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There is absolutely no logic in this world!

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It makes no sense, I tell you. None. To divide a bar of chocolate into triangles. TRIANGLES! Who eats chocolate in triangles? I mean, seriously!? You have this nice rectangular bar in your cupboard (okay, it's really sitting on your desk, but nevermind that). At maybe 11:00 am or so, you decide that you deserve a little nibble of chocolate. Usually you wait until after lunch, or maybe 2:00. But today, you got up super early to help sort your food co-op order, so it feels like you've already put in a day's work. You deserve chocolate. Eleven o'clock will do just fine. And, you only want a tiny bit, to tide you over until afternoon.


So, you open the bar of Scharffen Berger Extra Dark Fine Artisan Dark Chocolate -- the one you splurged on the other day because the store was out of your usual Lindt bar which costs less. You pull back the brown wrapper, and the shiny aluminum foil, hoping to do this all very quietly so that your children won't know you're sneaking chocolate at this hour. You very carefully reach inside the wrapping to break off a square. You grab the bar. You bend gently. And, *snap!* You get a lopsided chunk of chocolate that makes up about 30% of the entire bar. Perplexed as to why it broke in such strange fashion, you flip the bar over to discover that instead of nice right angled segments, this bar has a collection of obtuse and acute angles, running diagonally across the surface. It's virtually impossible to get just the right amount of chocolate. Instead, you get a honking big piece. Which you are, of course, obliged to eat then and there. In a hurry. Leaving smudges of chocolate on your lips and teeth. Why must you eat it then? Because I said so, that's why! And, I don't have to explain to you why I'm eating chocolate at this hour.


Ahem. So, your beautiful Berger bar now has butchered edges. Edges which beckon at you to make them even again. You break off another piece, hoping against the hope that it will go straight across this time. Instead, another jagged edge appears. More clean up needed.


Before you know it, you've evened up three fourths of the bar, which is really just fine since we all know that evening up the edges of something delectable does not count toward your total caloric intake for the day. However, it does diminish the overall quantity of the bar which you had hoped to consume after lunch. So, now you're compelled to go buy another bar. One that has a more logical design to its segments. One that you can eat square by square. Slowly. Logically.



And, with dignity.







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It would drive me crazy to have all those wacky angles and I am sure that I would have to eat the whole thing.


But really, that whole chocolate high should have you feeling much better by now. Yes? And now, if you hide the evidence deep in the garbage your dds will be none the wiser and even better, they won't want to eat what is left of your already opened chocolate. :)

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Doran, are you a blogger? If not, why not? :D You are a funny girl!


No...I'm not a blogger. I have to admit, I've thought about it on many occasions. I just have this fear that it will end up feeling like a big albatross around my neck rather than a sweet little bird singing on the tree outside my window, kwim? How do you bloggers keep up?

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No...I'm not a blogger. I have to admit, I've thought about it on many occasions. I just have this fear that it will end up feeling like a big albatross around my neck rather than a sweet little bird singing on the tree outside my window, kwim? How do you bloggers keep up?


I just don't blog when I'm "really not feelin' it". Most the time I am... and I *usually* blog either at night after the kids go to bed or when they are doing desk work where I'm not on call. It's my hobby... I do it instead of knitting. :D

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I just don't blog when I'm "really not feelin' it". Most the time I am... and I *usually* blog either at night after the kids go to bed or when they are doing desk work where I'm not on call. It's my hobby... I do it instead of knitting. :D



I have so many hobbies, WTM Boards included. Chocolate included. Kids are in there somewhere, too, along with all of their hobbies and the transportation I provide to same. Is there really time left over?



Knitting might serve me better. But, writing is really more my thing. :D

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