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Mirena or ParaGard

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I went in to the OBGYN today to discuss getting a tubal. He was very hesitant about it, since I'm only 26. I am 99% certain I don't want any more children. I have depression issues that get a million times worse when I'm pregnant or dealing with a newborn. He said if I really thought it best, he would do the tubal, but that I am young and things could change. Everything he told me, I've already thought of and I'm still pretty sure. He did bring up IUDs and said he would rather I try those because it'll ease my worries, but I can change my mind whenever I want. I am willing to go this route, just in case I do change my mind.


What I want to know is if anyone has ever had any issues with depression and being on Mirena? I'm worried about the hormones in it making depression worse. The doctor said that it's usually the estrogen in birth control that make women moody and Mirena doesn't have estrogen. But I'm considering the ParaGard copper IUD just in case. The only negative he said about it is that it can increase monthly flow, which doesn't seem like that big a deal to me. My midwife said I'm anemic, so I've been taking Floradix, so I can't imagine that being a problem.


Thoughts? DH says either way is up to me.

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I had a Mirena and I have some depression issues. I've recently come to the conclusion that aside from post-partum my depression seems mostly linked to PMDD. The 3 years I had the Mirena were the best years of my adult life as far as depression went. I was pretty even keel the whole time. For a while I was on the Depo shot, and that made me super extra moody!


My OB told me that in her experience the Mirena has about the same failure rate as vasectomy, which I assume means that she almost never sees them fail. It really is great in that you don't have to think about it and it is very effective. And if you do find yourself not liking it, it comes out pretty easily.

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I've had both. I did have an ectopic pregnancy with the Mirena, but I'd get another one in a heartbeat, if they let me. (They won't, because of my history of ectopic pregnancy @@!)


I did not like the Paraguard. Let's just say the "increased flow" was well beyond acceptable amounts for me. It also made my cycles shorter.

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I have the ParaGuard; I've had it for five years, and no problems so far. It did increase monthly flow, but after about a year, it seemed to get pretty much back to normal.


I love not having to remember to take bc, and no hormones!


ETA: My cycles involve about five weeks, so they actually went longer than when I was on bc pills. For me, I think the difference was the absence of bc hormones (so my body wasn't following those scheduled hormones any longer.)

Edited by oasis
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I have the mirena and got it put in just last week due to spotting and heavy cycles. I have had every test known to man and nothing has been found. Mirena was really the last chance before I have a hysterectormy (at 31). So far, so good. Mirena only has progesterone in it and progesterone is not nearly as bad for you as estrogen. As a matter of fact, I have genetic blood clotting factors and my hematologist still approved the use of Mirena for me. :)


When I had the paragard after my youngest son was born, I begged them to take it out after just 3 mos. It made my cycles 10 days long, increased the flow and cramping, and during ovulation, I felt like there was a metal pole being driven through my uterus. I have no idea why my body reacted the way it did, but it was definitely not pretty!

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I hated Mirena. I had one for a month or so before I had it removed. I had mood swings, hot flashes and I started having what was like a light period that went on from after the first week I had it until I had it removed.


Never again will I get it.


I did have a Paragaurd before and that was what I wanted to begin with when they talked me into the Mirena. I didn't mind it at all. Yes my flow was heavy but mine always was a little heavy anyway. That was the only side effect from the Paragaurd.


Hate :ack2::thumbdown: Mirena!


*Steps off soapbox*

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I have the Paragard and I love it. I was told that it may increase the bleeding, and to take 600mg of Motrin beginning the day before I expect my cycle, to cut the bleeding in half. It actually hasn't been an issue. I have not had increased cramping, and most months, the cycle is no longer than usual.


I've had my Paragard for almost a year, and I'm completely happy with it.

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I hated Mirena. I had one for a month or so before I had it removed. I had mood swings, hot flashes and I started having what was like a light period that went on from after the first week I had it until I had it removed.


Never again will I get it.


I did have a Paragaurd before and that was what I wanted to begin with when they talked me into the Mirena. I didn't mind it at all. Yes my flow was heavy but mine always was a little heavy anyway. That was the only side effect from the Paragaurd.


Hate :ack2::thumbdown: Mirena!


