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It turns out.....

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I am not pregnant after all. :( I took a home test (EPT) on Sunday morning and it was most definitely reading positive. I went to the doctor this morning and they did two pregnancy urine tests and a pregnancy blood test. All were negative! I am so disappointed!


My husband is relieved because he thought he was too old - 46! Now that we have had a "scare" he wants a vasectomy. I knew he was done, but I have just left it up to God and left contraception up to DH. Yesterday I was thinking, "See, God wanted me to have another baby." Obviously, I was wrong.


Regarding the false positive, apparently my kidneys are dumping protein in to my urine and somehow that caused the home test to be positive. Or, it truly was a defective test. I am awaiting results from a test the doctor did today. If they don't like the results then I will need to do a 24 hour urinalysis and if that doesn't go well I need to see a Nephrologist. Basically, I have gone from being excited about having another baby to not having a baby and being worried about my kidneys. It's been a stressful day!:confused: Also, I still have high blood pressure and they gave me a new prescription for that.


On the upside, my A1C was 5.7, Cholesterol 132 and all other liver and kidney tests they did came back "normal"- except for the protein thing obviously.

Edited by TXMary2
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I'm so sorry about there not being a pregnancy. I've been through the "dreading there being another baby on the way, yet really, really disappointed once it became apparent that it wasn't going to happen." Children are *such* a blessing, that it is hard to let go of the joy and hope of the thought of another beloved child.


However, :party: Good for you on the A1c. That's really fantastic! Whatever you are doing, keep it up, and do it some more. if you can keep that number low, maybe even a bit lower, your kidneys will respond and heal. (Dr. Bernstein cites some studies in his book. :) )



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I'm so sorry about there not being a pregnancy. I've been through the "dreading there being another baby on the way, yet really, really disappointed once it became apparent that it wasn't going to happen." Children are *such* a blessing, that it is hard to let go of the joy and hope of the thought of another beloved child.


However, :party: Good for you on the A1c. That's really fantastic! Whatever you are doing, keep it up, and do it some more. if you can keep that number low, maybe even a bit lower, your kidneys will respond and heal. (Dr. Bernstein cites some studies in his book. :) )




Thanks everyone.


I haven't heard of Dr. Bernstein....I am going to look him up now.

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I'm so sorry! I understand the range of emotions... We're going through something similar. Our lives are so crazy and another baby just would have been too much. We thought there might have been an unplanned just this week, but 3 early tests were all negative. We've gone through scared to death, maybe a little hopeful and then relieved, back to scared because now I'm 2 days late! (I'm never late!) I know it's in the Lord's hands, but it's kinda weird that I want a baby and am scared to death to be pregnant all at the same time!!!



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I'm so sorry! I understand the range of emotions... We're going through something similar. Our lives are so crazy and another baby just would have been too much. We thought there might have been an unplanned just this week, but 3 early tests were all negative. We've gone through scared to death, maybe a little hopeful and then relieved, back to scared because now I'm 2 days late! (I'm never late!) I know it's in the Lord's hands, but it's kinda weird that I want a baby and am scared to death to be pregnant all at the same time!!!




I haven't had a period since February so I must just be getting old. I have missed a period once or twice before and not been pregnant, but otherwise I am pretty regular. I am glad I only went about 24 hours thinking that I was, otherwise I might have been more emotional. I had a good cry yesterday and now I have just realized, life isn't any worse or better - it is what it is.


I hope you get the result you want!:grouphug:

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. Was your test a blue due test? Those are notorious for giving false positives. I got a very bright positive on one several years ago and we were all happy only to find out it was negative. I think they should be pulled from the market.


Hope everything gets worked out with your kidneys. What a roller coaster for you.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. Was your test a blue due test? Those are notorious for giving false positives. I got a very bright positive on one several years ago and we were all happy only to find out it was negative. I think they should be pulled from the market.


Hope everything gets worked out with your kidneys. What a roller coaster for you.



No, it was an EPT - with two windows.

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I don't know if this is helpful or not...I've gone back & forth over whether to post....


I had a urine & a blood test come back negative from my dr a few yrs ago, too. The kid is about to turn 8. I didn't think blood tests could *be* wrong, so I felt pretty silly to home test later, when, er, nothing had changed.


The dr apparently hadn't heard of such a thing, either. She asked dh to leave the room at my first appt so I'd tell her the *real* date of conception & consent to an AIDS test. :glare:


Either way: :grouphug:

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I don't know if this is helpful or not...I've gone back & forth over whether to post....


I had a urine & a blood test come back negative from my dr a few yrs ago, too. The kid is about to turn 8. I didn't think blood tests could *be* wrong, so I felt pretty silly to home test later, when, er, nothing had changed.


The dr apparently hadn't heard of such a thing, either. She asked dh to leave the room at my first appt so I'd tell her the *real* date of conception & consent to an AIDS test. :glare:


Either way: :grouphug:


Wow! That's crazy! I knew dr's tests could be false negatives, but only before the missed period! I can't believe she didn't believe you!

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