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Day 3 of low carb!

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Wow, maybe I can do this? Or maybe I'm doing it all wrong and I won't lose weight. :sneaky2:


For breakfast, I'm eating bacon and eggs with leeks and red pepper

Lunch: bacon cheeseburger without bread

Dinner: Miso soup (no noodles) mushrooms, leeks, seaweed, miso and water.


...and I'm NOT craving carbs :confused:


My family ate pizza last night. Pizza! and the smell was a little tempting but I didn't feel like an addict for the first time in my ENTIRE life.


Oh, actually, when I was feeling like I needed to cheat 2 days ago, I took some parmesan cheese and fried it into a crisp (like a cracker) and topped each cracker off with a dollop of sour cream. :blink: I ate about 6 of them. :blink:


But then I wasn't hungry and haven't had a craving since!


Maybe I can do this. Thank you all for the great diet advice you all give on the board, I've read every one! :tongue_smilie:

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Wow, maybe I can do this? Or maybe I'm doing it all wrong and I won't lose weight. :sneaky2:


For breakfast, I'm eating bacon and eggs with leeks and red pepper

Lunch: bacon cheeseburger without bread

Dinner: Miso soup (no noodles) mushrooms, leeks, seaweed, miso and water.


...and I'm NOT craving carbs :confused:


My family ate pizza last night. Pizza! and the smell was a little tempting but I didn't feel like an addict for the first time in my ENTIRE life.


Oh, actually, when I was feeling like I needed to cheat 2 days ago, I took some parmesan cheese and fried it into a crisp (like a cracker) and topped each cracker off with a dollop of sour cream. :blink: I ate about 6 of them. :blink:


But then I wasn't hungry and haven't had a craving since!


Maybe I can do this. Thank you all for the great diet advice you all give on the board, I've read every one! :tongue_smilie:


I remember realizing how strong my body's reaction to carbs was when I did low carb for the first time.


The advice I follow in the early days is to eat (low carb) when I am hungry. Soon, the hunger diminishes substantially.


If I were writing to you on the low carb friends forum, I'd suggest you add a lot of veggies to that line up! ;)

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I remember realizing how strong my body's reaction to carbs was when I did low carb for the first time.


The advice I follow in the early days is to eat (low carb) when I am hungry. Soon, the hunger diminishes substantially.


If I were writing to you on the low carb friends forum, I'd suggest you add a lot of veggies to that line up! ;)


Since I feel full and have no cravings (because I am full, I mean I just ate four eggs fried in butter with 1 cup of leeks and 1/2 red bell pepper. :001_huh:


So I don't know if I'm just pigging out and feel so satisfied because of all the fatty foods I'm eating, or I'm actually kicking my carb habit and will start losing weight. I think I'll pick up those ketone strips today.

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I started a very low carb diet on Monday and I fell pretty good. Day 1 and 2 are always hardest for me.


I've had lots of fruits and veggies (I don't count them...just the processed carbs, potatoes, rice, etc.)


It looks on the scale like I've lost 2 lbs already, but I always wait a day or 2 before "claiming" it :)

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I started doing a sort of semi-low carb thing a few weeks ago (I stay at around 50-70 g a day), and I'm sort of amazed at how quickly the cravings went away. A couple of really yummy 2 bite brownies from Costco just sat in my house all week, and I kept walking right past them. We have Girl Scout cookies here right now, and I couldn't care less! It's a miracle! I've hesitated about doing low carb in the past mostly because I, umm, eat like a five year old and don't really like any vegetables (except potatoes). But this time I'm determined to learn to like (or tolerate anyway) at least a few non-starchy vegetables. I ate like a quarter of a bell pepper yesterday and felt like a superhero. 50-70 g leaves room for some fruit, too (and, er, occasional really dark chocolate).

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Wow, maybe I can do this? Or maybe I'm doing it all wrong and I won't lose weight. :sneaky2:


For breakfast, I'm eating bacon and eggs with leeks and red pepper

Lunch: bacon cheeseburger without bread

Dinner: Miso soup (no noodles) mushrooms, leeks, seaweed, miso and water.


...and I'm NOT craving carbs :confused:


My family ate pizza last night. Pizza! and the smell was a little tempting but I didn't feel like an addict for the first time in my ENTIRE life.


Oh, actually, when I was feeling like I needed to cheat 2 days ago, I took some parmesan cheese and fried it into a crisp (like a cracker) and topped each cracker off with a dollop of sour cream. :blink: I ate about 6 of them. :blink:


But then I wasn't hungry and haven't had a craving since!