*Steps off soapbox*


Considering one of my issues was spotting all the time anyway, this doesn't bother me at all. My doc said (and so did the Mirena brochure) that if you wait out the adjustment bleeding, most people stop having bleeding at all! I would relish such a thing!!!


I guess personal situation and tolerance of the inconveniences play a big role in which one to choose.

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I had Mirena and while I was on it (6 years) I loved it.




When the hormone level in the Mirena started to drop (about 4.5 yrs in) and my period returned (it had ceased, completely, on the Mirena) I realized that I was less moody/irritable than normal.


After a month or three of that, I realized, "Hey, I haven't had a single episode of hating my life and crying all night and feeling the darkest dark I've ever known.....not since my periods returned........"


After I finally had it actually removed (at the 6 yr mark, due to various things), I felt "better." Can't fully explain it, but my energy level went up, my overall, day to day mood improved, and everything was way less foggy. I hadn't even realized I felt "bad" until I realized, about a week after it was removed, that I felt "better." Noticeably better.


NOW -- clearly, I was coming out of some sort of depression. Could have been caused by the mirena (seems likely). Could have been post partum depression that turned into regular depression. Could have been post traumatic stress type stuff (my youngest was 9 wks early, 7 wks in a hospital 1.5 hrs from home, 2.5 yrs of various in home therapies for him, etc.). Could have been any number of causes, or more likely, a combination of all of the above.


BUT the improvement when the hormone level began to decrease enough for my periods to return, and the substantial improvement when the mirena was removed -- those two things can't be ignored.


If you'd asked me during the first 4.5 years, I would have recommended the Mirena whole-heartedly. Loved it. Only when I began to see myself get better did I realize I hadn't been well, and because of that, I cannot recommend it at all now.

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I had a Mirena and also struggle with depression. IME, Mirena's hormones had little to no effect on me. My OB/GYN said that they tend to stay more within the uterus and don't really get into your whole system. I also couldn't take BCP. I liked the Mirena and had it for almost the full 5 years. When I can, I plan to get it again.

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Is your dh totally against a vasectomy ?? That is the route we are going. We have 4 kids and we are DONE !! I also suffer with really bad PPD, I don't want to go through it again. Until we are able to save the $$ up for the "procedure" I am on BC pills. The side effects of Mirena scared me too much.

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Thanks everyone, it looks like this might be one of those, "Well it just depends on the individual person" things. But I am glad to know that the Mirena doesn't necessarily cause worse depression.



Is your dh totally against a vasectomy ?? That is the route we are going. We have 4 kids and we are DONE !! I also suffer with really bad PPD, I don't want to go through it again. Until we are able to save the $$ up for the "procedure" I am on BC pills. The side effects of Mirena scared me too much.


There are some reasons why we don't think this would be a good idea. Without getting into the TMI zone, I'll just say he'd rather not.

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I had a Paraguard IUD after my twins were born. When my cycle resumed (after bfing 8 months) they were extremely heavy and long. I could have lived with that. Then it failed while still in place and now I have #4. Although the odds are slim, they are still there.

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I had a Mirena for 18 months and then swapped it for a Paragard. The reasons I ditched the Mirena:

1. Spotting every single day.

2. Difficulty losing weight (I got it 6 weeks postpartum).

3. It seemed to affect the ph of...certain areas, which caused...problems.


With the Paragard I do have a heavier cycle than I did pre-IUD, but I like it much better than the Mirena. Dh is talking about getting a vasectomy, but I like that the IUD lets us change our minds (unlikely, but you never know).

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I had Mirena and while I was on it (6 years) I loved it.




When the hormone level in the Mirena started to drop (about 4.5 yrs in) and my period returned (it had ceased, completely, on the Mirena) I realized that I was less moody/irritable than normal.


After a month or three of that, I realized, "Hey, I haven't had a single episode of hating my life and crying all night and feeling the darkest dark I've ever known.....not since my periods returned........"


After I finally had it actually removed (at the 6 yr mark, due to various things), I felt "better." Can't fully explain it, but my energy level went up, my overall, day to day mood improved, and everything was way less foggy. I hadn't even realized I felt "bad" until I realized, about a week after it was removed, that I felt "better." Noticeably better.


