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S/O Confession ... What's going well?

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Hopefully this can stay peaceful. No "don'ts" here; so no saying what you don't let your kids do, or things like that. Only things that are currently going well, you're happy about, etc.


I have remembered to give DS his meds perfectly on schedule for 2 weeks now!


I ran the dishwasher last night.


I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes today, 8 minutes inclined!


I've had 2 bottles of water today.


I did not get frustrated while dd was stimming and attempting to explain something :)


I remembered to check the dry-ness of ds's bed before 9am! (ample time to wash if needed, but they were dry)

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We got off to a late start and usually when that happens, I give the kids a shorter day (skipping geography and some reading or something). Today I stuck to my guns and taught every subject.


I still had time to get the laundry done for the day - before lunch!


I planned meals for the next two weeks based on what we have in the house.


I convinced ds 10 that he needed to bake banana bread!!


My house is picked up and clean!!! It's usually clean, but it gets messy because we live here! But, today, it's picked up!

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I like this idea!


This week, I've given my kids fruit for snacks instead of junk.


Last week, I finished everything on the school schedule, including art (I can't remember the last time that happened).


I cleaned toothpaste off the bathroom counter and washed the dog this morning (not at the same time).


I have not raised my voice yet today.

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So many things. My kids are responsible, caring people. They help me tidy and clean.


Dd & I figured out the impossible staple gun yesterday so we could staple some new vinyl over the kitchen table. We sung I am Woman Hear Me Roar, while we did it. LOL


Kids are getting along better than ever. Life is just good, tiring but good. I can't post anymore or it'll be considered bragging. :)

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I did not bang my head on the table this morning when both my boys completely forgot how to do their math, even though I was sitting between two short folk whining, "But I don't get it!" While this may seem to be a thinly disguised negative, I am proud that I didn't get impatient (much), I explained everything a-g-a-i-n, and now they are both working happily.


Yesterday when the sun came out, I abandoned the schedule, gave the boys their nature notebooks and had them paint something spring-ish, AND we were so energized we got everything on the schedule done on time anyway.



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I did not bang my head on the table this morning when both my boys completely forgot how to do their math, even though I was sitting between two short folk whining, "But I don't get it!" While this may seem to be a thinly disguised negative, I am proud that I didn't get impatient (much), I explained everything a-g-a-i-n, and now they are both working happily.





this is admirable.

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My RAD dd has been doing very well.


My WONDERFUL little Bandit's heart condition is not as bad as we were originally told it was a year ago. She can go swimming this summer!!!


My house is pretty clean yet I have done almost nothing this week. I scrubbed it thoroughly over the weekend.


I'm going out with friends tomorrow. Mom's night out!!!


Dh is very good to me.


Dd11 thinks I walk on water. Perfect may be too strong a word but she just adores me.


Dd8 LOVES to give me foot rubs. LOVE it!!!


MY MOM'S CONDO, WHICH HAS BEEN ON THE MARKET FOR OVER A YEAR NOW, IS CLOSING TOMORROW!!!!!!!! (hopefully dh's mom's house will sell!)


I'm tired but I am at least thinking of being productive. Shortly.

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I vac'd & dusted the whole downstairs on Sat. (Although it's dusty and dirty again.)


I planted peas and greens in the garden on Sunday.


I went to ILL and was pleased that some of the Teaching Company vids we need are actually available!


I brought another large bag of declutter to Goodwill yesterday.


I went through a bunch of hs books and papers this morning, tossed some, and organzied my youngest dd's work. It's amazing how everything becomes a heap over a period of time.


I downloaded a Sister Wendy lecture for my oldest dd's iPod. She's headed to the Metropolitan in NYC tomorrow, and I thought she would enjoy hearing it during the drive.


I tidied up the basement freezer the day I vac'd. I wasn't sure what was left, and now I know.

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We have been loving our new sonlight core and are thoroughly enjoying the change of pace to simply reading and discussing books this week. NO projects, no math, no grammar etc.


Being away from home and first at my sister's spending time with my nephew(which lead to me taking the kids out to some nice fieldtrips), and now at my mom's (especially with her barely being around this week), has meant there is a change in routine and space to spread out so the fighting between the kids has been virtually non-existant this week meaning I can be much more gently spoken with them.


I leave in about 5 hours for homeschool convention. I get my hotel tonight but it does not start until tomorrow, I can not wait to have a night on my own.


On the topic of homeschool convention, the lady that runs my homeschool support group is speaking their and put in a request on my behalf that my registration be waived because I am low income and put in a request to my school board to access the widows and orphans fund to pay for my hotel costs. SHe did all that without my knowledge untilt he calls came in that my hotel is now paid for and my fees are waived. Otherwise there is no way I could have attended convention this year. In return I volunteered to work 8 hours at it, 1 hour as a room monitor for the same woman that put in those requests and 7 hours over the 2 days at the special needs booth. I am so greatful that I received such a blessing from both the convention team and the school board and that this woman thought so highly of me to put in those requests on my behalf.