Maybe I can do this. Thank you all for the great diet advice you all give on the board, I've read every one! :tongue_smilie:

I've been eating low-carb for 8 weeks and I've lost 9lbs (that's a good amount for me, I'm short and I would like to lost about 25lbs total).


For the first few weeks, I was eating A LOT. That is definitely diminishing, my appetite is much smaller now.

The biggest thing for me is that my cravings are GONE and I really feel in control of my eating for the first. time. ever!!!

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It is amazing how addicted to carbs you become when you eat them all the time. I even notice a little difference when I start to eat them more-I crave them, whereas when I keep a lid on them I don't crave them at all. And, I gain weight almost immediately.


I'm glad it's working well for you!

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Wow, maybe I can do this? Or maybe I'm doing it all wrong and I won't lose weight. :sneaky2:


For breakfast, I'm eating bacon and eggs with leeks and red pepper

Lunch: bacon cheeseburger without bread

Dinner: Miso soup (no noodles) mushrooms, leeks, seaweed, miso and water.


...and I'm NOT craving carbs :confused:


My family ate pizza last night. Pizza! and the smell was a little tempting but I didn't feel like an addict for the first time in my ENTIRE life.


Oh, actually, when I was feeling like I needed to cheat 2 days ago, I took some parmesan cheese and fried it into a crisp (like a cracker) and topped each cracker off with a dollop of sour cream. :blink: I ate about 6 of them. :blink:


But then I wasn't hungry and haven't had a craving since!


Maybe I can do this. Thank you all for the great diet advice you all give on the board, I've read every one! :tongue_smilie:


Just want to send a note of encouragement. I needed to lose 10 lbs and tried diet and exercise for several year which didn't do a thing. I went on the low carb diet and shed those extra pounds. I've kept it all off for over 6 months now. It took me about 6 weeks to lose it all. I'm back to eating normally - even donuts and bagels on occasion :D

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It is amazing how addicted to carbs you become when you eat them all the time. I even notice a little difference when I start to eat them more-I crave them, whereas when I keep a lid on them I don't crave them at all. And, I gain weight almost immediately.


I'm glad it's working well for you!




I keep m and m's around as an incentive for my kids; In the past few weeks I could eat them by the handful. This week, I am satisfied with just 5-6.


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I can't get over the fact that I'm not tempted to have sugar or bread. I have no idea yet if I'm losing weight (no scale and it has only been 5 days) but if this actually works then I may be able to lose 75+ pounds! If only it would all come off in the next month! :lol:


Thanks again all for the advice, encouragement and sharing your own stories.:grouphug:

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Good luck! I am low-carbing, too. I never was able to do it before, because my lupus-affected kidneys can't handle a high-protein diet.


Gary Taubes finally came along and explained that you don't have to eat a ton of protein, you just can't eat a carb-based diet.


So I'm eating small to moderate amounts of eggs and meat, tons of non-starchy vegetables (1 pound raw and 1 pound cooked, every day), one fruit per day, and lots of fat. Mostly butter, olive oil, and coconut oil, nuts and seeds. So far, my kidneys are fine.


The weight is dropping off and my energy is really increasing. I am amazed. My weight has not budged even 5 pounds lower for 7 years, no matter what I tried!!!! Fat and veg. Who'd have thought.

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look up linda's low carb recipes...


i crave chocolate. i'm addicted to chocolate. i just eat a few choc. chips and it is usually okay.


the other thing is crackers. but i am happy to report that i figured out something to do for that. i take a low carb tortilla and cut it up and then bake it. i get a plate of crackers for 3 g of net carbs. i eat laughing cow cheese on them. it's a wonderful snack.


i try to stay under 30 g based on the atkins website recommendations. i have 15 lbs to lose. it was originally 20 lbs, but i lost 5 right away. i've plateaued and don't really know what to do.


i exercise almost every day for at least 30 mins.


other than that when i look at food now i just think if i like it enough to waste the carbs/calories on it. most of the time it's a no.

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butter, whole eggs, and beef with bacon just doesn't sound like it would help my cholesterol issues at all! It probably would keep me from being hungry or crave carbs, but I really don't think I could do that form of low carb.



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butter, whole eggs, and beef with bacon just doesn't sound like it would help my cholesterol issues at all! It probably would keep me from being hungry or crave carbs, but I really don't think I could do that form of low carb.




While I think this might be a bit controversial still, the research seems to indicate that low carb may in fact be better in the long run for cholesterol management: http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/news/20100802/low-carb-diets-improve-cholesterol-long-term

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butter, whole eggs, and beef with bacon just doesn't sound like it would help my cholesterol issues at all! It probably would keep me from being hungry or crave carbs, but I really don't think I could do that form of low carb.




