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URGENT: Little boy needs prayers

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Please pray for this little boy & his family. This family lived here when we first got here, and are now stationed in Hawaii. I didn't know them well, but they seemed to be the sweetest people and It just breaks my heart than any family have to go through this. I am posting this on FB, sending to my friends, and hoping some of you here will see this and pray. The little boy's name is Evan. Here is part of the email:


"...about a day and a half ago now, Evan their second son (about 5 years) fell out of a second story window. He has suffered major brain damage. He has gone through surgery and it does not appear that he is going to make it. His condition was critical and has gotten worse. The doctors have done all they can do and cannot take any additional medical steps to reduce the swelling to the brain. He was on medication to bring his brain swelling down to a normal level and they for a time saw very limited brain activity. The medication had to be stopped as it would also stop his heart if he had too much. After quitting the medication the brain level rose dramatically above normal. Currently they are seeing no brain activity. His pupils are not responsive to light and the pressure on his brain continues to get worse (beyond the normal levels) and more than likely he is already gone.


Within the next 12 hours the doctor will do the final tests to declare whether or not his is brain dead. However, they are seeing those levels now. He is on a respirator to keep him breathing."


Thank you all...

Edited by FindingLaurie
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TY all so much. I haven't heard anything else but this poor family has been on my mind all day. I spoke with a friend of both mine and the mother's this afternoon and found out that the mother is pg with their 4th child, and is in her 1st trimester. This must be insanely hard on everyone and just breaks my heart.

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