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I am quoting my response from Confessions with new bits in blue.


I'm letting my kids watch Prince Caspian right now. It is a rainy day and the 4yo wanted to watch a movie.:blushing: All they have to finish during the movie is math. And I'm going to make them sort socks, I think.

The kids have done a fabulous job with school this week. If they work this afternoon, we will be ahead for the week.



I am still reading The Spartan to Dd (it has been almost 2 months) and I still have 100 pages to go. It is the book that never ends. Since I have only been reading The Spartan, Dd7 has had to read all her other history books to herself. But, then, Dd7 is pretty much teaching herself at this point. You'd think she'd resent that.


Dd7 is finishing up 3rd Grade. She is a great reader and works diligently at her school work. I feel like I'm letting her down, but she is getting a great education.


For Dh's birthday I told him I would do the ironing. He upset me a tad a bit ago and I told him I would do his ironing only when I had everything else done.:blushing: It had something to do with me working late into the evening while he watched TV. Over the last few days while the baby has been sleeping or outside with the kids, I have ironed over 60 items of clothing. 60! Can you imagine the pile?


My ironing pile is VERY small right now!


I was going to do year round schooling, but I decided I couldn't handle finishing in August. Now I'm only on week 22 of school and am stressed out. Math will be done this month. Hopefully, that will free up some other time. But we have a good 12 weeks left of some subjects. I am only halfway done English. Oh my. And the kids are watching a movie.:001_huh: What am I thinking?


Although we have a lot of ground to cover yet, the kids have learned the material very well. Ds6 knows his addition, subtraction, and half the multiplication facts! He is reading on his own for fun now!


The house is never all picked up. Never. I will not use the boys' bathroom unless I have just cleaned it.


I wish the house looked great, but the reality is, it doesn't. I am encouraged by my SIL. I remember her house when the kids were little, and I've seen it get better as they have gotten older.


I drink Dr. Pepper in the morning. I hate tea and coffee.


Bad habits aside, I've lost 5 pounds in the last month.


I have 8 inches worth of papers to file.


Those papers represent weeks (months?) of accomplished school work.


My kids have repeatedly and respectfully asked me to sew on their Awanas and Tae Kwon Do patches. I hate sewing on patches. Oh, that reminds me, I stopped working with them on their Awanas verses. Ds6 teaches himself one a week and Dd7 has done her second book in the past two months or so. But what kind of mom says, "You're on your own kid?"


The kids have been very active in activities this year and come home excited about what they've done.


In spite of my shortcomings, we are generally successful in our chosen lifestyle. Why do the above things hang over my head so much?


I'm not perfect, but I love my kids, homeschooling, and my life in general.

Edited by Meriwether
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I gave the kitchen a thorough cleaning last night. It was a pleasure to see it in the morning.


We're getting a new washer. Our old washer broke. I haven't been able to do laundry in over a week. I don't have any guilt about not doing the laundry, and I'm looking forward to doing the wash!


We started some new school materials two weeks ago. The kids and I enjoy them, and my children are learning things I want them to know in fun and creative ways.


Spring is here!

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We are caught up or ahead in all of our subjects. The weather is nicer now and the kids get to play outside more. I am happy with my curriculum choices now and for next year.


I am keeping up with the laundry even though the stupid washer is broken and won't agitate. I am agitating the stupid laundry myself. At least the spinner thing works so I don't have to wring it out by hand.


My cat, she-who-is-not-spayed, is not pregnant.


The kids are outside so I can sneak more birthday cake.

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I have figured out what is going on with my energy drain and how to fix it.



Could you share? If you've already mentioned it, could you link? Thanks. :001_smile:



To op's question:


I started a gratitude journal last week. Whenever something especially good happens, I write it down, hopefully the same day. I have also used it to give my self a pat on the back when I accomplish something I've been dreading or putting off.


When I find myself getting bogged down, I do what I did when I had PPD. I find just one thing to focus on and complete, so that I can say that I did something. So often that leads to one more thing, then one more thing, but sometimes it doesn't.


I've found that I have some real needs that aren't identified in the hierarchy of needs: A time of quiet, sunshine/warmth, comfort, and beautiful or pleasant things to look at. If I don't have these things, I get slow, depressed, and cranky. I also find getting rid of unnecessary stuff very freeing.


I love that spring is here. I get so much mileage out of it. We are winding down our school year and it feels good to finish things up and get them out of the way.

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I packed two boxes of knick knacks in preparation for our move at the beginning of next month.