I highly, highly recommend you read Gary Taubes. He does an excellent job of chronicling how we came to buy as fact that animal fats & cholesterol are bad for us, and why that's not true. Very interesting history.


FWIW, I remember a friend telling me several years back that Atkins was the only thing her dad found that helped keep his cholesterol down. (I believe it was ridiculously high--like in the 500 range--before he started Atkins.) I was pretty anti-Atkins at the time, so I was like :001_huh: at this. After reading Taubes, it all makes sense. :D


I, too, have been low-carbing it for the past two months. Down 13 lbs! (This is phenomenal for me.) Nice to see I'm in such good company. :)

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I really am not sure I am willing to do the Adkins diet anyway to be perfectly honest. I don't eat pork or beef, or if I eat them, it is maybe twice per year at best. I don't LIKE them! I also don't like the way they make me feel. I get a feeling of being weighted down, constipated, and I am quite foggy headed and have no energy when I eat the Adkins way.


I really need a min. of 80-100 carbs per day min. to have a clear head and have any energy.




I highly, highly recommend you read Gary Taubes. He does an excellent job of chronicling how we came to buy as fact that animal fats & cholesterol are bad for us, and why that's not true. Very interesting history.


FWIW, I remember a friend telling me several years back that Atkins was the only thing her dad found that helped keep his cholesterol down. (I believe it was ridiculously high--like in the 500 range--before he started Atkins.) I was pretty anti-Atkins at the time, so I was like :001_huh: at this. After reading Taubes, it all makes sense. :D


I, too, have been low-carbing it for the past two months. Down 13 lbs! (This is phenomenal for me.) Nice to see I'm in such good company. :)

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I really am not sure I am willing to do the Adkins diet anyway to be perfectly honest. I don't eat pork or beef, or if I eat them, it is maybe twice per year at best. I don't LIKE them! I also don't like the way they make me feel. I get a feeling of being weighted down, constipated, and I am quite foggy headed and have no energy when I eat the Adkins way.


I really need a min. of 80-100 carbs per day min. to have a clear head and have any energy.




There are guidelines in The New Atkins for a New You on how to do Atkins as a vegetarian or even vegan. It's not all pork and beef.


I found that after the first few days, my head was clearer and I had more energy than when I am eating carbs.

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Any hope of getting those sites? My dh just started low carb & I need help!



Definitely check lowcarbfriends.com, the forums are a wealth of information.

Some threads to look at:

-in the Atkins Induction forum, there is a sticky at the top called "Induction Food Porn" (I know, ick on the name but there is great food ideas)

-in the Atkins forum there is a sticky called "Atkins Food Porn"

-in the Lowcarb Recipe Help and Suggestions forum, there is a sticky for "3 ingredient recipes"

-there is also a recipe room, and if you browse the recipe forum, you will find all kinds of links to other recipe sites.


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butter, whole eggs, and beef with bacon just doesn't sound like it would help my cholesterol issues at all! It probably would keep me from being hungry or crave carbs, but I really don't think I could do that form of low carb.




Dawn, if you're interested in a different version of "low carb", you might take a look at Whole 30 as an alternative to Atkins-style dieting.




I've recently eliminated all sweeteners, grains, and dairy, so my carbs are naturally quite low. But I'm getting tons of fresh produce as well. It's a diet that made a lot more sense to me than the Atkins-type approach. I've also done Eat to Live in the past which, in some ways, is diametrically opposed to Whole30, but practically speaking, they're quite similar. Tons and tons of veggies, a generous quantity of fruit, good fats from nuts and avocados. No dairy, limited or no grain... The main difference is that Whole30 includes lots of meat and eggs (in addition to all the produce), while EtL has legumes instead.

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I've recently eliminated all sweeteners, grains, and dairy, so my carbs are naturally quite low. But I'm getting tons of fresh produce as well. It's a diet that made a lot more sense to me than the Atkins-type approach.


You eat lots of vegetables on Atkins too. During the Induction Phase (the first two+ weeks) you are to get 75% of your carbs from veggies. It works out to about four cups of veggies a day. I can't speak for the other phases because I'm not there yet. ;)

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Now I'm on Day 16!


I'm not craving carbs. I still can't believe that I AM DOING THIS!! :w00t: This may be the longest I've been on a diet in my life. :sneaky2:


I have another 75 pounds to lose, so this is going to take awhile. I hope I can keep this up.


