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How far were you when you started showing with #5?

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Not #5, but I'm pregnant with #3. It's ridiculous how early I'm showing. My pants began getting snug at 9 weeks and I began wearing maternity pants at 10 weeks. I'm now 13 weeks and I have a very noticeable bump. It's crazy! With #1 I didn't begin showing until after 20 weeks. I know that with each baby you show sooner, but this is ridiculous! People probably think I'm about 6 months along. :001_huh:

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Thank you for making me feel "normal". I don't remember showing this early with #4! I have a picture of me with #3 at 5 months and I'm only a little bigger then than I am now:confused: I have gained 2lbs but it looks more like 10! Oh well. After 3 mc, I'm so excited to be pregnant so if I have to look huge the entire pregnancy it will be worth it for a healthy baby!

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I was past 12 weeks when I started showing with #5. Maybe I was still in denial... lol


Of course, I was 8 mos. preggers with #1 and wearing maternity clothes, couldn't tie my own shoes huge, and when our Sunday School class announced my baby shower people came up to me and said, "I didn't know you were pregnant." That went over well... NOT.

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Yep...I almost wonder should I pee on the stick or is the baby bump enough proof? LOL!




Baby bump is not enough proof. You need an acutal hormonal test. I was still breast feeding previous child with two of the children so I was still showing from the last time when I got pregnant with the new one. Otherwise around 12 weeks.

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I'm currently 10 wks pregnant with #5 and I can no longer button ANY of my pants...not even close! I've resorted to wearing belly bands each day to hide my unbuttoned jeans. I really, really don't want to wear maternity clothes just yet...but I *definitely* have a sizeable baby bump already.

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I'm currently 10 wks pregnant with #5 and I can no longer button ANY of my pants...not even close! I've resorted to wearing belly bands each day to hide my unbuttoned jeans. I really, really don't want to wear maternity clothes just yet...but I *definitely* have a sizeable baby bump already.


Yes the belly band is my friend too! When is your due date?

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Try going to the Dollar Tree and buying 20 pregnancy tests with five kids in tow and a baby in the sling. You might get some stares.


I got a disturbing look when I bought one with 4 kids. At that moment I vowed to only go through self check outs or go to Dollar Tree while hubs watches the kids!

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Try going to the Dollar Tree and buying 20 pregnancy tests with five kids in tow and a baby in the sling. You might get some stares.


Give them a hard look & tell them you run a crisis center. (Called home, where laundry, dishes, chores are all in crisis all the time. Oh, wait. The confession thread is on a different page. Nevermind my house...) ;)


OP, since about 3-4mos w/ #1. :lol:

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Yet another person who saw the positive pink line and then couldn't get her jeans zipped back up. :)


I also had to get my "big momma" clothes out much earlier than I wanted to (just after 3 months); this was mostly because my regular pants were pushing on the C-section scar when I sat down. I hated to get out the maternity bin, but I was sooo much more comfortable after.

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I show crazy early! I gained 5 dress sizes by 3mths along with my oldest. I was thin and fit, it was just the way I am made. With my 3rd child I was in full maternity clothes at 3mths.


Even the drs cant get it right.....both of my OBs were very experienced drs. Probably 20yrs experience each.


In my first pregnancy my doctor had to keep adjusting my dates. My earliest date based on exam was the end of June, he was born at the end of August....LOL I guessed he was due in August, but the dr insisted I was wrong.


In my next pgy, a diff dr insisted I was a month farther along that I was based again on exam alone. I knew what mth I got pg, so I insisted on an ultrasound to date the pgy. The ultrasound confirmed I was correct. (we lost this baby so she is not in my sig)


In my 3rd pgy, at week 8, a dr insisted I either a month further along that I said I was or I was carrying twins. This time I knew, to the day, when I got pg....again an ultrasound confirmed I was correct.

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