NOW -- clearly, I was coming out of some sort of depression. Could have been caused by the mirena (seems likely). Could have been post partum depression that turned into regular depression. Could have been post traumatic stress type stuff (my youngest was 9 wks early, 7 wks in a hospital 1.5 hrs from home, 2.5 yrs of various in home therapies for him, etc.). Could have been any number of causes, or more likely, a combination of all of the above.


BUT the improvement when the hormone level began to decrease enough for my periods to return, and the substantial improvement when the mirena was removed -- those two things can't be ignored.


If you'd asked me during the first 4.5 years, I would have recommended the Mirena whole-heartedly. Loved it. Only when I began to see myself get better did I realize I hadn't been well, and because of that, I cannot recommend it at all now.


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So for those of you who have been happy with Mirena, and you say you didn't have a period in all the time you were on it...would you say you also didn't have PMS? I don't know if that's a stupid question.


I am considering something once I'm sure I'm done having kids, but I want something that takes away my monthly need to drink heavily for at least one night just to cope with fatigue, mood swings, and headaches. It's not the flow that bothers me so much, it's all the other side effects. I've also thought about something like Seasonique because 4 periods a year is better than 12-13, but I still don't get whether you still have PMS or just don't bleed. And Novasure reduces the flow but again, not sure if that means the hormones go away too.


I considered a tubal but it sounds like there is a unique kind of PMS associated with that.

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I had the Mirena placed back in December because I was anemic. Hematologist thought it was a good choice intead of an Endo Ablation since that is not an option for me.(Personal choice)


It lasted all of 10 days and it landed me in the ER. I was in so much pain from it that even Percocets were not cutting it. It was placed properly as well. For some reason my body did not like it at all.:confused:


It was the worse thing I have ever done.


Insertion hurt. I have had three children and it still hurt like an SOB.


I have learned that if there is nothing wrong with my uterus, to leave well enough alone:lol:


I just continue to take my iron and deal with my periods. Which really, has never bothered me to begin with.(Should have trusted my gut on this one).


If I had the option of anything, I would take the BCP. But I cannot since I am 43, have HBP, and family history of strokes.


I think the decision on Mirena is split. Some people absolutely love it(Like my SIL), then you get people like me who would never, ever allow another IUD again.


You can always try it. If you hate it you can always have it removed. This is the only reason I went with it.


And the only reason I will NOT have an endo ablation. You cannot reverse that.


Besides, I was told I have a perfect uterus, and "young looking" ovaries. Whatever the heck that means....:lol::lol:

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I had a Paragard inserted after my 5th child at my 6 wk pp visit. I had it removed at my 5 weeks pregnant with my 6th child OB visit :001_huh: I KNOW it is rare but it does happen. Mine was in the right place so I guess I was part of the .2 percent that it fails for.


Overall, no huge issues. It did not make my flow heavier (but I have a heavy flow anyhow). I did notice after having it removed that my abdomen felt "lighter". That is hard to explain. I didn't know my abdomen had a sense of pressure until after it was gone.


I would not get one again. Getting pregnant scared me b/c I was afraid I would miscarry. They did offer me the option of getting another after my 6th child. I chose to get a tubal.

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Personally, I was uncomfortable with the idea of having a foreign object floating in my uterus, and the advisory to expect pain upon insertion and for a day or so afterward, as well as the slim chance of it perforating the uterus and wandering into another part of my body, just scared me.


So, I'm back on Depo-Provera, which has always worked well for me and stops my periods completely.


However, if your only options are a tubal or an IUD, I would take the IUD (or any non-permanent option).


I had my 2nd child at age 26 and was definitely *done*! Well, lo and behold, 10 years later, I changed my mind. I admit I haven't dealt with clinic depression as you have, but a lot can change in 10-15 years, and IMO this is too big a door to voluntarily close at your age.


Best of luck in your decision. :grouphug:

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I choose ParaGard and I really haven't had any issues. It did increase my flow for about 6 months, but it has since leveled off to what it was pre-baby. My son is turning 5 in July, so it's been almost 5 years since I've had it. I love not having to remember anything and it's nice to know that when my husband and I take it out in a few months, my fertility will be ready immediately. I didn't want the Mirena because I wanted a hormone-free form of birth control (I've had many issues with that type of birth control in the past).


That being said, IUD's definitely aren't for everyone. A relative had many issues and a good friend had a perforated cervix. Ouch =(

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