I wanted to go dairy free but I just can't yet. That's one of my goals for the future but for right now, full fat dairy is helping me stay low carb. I didn't have it for the first 2 days but I wouldn't have made it this far without dairy. For example, today I was at Typhoon Lagoon (Disney!) and my family was eating the most mouth watering ice cream waffle cone and I had NOTHING with me. So I went to the coffee hut and ordered a nice cup of coffee with extra cream and equal and it was so satisfying! I know it's not perfect but it kept me from breaking my diet.


Today: 2 egg omelette with peppers, onion and ham

Lunch: salad with ranch dressing and a cheeseburger(no bun obviously)

Snack/treat: Coffee with cream and equal

Dinner: sliced steak and sausage with peppers with tomato sauce

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I really need a min. of 80-100 carbs per day min. to have a clear head and have any energy.





There's carbs in fruits and veggies. That would be a healthier way to get carbs. The carbs that are really bad are the ones based on flour and refined sugar. You could cut out the breads, pastas, and rice and have fruits and veggies (good carbs) instead. Sweet potatoes are an excellent and delicious good carb.


I actually eat a low carb diet, focusing on getting carbs from fruits and veggies. I turn down bread a lot, but I'm happy to eat a handful of grapes. When I do "cheat", I cheat big and go for a slice of chocolate cake. I'm going to enjoy that far more than a slice of bread.

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I am right there with you. Fighting autoimmune problems.....


I finally got my fight back. :D


Dropped almost 20 lbs since Sept. .....17 to go.....but it is more about my health than my girth. They just happen to go hand in hand.....





:party: That is great!

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Haven't read other replies so others may have said this.

Low carb is WONDERFUL but when folks go low carb they tend to go HIGH cholesterol.

Balance is key, do not over-do the meats, cheeses, eggs, etc...

You may loose weight but you may gain clogged arteries.

Balance! Fresh is best, fruits & veggies!


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MilkMaid, in the most current research available, dietary cholesterol does not seem to cause clogged arteries, nor does it cause elevation of the most dangerous type of serum cholesterol (small dense LDL). In the unlikely event that you're interested in learning more about this topic, start with Gary Taubes' book Good Calories, Bad Calories. ;)

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My plan, which is subject to change :tongue_smilie:, is to lose weigh while eating meat, dairy, and fat with veggies at every meal and fruit sparingly until but NO other carbs until I lose weight and even then, I hope to just add some more fruit, a few potatoes every now and then and some dark chocolate.


Then I'll get my cholesterol and other numbers from blood work at my check up. MY #1 goal is to lose weight. It is not healthy being so overweight.


Once I'm at my goal weight, I'd like to see if going dairy free has an effect on the way I feel. I also like to have a bit of soy in gf soy and miso but would be willing to completely give up soy if there was some compelling evidence to NEVER have soy.

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Any hope of getting those sites? My dh just started low carb & I need help!




I like Mark Sisson's Primal site (paleo):http://www.marksdailyapple.com/

The website has a ton of information, along with lots of free recipes


He also has a book, The Primal Blueprint http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Blueprint-Reprogram-effortless-boundless/dp/0982207700/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1301593506&sr=8-1


And 2 great cookbooks with fabulous pictures to accompany each one:




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Can someone tell me Gary Taube's stance on Dairy? I do have access to raw milk, if that makes a difference. I'm on vacation right now so I don't have access to a library! :eek:

In Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes does not indicate a problem with dairy.

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Gary Taubes' newest book, Why We Get Fat, is a lot like Good Calories, Bad Calories, but is immensely more readable.


Good Calories, Bad Calories is quite dry, lol :D


I'm on the waiting list at the library for that.


BTW, how much it would set me back if I have a piece of cake for my ds bday tonight? :lol: I'm joking! (kind of)

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BTW, how much it would set me back if I have a piece of cake for my ds bday tonight? :lol: I'm joking! (kind of)


I've been eying some of the recipes here: http://www.ticklemysweettooth.com/blog/


I haven't tried any yet, since they mostly require pretty specialized ingredients, but I put in an order for weird stuff like peanut flour last night, so I can get an occasional low carb brownie fix.

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I've been eying some of the recipes here: http://www.ticklemysweettooth.com/blog/


I haven't tried any yet, since they mostly require pretty specialized ingredients, but I put in an order for weird stuff like peanut flour last night, so I can get an occasional low carb brownie fix.


Thanks for the link!


I ended up having strawberries and blueberries with unsweetened whipped cream and a sprinkle of unsweetened cocoa powder... it was awesome!! (Cake looked so good though; red velvet layered with chocolate frosting and decorated with mini peanut butter cups)

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