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Need assistance naming a rescue lamb. Chocolate related named please.

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She's comfortably resting with our two other rescue lambs. She's black, like they are, with two white spots on her head.


The other two lambs are Oreo (big white tuff on the top of her otherwise totally black body), and Truffles (not a spot of white anywhere on her).


Poor little thing is weak but going to make it. She's tiny, two weeks old, the ewe wasn't very attentive so babe was eating sporadically, and the farmer was giving her two bottles per day. Then the stupid ewe completely abandoned the little babe. Two bottles a day is not enough. So she is here. We were getting ready to wean the others and take them back, but now we'll keep them until Easter and see how this one is doing as it's best for the new one if she has company.


So help me out, I need a cute chocolatey name for her.



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Okay the front runners are Cocoa, dh loves this, E'Claire - I love it, ds the lamb rescuer, thinks it's weird, - and Mocha, which the lamb rescuer adores.


Oh and my dh, with his wicked, weird sense of humor, suggested "Ho, Ho" after some sort of junk food chocolate roll snack that is named such. I nixed that with great determination and the threat of lost of "privileges" if ever one of my sons said in public, we have a black lamb named "ho". I don't even want to think about it!


I will probably lose the E'Claire fight because I am surrounded by uncultured, neanderthal (let's go blow something up - Thor make fire), males. DD is on shift and not here to at least help me go down in a good fight. I'm too outnumbered.


I'll let everyone know which name gets picked and with some luck, I'll get dh to help me post some pics because she's a teeny, weeny, little cutie pie.



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