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Baby Girl Namesake

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We're having a baby girl in August, and can't come up with a good name. We've got one girl and two boys so far. We like to give each of our children a namesake of someone we would like them to emulate. The boys were easy - there are plenty of men in history, so finding a couple of good ones wasn't a problem. We named our first girl Esther after the great Queen in the Bible. The bible is full of great women, but we hesitate to give too many bible names (we're not theme namers). We're also looking into our own family history for ideas. I just don't know if we'll find one there.


So who, in history, sets an example you would like your daughters to follow? (And if possible, has a nice sounding name too. ;))

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My personal favorites are Margaret Thatcher and Catherine the Great. But some other favorites I've had over the years are:


Molly Pitcher

Marie Curie

Katherine Hepburn

Susan B. Anthony

Mother Teresa

Ella Fitzgerald

Florence Nightingale

Anne Sullivan

Helen Keller

Kristi Yamaguchi



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Abigail would be right up there on my list, both for the Biblical Abigail and for Abigail Adams. I have a Laura -- named for my favorite childhood author (not specifically for the First Lady, though IMO, there are worse role models). I think even with Esther, you could use a lot of names of great Biblical women -- Mary, Sara(h), Deborah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Anna -- because many of them are common enough that people wouldn't necessarily assume you went with a theme, if that makes sense.

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I also thought of Theresa, Amelia and Clara. Here are some others:

Diana (Princess)

Jacqueline (Kennedy)

Mia (Hamm)

Marie (Curie)

Anne (Frank)

Harriet (Tubman)


You could combine some of these for first and middle names and have a doubly historic name! :D

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