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You child is obviously home schooled when...


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Guest MissB93

Us too!

We started homeschooling this past October. When someone asks where does she go to school, DD looks at me.


We just studied Ancient India and Buddhism. On her own, DD rewrote the 8th Fold Path and how it applies to herself. :D


We were cleaning up some recent storm damage (cutting down trees) and DD points to the cut up log and names the different parts of the tree.


We unplugged many years ago so we only watch movies. DD also has no idea what people are talking about when they refer to recent TV shows.


DD can not stand Hannah Montana or any of the rest of them. She'd rather listen to classical and what mom and dad listen to.

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DS6 had a similar reaction when he learned what homework was - our neighbor's kids have to do homework before they can come out and play and DS was like, why do they have to do more school work if they spent the day at school?


He was also shocked to learn that same kids ride the schoolbus 1-hour each way to school.....the school he'd go to if he were enrolled.....the school that is literally just 2 miles from the house! His reaction to hearing about their bus ride was what a waste of time - that's two more hours!


ETA: He also doesn't think it's so great to go to school if you have to get up while it's still dark, just to catch the bus in time for that 1-hour ride....he's usually still asleep when the neighbor's kids have already been "in school" for an hour or two!



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...when the UPS guy comes to your door and the kids know it's either someone's birthday or curricula...


My DS is 21 months and he's already this way. Brown boxes (usually from Amazon)= books. He loves books, so naturally he gets very, very excited over these packages. The other day I got something from Amazon (I'm pretty sure it was a kitchen scale) and so he's bouncing up and down on chair while I open the box. The look on his face when I pulled out something besides a book! :lol:


He then illustrated, with absolute disgust written all over his face, that he was unimpressed/displeased. He went and got a couple of his books from his bedroom, brought them out and put them in the box. He does this very deliberately, making sure I note every book that goes in there. Then he closed the box up, paused, opened it up and then pulled the books out and very carefully showed them to me (again). :lol:


So now I'm watching for good book deals on Amazon so I can pick up a few, because after a reaction like that what else is there to do?!? :D

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I can remember a few years back we where doing price comparing and a stock boy pointed out that we could look at the tag on the shelf to see how much something was per ounce. dd looked at me and said "Mom wouldn't that be like me peaking at the teachers guide" :lol:


also bothering people in the store because we are counting the eggs.


or the kids counting items as they are scanned in the 10 item or less line in spanish and then loudly saying "MOMMMMM they have catorce, they are quatro over the diez limit" :lol: and my inner giggle is like Woot math and spanish review done lol

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One of my favorite home school stories was when my son was learning multiplication and his younger sister thought it was so cool and such a big deal she ran to tell my oldest about it. Through the closed bathroom door she yelled "He is learning multiple creations." Cracked us up.


Another time my son was counting to 10 on his fingers and he had skipped a finger so he got to the last finger and was only on nine. His shocked facial expression declared his concern over his missing finger and he immediately began a recount greatly relieved they were all present and accounted for.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (I would have put more images, but we are only allowed 8).

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- when asked what grade they are in, they either look at you blankly or go into a 10 minute dialog about what grade they are in each subject and how soon they will be moving on to the next.


- They are on a first name basis with some of the artwork at the art museum. Every time we visit, they must visit "Bob the scratchy monster"


- Also at the art museum, you will find them dragging around their father while doing a scavenger hunt. This same father brought his PS high school students in to do the hunt, but the HSed 1st and 3rd grader helped him finish it.


- One final note on the art museum, when passing a group of PS kids of the same age who are commenting about being on the lamest field trip ever, your kids are on their 6th trip there in 4 months and still wanting to run ahead to visit "Bob"


- They don't care about clothes from the mall or even clothes that match. Labels are meaningless.

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My DS is 21 months and he's already this way. Brown boxes (usually from Amazon)= books. He loves books, so naturally he gets very, very excited over these packages. The other day I got something from Amazon (I'm pretty sure it was a kitchen scale) and so he's bouncing up and down on chair while I open the box. The look on his face when I pulled out something besides a book! :lol:


He then illustrated, with absolute disgust written all over his face, that he was unimpressed/displeased. He went and got a couple of his books from his bedroom, brought them out and put them in the box. He does this very deliberately, making sure I note every book that goes in there. Then he closed the box up, paused, opened it up and then pulled the books out and very carefully showed them to me (again). :lol:


So now I'm watching for good book deals on Amazon so I can pick up a few, because after a reaction like that what else is there to do?!? :D


:lol::lol::lol:He's teaching you well!

