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Do I really need to shell out $240 for IEW? Should


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it really be that expensive to teach writing? Why shouldn't I go with Writing Strands? It's cheap and seems pretty simple and thorough from what the website says ...


"Writing Strands provides high quality writing materials for elementary through high school students. The books use a step-by-step, structured format to help students master composition techniques, a process which prepares them for college-level writing."


Or am I really clueless about the writing process? I keep agonizing over a writing program and it seems like I'm not alone. Back in the one-room schoolhouse days didn't children just copy well-written examples? Does IEW over complicate the process or am I just under estimating it?

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it really be that expensive to teach writing? Why shouldn't I go with Writing Strands? It's cheap and seems pretty simple and thorough from what the website says ...


"Writing Strands provides high quality writing materials for elementary through high school students. The books use a step-by-step, structured format to help students master composition techniques, a process which prepares them for college-level writing."


Or am I really clueless about the writing process? I keep agonizing over a writing program and it seems like I'm not alone. Back in the one-room schoolhouse days didn't children just copy well-written examples? Does IEW over complicate the process or am I just under estimating it?



I looked at both in detail, and while I see quite a bit to like about IEW, I also question the price versus the value. I also do not agree that "said" should be replaced with all of the different words that can be used since "said" becomes a non word in reading. Other than that I do like the dress up words and using interesting sentences. I decided to go with Writing Strands and bought the poster of dress up words and substitutes to help teach some of what IEW uses without having to purchase the entire program. I also found a used IEW Writing the Ancients that we will use in our history rotation. Hopefully that way we get the best of both worlds without needing to spend that kind of money and time with IEW.

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I wouldn't shell out that much for a writing program, but maybe that is because I do have experience with writing instruction. I did get the SWI A used on here for about $65 and used that for a few lessons and then sold it for the same price. I did buy the notebook for the main program and I've used that a bit. If I go back to that approach, I'll just teach it from that notebook.

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I couln't bring myself to spend that much for a writing program either, so I just bought their US History Based Writing Lessons last year. I'm sure that I probably missed some of what you get from the videos, but I think we got the gist of it. The ideas were all reinforced this year with the Ancient HBWL. We're ready to move on next year and will be using Jump In. I also just got Writer's Jungle (it's on sale at HSBC - today is the last day - 50% off) and am reading that for ideas to incorporate into Jump In.


I used WS with my boys when they were younger and they both hated it. We didn't even get through one course. I tried it this year with dd, and while she did much better than the boys, I'm not terribly impressed with it. We're doing WWE now and will most likely use Writing Tales with her next year.

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I paid a lot less than that for the TWSS set at a convention. There are things I like (sentence variety and checklists). There are things I tweak (sentences for outlines instead of key words). My oldest hated IEW, so she is doing Writing Strands. She really likes it. My second dd is better suited for IEW. My oldest two are polar opposites in almost everything. :tongue_smilie:

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I dutifully bought Writing Strands for 3rd grade for dd when we were still relatively new to homeschooling because it was recommended. I didn't think it was nearly worth the $19 I paid for it at the time. I also found the sample writing to be so very bad it was nearly unreadable, so we quit using the program after a couple of weeks. I wanted to use IEW for a long time before I was able to afford any version of it. I'm glad I own and have watched most of TWSS but with my busy schedule, I much prefer to use the SWI courses. I think the products ARE worth the cost as they are used over several years but ONLY if you can afford them! I don't think anyone should go into debt over this.


If cost is a huge factor for you, then by all means use whatever you can afford. I think that the writing teaching & exercises found in Rod & Staff English books 5-8 are sufficient. Now, each year is quite affordable, so you can in this way break up the cost of teaching writing, and include it in the cost of teaching grammar. Just note that these four years of R&S English is $181.50--that's more than the cost of either TWSS or SWI, though if you bought just TWSS it's supposed to give you all you need to know to teach writing to your children for those same four years, but doesn't include the grammar. Also, DVDs are more expensive to produce than are books, and R&S is one of the cheapest curricula out there.


I think the sticker shock with IEW materials comes mainly from the fact that many of their products are designed to be used over several years so the one-time cost is daunting and even prohibitive to many of us. However, if you look at some of their other products they are much more reasonably priced. I LOVE the poetry memorization book and am really interested in their new phonics programs even though I don't have any littles left to use them!

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If writing strands will work for you and you're more comfortable with the price then go for it.


I've tried lots and lots of different writing programs, writing strands, WWE, books from barnes and noble, IEW and others I can't think of at the time.


IEW is the one that works for my son, sure I wish it was less expensive, but I also think that since my son is now writing for fun and not afraid of it anymore it was well worth the price. I had the TWSS/SWI package and liked how things were presented. My son loves to watch Mr. Pudewa on the DVDs and has fun with it. I know many don't like the banned words and dress ups but they are a tool to help kids and will eventually just show up more naturally in their writing. I like the banned words list, because before them my son only used the verbs that were banned and didn't branch out to more interesting words, now he likes hunting for just the right verb that's a bit more exciting.


I know I see it on the swap board quite frequently and there is a yahoo group just for selling IEW items. Also for those that are worried about the price, some of the theme books could work for you at less expense.

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I do not like the SWIs, and I think the TWSS is invaluable AND enjoyable and also has great resale value.


I would do it.


Once you really KNOW TWSS you can use the theme based lessons or pick your own portions of material to use for Unit 1 and 2.


I've never tried SWIs. I have TWSS and used a theme book this year. Next year we will do TWSS straight up and write across the curriculum.

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I'm debating the same thing at the moment, so I'm :bigear: I did just buy Writer's Jungle, but I still think I'll invest in IEW at some point. If you keep an eye on the For Sale boards, I've seen it coming up fairly frequently lately. You just have to be able to catch one!

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I'd go with Meaningful Composition instead. That's what we did when I read here that it was very much like IEW, but written to the student (independent for the most part), cheaper and in a workbook format. My oldest had done an IEW class and this is very close, but easier to implement as well. We love it and it has totally worked!! :)

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I'd go with Meaningful Composition instead. That's what we did when I read here that it was very much like IEW, but written to the student (independent for the most part), cheaper and in a workbook format.


:iagree: I have an IRL friend (who is on these boards) who uses Meaningful Composition with her dd (11?). In discussions in RL with other friends who use IEW, she's commented that they are doing almost the same things. Truely, MC appears to be IEW-on-the-cheap ($34/level).

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If you purchase only Teaching Writing: Structure and Style DVD it's $169.00.


Even to purchase Teaching Writing/Student Writing Intensive Combo for $239.00 is worth it.



I purchased the combo four years ago and sold it, now I'm looking to purchase it again :(


I'll use it with my four younger children, so it's worth the investment.

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If I had many children, who could all use it over time, then I might spend the money - but not for one child to use for such a short period of time. I inquired about purchasing something less expensive from them at convention, but was told the only way I could get into it was to spend about $239 or $269 (can't quite recall now). That's too much....

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If the resale value is high it really isn't expensive. You get your money back after you finish with the program. Furthermore, depending on your confidence you can can teach from the workbook without the DVD's and use the theme based writing notebooks. I did the student writing intensive this year with was my children's first intro to the program. We did wonderfully without the DVDs. I will be using the theme based lesson next year. Another suggestion split the cost with a homeschooling friend and split the profit when you sell it.

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