I sent out one PaperbackSwap book and a package of things I sold here.


I'm doing laundry.


I sent my husband some notes to help him write the description and tailor his resume for a job he might get . . . eventually.


I haven't had an argument with my son today.





Yep. I think that's it.

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Last year a bad baby bunny ate all of my newly-sprouted white Casa Blanca lilies that I had planted that year. I thought they were goners until I went out today and what did I see? Lily sprouts! Hooray! I cannot wait to see how they do.


Now I must go find some wire and begin making cages for them pronto.

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My 6yo ate zucchini and shrimp for lunch today - didn't even gag once.


I'm OK with the fact that I find the book "With Pipe, Paddle, and Song" very boring.


I played outside with my 4 youngest kids this morning.


Dh called to see if I wanted to go out to lunch with him tomorrow.

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I downloaded a bunch of lectures from Peace Hill Press and scheduled a "mom day" to myself while the kids are at Grandma's. I'll listen and plan - yay!


I didn't cry when dh didn't get interviews for the two big jobs he'd applied for.


I found a Barnes & Noble coupon in my inbox and notification that it's their teacher sale event.


I stopped at two cookies last night :)


I didn't feel guilty for telling my 3 year old that the cookies were dog biscuits.

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All of the kids have been promoted to next years materials in English, Reading, Spelling, Latin, and Writing. We are 15 days from being done with Math, Science, and History. I am SERIOUSLY happy about this because we can start our projects for the county fair in May instead of June!


The chicken tractor is complete. The new hens are outdoors and though so stupid that rocks have a higher IQ, I have high hopes that they'll figure out that they should lay eggs someday.


We purchased a new to us vehicle (used) and I love it! It's a Honda CRV for "R" to use this winter since it's AWD but it got 26 mpg around town this week. This makes me insanely happy because we can sell our two vans (these are big Chevy Beauville vans that we used for hauling all of our supplies for this building renovation) for scrap & parts and we are getting $1000.00 for them. WHOO-WHOO!! They have nearly 300,000 miles on each and otherwise aren't worth selling. I've named the CRV - Molly (Molly Honda) and proclaimed that anyone who leaves trash inside her will either walk or be bungee corded to the rack on top!


Dh is taking vacation May 11-16th from work and we will be visiting our nephew and his wonderful wife in Alexandria. We'll be attending the TARC finals, Mt. Vernon, the Air and Space Museum, Museum of Natural History, and Lincoln memorials. We get to take the CRV which has plenty of leg space for Thing 1 (the pizza eating, food demolishing, weed that has grown three inches since December and likes to tease me about the peach fuzz growing on his upper lip - I've threatened to wax it right off!!!), and cargo space plus the added bonus of getting 28-30 on the highway when gas is $4.00 a gallon.


My birthday is Saturday and we are supposed to have a 4-H meeting. "R" is taking my place and helping her dad herd the group through their science project so that my dear IRL quilting friend can take me to a new quilt store, Barnes and Nobles, lunch, and the outlet center! Additionally, I thought that I wouldn't have any money to spend since we just got the new vehicle. But, dh - my dear darling - has been getting a $20.00 bill out each week for the past five weeks when he's picked up items at the grocery or farm store for me and hid them away so I'd have it to spend! He will be properly rewarded!!!!!!!


Ds, the 14 year old "I hate algebra" boy, has been doing his algebra without major errors or attitude. This is apparently because he wants (he actually wants) to learn the algebraic algorithms used to program 3D computer graphics. Thank you DH for introducing him to game design.


DD has been getting unbelievable reviews in this last stage of her paramedic training. She is doing us proud and will be starting flight-line training as soon as she is eligible. Three trauma units that staff their ER's with full time medics (they can do more procedures than the nurses so when things get really dicey, it is very helpful to have medics on hand) and two EMS services are vying for her future employment. It's really sweet to be launching our first adult into life and know that she is on a good path and will be able to take care of herself.


I'm slated to begin a music history and advanced music analysis refresher class in the fall (online - we don't have any decent music schools around here) and I'm excited to get that portion of my brain back in gear. I'm going to do a lot of my studying at the same time as high school ds in order to role model responsible study habits as he is not as mentally organized as his older sister or youngest brother.


Right now...things do feel really good. I'd be very happy to have this last for even a week!!



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The biggest things that I am happy about (proud of) right now:


I took care of my cat and he is happy now and no longer peeing on random piles of laundry in the house. Consistently remembering to take care of pets has always been difficult for me, but I am doing it well.


I bought Trim Kids and Omnivores Dilemma only to find out that I have nutrition and exercise down. I feed my family good meals, we get outside to play and my DD even knows this stuff already.


I have been leaving the house at least 4 times per week. Huge accomplishment for me.

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