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Here's mine...when the children's librarian knows your children by sight and greets them by name. She also sometimes says, " I ordered so and so book because I knew you would like it or you were studying it!"


Also, when watching the news on Egypt my DH got a very good lesson on what we learned about pharoahs from SOTW1. DS#2 was so worried about the mummies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Your tween's favorite song is is The Battle of New Orelans -

In 1814 we took a little trip

Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip

We took a little bacon and we took a little beans

And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans

We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'

There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin'

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico


Love Johnny Horton!






We show up at the Kennedy Center for concerts and the line Nazis start telling everyone to stand in single file! single file! and our kids have no clue what that means.


This is what I immediately thought. I think it's hilarious to stand back and watch a bunch of homeschooled kids after they are told to form a line. Cannot do it to save their lives. On a recent Air and Space Museum field trip the docents were driven crazy by this.


LOL! I'm imagining Zeus singing 'Greece Lightning'. :lol:




They are used to doing spelling (or math or whatever) with a toddler on their lap.


They don't count history, science, reading, music, art or math as "school".


Not so much kids but I think you can tell we're a homeschooling family by...

-The bathroom shower curtains: one is a world map, the other the Periodic table

-The fact that we are constantly over the limit on library books. Each time I go up with the big tote bag full I get asked "Are you a homeschooler?"

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Once dd and a homeschooled friend showed up at their fencing practice early. Their coach told them to go unlock the cupboard, and told them the combination.


When Coach had unlocked the equipment closet he came over to the cupboard to see two children staring in dismay at the combination lock, without the vaguest idea how it worked.

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These are all hilarious!


Whenever DD 14 is frustrated she loudly proclaims, "Rage -- Goddess, sing the rage of Pierre's daughter Aline!" She loves the Iliad.


Walking down the street a man asks us the time. DS 9 looks at his new watch and respondes, "Almost time for Sext". That took some explaining. :001_smile:


We entered a bookshop with some quite music playing and DD7 said very loudly, "It's the Loure from Bach's Violin Partita No. 3!"


I recently decided that my older kids should probably know a bit about popular culture. I was telling DDs 14 and 13 about Hannah Montana, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, etc. When we got to Justin Bieber DD 13 said, "Oh, I thought is name was Justin Beaver." Well, he is Canadian. :D

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...they stay in the car to diagram sentences rather than get out to go in McDonald's for ice cream.


I posted this on the general board a few weeks ago. We were out doing errands, and my dd took along some schoolwork. My ds asked what she was doing. She proceeded to teach him diagramming and made up examples for him to try on his own. He had to finish and have it "graded" before they would get out and go in.


Makes a momma proud! :)

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Here is my contribution


My kindergarten son came into the office one day and said mom I need a piece of scrap paper. The next thing I knew he had created his own 15 step Lego blueprint. And the next day two or three more blueprints each with more steps. After building the items on the blueprint he would bring the item to me or his dad and explain the blueprint.


Another thing I hear around my house is when are we going to do science. "I hope we have science today." Or "Mom next year make sure for first grade we do science everyday."


Last one we are studying out the Old Testament and we learned the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. My kindergarten son says mom I need to learn all of these languages, but one at a time and I want to learn some African languages as well.

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Favorite hobbies include lunar tracking and gardening.

Knows the entire Beethoven's Wig CD by heart then begs piano teacher to teach them Fur Elise.

Prefer Bach and will tell you because it's moderato.

They think the Horrible Histories shorts are the funniest videos,ever.

They prefer Bill Nye over Beakman.

10 yo stops dead in his tracks in a very hot, humid, crowded flea market insisting we buy a reproduction of "A Starry Night."

**Reading book after have done an earlier narration of the book from the except in WWE is a very big deal**


You know you're a homeschool Momma when you excitedly wait for the Library to call with your reserves, and actually say "Yay" to the librarian when she tells you your reserves are in! Oh, and all of the librarians know who you are. ;)

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