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Summer School?

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How many of you are planning to take the summer off from formal education? How many are going to keep teaching through the summer? If you're taking it off, will you require anything of your children through the summer?


In our home we are basically on target for a break come May 1st. We're behind in Math and Religion. I'm thinking of doing those two subjects daily, plus an hour of free reading.

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We are transitioning into HS'ing from pvt school I want to use the summer to do a few things.


with my 5 year old I really want to hit some phonics to have a better transition in to first grade readers and I want to spend a little time doing some fun math stuff


with my 9 year old I want to do some math drill type things just to stay sharp, a little summer reading (as If I could even stop her lol)


with my 12 year old I am going to try to go through the bulk of saxon 8/7 skipping the things she is already solid on, summer reading (she is not a big fan of reading and i want to encourage this more)


I want both of my older girls to start doing daily journal writing.


we plan of doing some field trips, nature stuff etc. we have a zoo pass too so we may do some animal studies as well.


I may toss some other things in and I want to try to start getting them on a very basic routine to prepare them for schooling at home.


I also like the "summer bridge" books we may do some of those as well. I don't want them just sitting around playing games and riding bikes all summer but still want to do a lot of fun things.

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I have always had some type of school over the summer. We exclusively did science during the summer and not during the rest of the year, and I added in some math. I didn't need to have required reading, because dd reads constantly. This worked really well up until the last summer. Somehow, dd has gotten so involved in other activities that the school work didn't get done and I needed a break from being a naggy mom/teacher.


So, this year, I do not have any school work planned except for LOF Pre-algebra with Economics. I cannot let her drop math altogether because she will forget everything. I'm planning to give her a unit study on horses and let her have the entire summer to finish it. She spends several hours a week with horses, so that shouldn't be a problem.

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We never take the whole summer off because we like to travel and do so "off season" when other kids are in school. We do take all of June off, and usually at least two other weeks off each summer to travel to see family, but that's it.

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We only take 6 weeks for the summer and start back right after the 4th of July. Last year we took a break from all academics but this year everyone is going to continue on with math. I will also require them to read for atleast an hour every day but it will be free choice.

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We usually take a full summer break and it really is a break. ;) I don't require anything. However, this year we probably won't for two reasons. One, we are hoping to take a long vacation in the fall to Florida and that means about two weeks out of school time. Two, we have taken a couple extra weeks off this school year to spend time with friends who are home on mission furlough. The girls know that we will be working some this summer. Though, between us, I'm not sure how we will fit it in :D Older dd volunteers at a camp and also has church camp to attend. Younger dd has a week of camp to attend. I guess we'll see!

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We do a few things in the summer. The summer, when we're not busy with our main curriculum stuff, is when we work our way through The Story of the World for fun.


We will be using a fun typing instruction program this summer because she didn't use the computer enough to retain what she'd learned from the typing program she took in 4th grade, and I plan to let her do more typing and less handwriting next year in 6th.


We will continue doing lots of reading, for our 52 Books In 52 Weeks Challenge and for fun.


She may play Timez Attack games or some such here and there to keep up with her memorization of her times tables.


But that's really about it, other than extra curriculars- she usually does things like art classes, swimming lessons, and so on in the summer.

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We usually wind down our school year in May and then only do math and reading through June, July and part of August.

This year I decided to add logic. I think we have a better chance of it getting done during the lighter work load. Beyond that, it's pool time with occasional sport/dance camps sprinkled throughout the summer.:)

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We hs year around:


2 weeks of full school (independent and one on one work)

1 week of independent hs and I do planning

2 weeks of full school (independent and one on one work)

1 week off


I generally take 2 weeks of at Christmas, and during the summer there are extra weeks here and there for family vacation, but it works for us.


Oh and we only do a 4 day school week.



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We school year round and try to take one week off after six weeks of school (doesn't always work out because we take off dh's school breaks, so sometimes we'll go 8 weeks to coincide our week off with his time off). We end our current year in mid-June and then take four weeks off until mid-July, when our new school year begins. But, even during our "off" weeks, we tend to do math and reading (and try to review Latin vocabulary).

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We do school from mid-August through the end of June each year, taking a summer break of 6 weeks with relatively no lessons. We also take two weeks off in Dec. and another 2 in the spring.


This year I may have dd work on LOF and lots of fun reading during our time off, but mostly I want her to have a break and enjoy summer.




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We will do solid school all through June. Then I expect to take July off for Boy Scout and Christian summer camps. Then we'll probably start back up again at the beginning of August.


We moved (again) this school year and had about two months of broken schooling (ie, school lite) in the middle of the year. Not sustainable for where I want to be as my eldest heads into high school.

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We'll finish school at the beginning of June. I doubt we'll do anything structured over the summer, though I might have her do some math each week. She reads all.the.time so no worries there. Summer is time for exploring the creek, messing around in the dirt (garden), playing with her same-age boy cousin who lives within biking distance, trying some new sports (field hockey, ice skating), enjoying the university pool, and taking a vacation in August.


I will be doing SAT prep with dd16 during the summer :D and I may be doing high school entrance test prep with dniece13.

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I had planned to go year-round, but looking at the deadlines for work, I think DD is going to be going to a few weeks of 1/2 day gymnastics camp while I get work done in June, and then we'll travel some in July. I'd like to keep a little math facts practice, language vocabulary practice, and of course, lots of reading going-but I think I'll give her some daily extra computer time for math games and Headventureland, plus a library trip each week to pick out books, and call it good.

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My "grand plans" are to have summer school M-F. I realize that it will probably not end up happening like I envision, but it's good to aim high, right? I want to use the summer to cement previously-learned skills and get a head start in a couple of things.


Morning Meeting (30 minutes)

Getting Started with Latin (very quick, just review the lesson and orally translate a few sentences)

Sentence Diagramming (diagram 1 sentence)

Daily Word Problem (Singapore style word problem)

FLL 2 lesson & memory work

Daily Lesson (most days)

Apples & Pears Spelling

Life of Fred Fractions, Decimals/Percents

Elemental Chemistry

History reading


Independent Work

Challenge Math worksheet

Grammar & Punctuation worksheet that reinforces FLL 2

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We'll do math, piano practice and lessons, and read a lot. I take off from grammar, history (formal), and other stuff. This summer we may do a writing camp for fun. I think I may see if some other families want to do an IEW camp... We usually find some fun camps to go to (scout, engineering, science) and do a lot of family trips. I hate to drop everything, but I am certainly not a slave to a schedule once standardized testing is over the end of April or when the kids finish up their CLE Light Units for the year.

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We take the month of June off (usually) and start back to school the Monday after July 4th. It's too humid here to really play outside in July & August. We take our family vacations in the fall and winter. During our 4-5 weeks "off" of school, the kids do the Summer Bridge workbooks and Math workbooks. I spend this time planning the next year out. This year I am doing the complete 36 week filing!!:D

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