened before when a mouse dies in the walls.


I have been killing flies for the past 4 days. Today I've only seen two so I think maybe it will be over with soon.


You could put up those sticky paper fly traps and hang those up in various places around the house or the room affected.


It could have been something as small as a mouse that died somewhere in your floor space and those little guys seem to find their way in through teeny tiny holes.


Usually once flies have found the dead animal it really only takes a few days and the entire animal is gone and just the bones are left.


We had a deer hit and killed near the road. The maggots ate that thing within three of four days and then only the bones and fur remained - gross I know!

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This is a job exterminators were born to do. If you don't call them for THIS, what are they for? (with animal removal aspect too of course) Doesn't matter how weirdly placed the space is, it has to be done. You may need more than one pro -- animal/cleaning people and then patch-up person. Plus any advice on how to prevent future encroachments.


Honestly, this thread isn't nearly as gross as I thought it would be. It's basically a composting issue gone suburban.


I'm much more grossed out by what the thread title caused me to imagine!



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You need to call a wildlife removal Company. This is what my DH has done for a living for years. I know you say the spot is not accessible but the critter got to it! Lol my DH has had to sometimes put holes in walls etc to get animals out of homes. The company you call should also be able to do an inspection on your house and let you know where/how the animal got inside. You more than likely have a hole somewhere. My DH usually gives an estimate to seal the house with a warranty that the critters won't get back in through the same place.


Good luck!


This is what my husband does as well, and what I was going to suggest. A professional can get to and seal up the area afterward. An exterminator won't be enough, look specifically for Wildlife/Animal Removal.

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Sorry you are going this. I have definately been there done that.


You are right, it has nothing to do with cleanliness or housekeeping. Sometimes small creatures get into the crawl spaces (or walls) and die. It happens. I live in Florida, near a river, surrounded by really big old oak trees.


It won't last long. At least around here I could count on the really bad smell being over in a few days. I have a sensitive nose and could usually smell it before the rest of the family. oh joy


Open the windows and doors, run fans, put out dehumidifiers if you've got them. Use scented candles.:001_smile:


We sealed cracks, openings, etc. Put wire mesh over vents. Having two cats and dog has helped too.


You will get through it. Just be glad you aren't planning a fancy dinner party (ask me how I know :001_huh:)


We have tightened up

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We had a similar experience many years ago, only under the house in an inaccessible area. It turned out to be a raccoon, which later mummified and was extracted by our dogs. :eek:


While you are waiting for the removal service/exterminator, contact a janitorial supply company and inquire about chemical sponges. These small, lidded containers can be opened and placed near the area to absorb the smell. Get a bunch.


Trust me when I say that you don't want to use a candle and forever associate the scent of, say, Vanilla Dream with putrid critter. :ack2:

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No judging here. We had the same thing happen years ago. In our case, I woke up to our floor undulating. I put my glasses on and discovered the floor was covered in maggots. Maggots were falling from the door frame of our pantry :tongue_smilie:. I had a toddler and a crawling infant at the time :tongue_smilie:.


We called out a "critter control" guy. He suspected a squirrel had died in an inaccessible (for the critter guy) area and, as others have suggested, let the maggots (and later flies) do their job. He said he could make a hole and get to it, but I think he saw me with a baby on my hip, looking worried, and felt bad for me. He said I'd be surprised how quickly they'd clean things up and the smell would be gone. I was! It wasn't more than 2 days.


I hope you're able to get it resolved soon. It's not fun!

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