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Does anyone else really have to fight sarcastic replies and dark humor . . .

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Me! Oh, my goodness. When I'm here, I have to remember that no one knows me IRL so I try to be very nice and careful of what I say. There are few people I do know IRL who are blessed with the full-on force of my sarcasm and funky humor. I don't want to scare them. :D


I love it when I find someone to laugh with me! I had a friend in college that was my kindred spirit and she and I laughed constantly. I recently learned that we're in the same time zone again so I need to call her.

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Yes. It's the main reason I post here so little. I'm also quiet in public gatherings until I can slowly acclimate people to my snarky sense of humor. :)


The funny thing is that my family knows me very well and after ten years of marriage, my husband's sarcasm detection is incredible. I was having dinner one time with my husband, three brothers, my sister and her new boyfriend. It was his first time meeting my sister's family and I made some comment to him in the conversation which was rather subtle and he was the only one who didn't laugh and tried to answer me seriously. Poor guy. :)

Edited by Mimm
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Teacher, leave those kids alone. HEY! Teacher! Leave those kids alone...


Everything is better when expressed in a song lyric...or a movie line.:D


I also curse a lot. <gasp> But I edit out that with everyone but people I REALLY love...like my husband and best friend. :lol: My teen took me to task for cursing once. I was like "REALLY? really?" (I hold my tongue in front of my three youngest kids, but my teen will just need to deal...)


Oh, was that off topic?:001_huh:

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Once I told a neighbor that if people didn't like what I had to say, they could kiss my fat, white butt. (She is one of the literal people in the world and thought I was complaining about my weight.:tongue_smilie: FAT...you know, fat white butt. Nope, not even a little bit. She totally missed the kissing the butt part.:tongue_smilie:)


I think I need to go to bed now...I don't even make sense to myself. (I am on iron supplements and vitamin D...does this get me a dispensation?):willy_nilly:

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Does anyone else think this board might be a teeny bit more fun if we all didn't practice such saintly restraint?


Or would that kill the Hive Mind entirely.


Not content to be merely threadkillers, we'd probably be like




Accidentally shutting down all topics except for the weather, not realizing that our dark sarcasm and subtle humor had gotten entirely out of hand.

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Once I told a neighbor that if people didn't like what I had to say, they could kiss my fat, white butt. (She is one of the literal people in the world and thought I was complaining about my weight.:tongue_smilie: FAT...you know, fat white butt. Nope, not even a little bit. She totally missed the kissing the butt part.:tongue_smilie:)




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Does anyone else think this board might be a teeny bit more fun if we all didn't practice such saintly restraint?


Or would that kill the Hive Mind entirely.


Not content to be merely threadkillers, we'd probably be like




Accidentally shutting down all topics except for the weather, not realizing that our dark sarcasm and subtle humor had gotten entirely out of hand.


Perhaps we need an alert system.


I once posted on my facebook status that I was a Latin Lover and added a picture of Rudolph Valentino. I was defriended by at least one person that day. :lol::lol:


I grew up watching Hawkeye Pierce. Now I watch House.

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Once I told a neighbor that if people didn't like what I had to say, they could kiss my fat, white butt. (She is one of the literal people in the world and thought I was complaining about my weight.:tongue_smilie: FAT...you know, fat white butt. Nope, not even a little bit. She totally missed the kissing the butt part.:tongue_smilie:)


I think I need to go to bed now...I don't even make sense to myself. (I am on iron supplements and vitamin D...does this get me a dispensation?):willy_nilly:


Do they have a kiss my butt smiley?

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Perhaps we need an alert system.


I once posted on my facebook status that I was a Latin Lover and added a picture of Rudolph Valentino. I was defriended by at least one person that day. :lol::lol:




I grew up watching Hawkeye Pierce. Now I watch House.


I am still in love with Benjamin Franklin Hawkeye Pierce. Sigh.

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I bite my tongue a lot when in company outside my family/immediate friends. DH's family and my family live and breathe sarcasm most of the time. My oldest daughter told me last week, "What Mommy? I can't hear you over all of the sarcasm". She is learning well.



Yes, my children learned the line from Peanuts early: "Don't you know a sarcasm when you hear one?"

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Everything is better when expressed in a song lyric...or a movie line.:D


I also curse a lot. <gasp> But I edit out that with everyone but people I REALLY love...like my husband and best friend. :lol: My teen took me to task for cursing once. I was like "REALLY? really?" (I hold my tongue in front of my three youngest kids, but my teen will just need to deal...)


Oh, was that off topic?:001_huh:


My internal dialogue is quite R-rated. Sarcasim+R-rated=shut up on message boards.

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Me! Oh, my goodness. When I'm here, I have to remember that no one knows me IRL so I try to be very nice and careful of what I say. There are few people I do know IRL who are blessed with the full-on force of my sarcasm and funky humor. I don't want to scare them. :D


I love it when I find someone to laugh with me! I had a friend in college that was my kindred spirit and she and I laughed constantly. I recently learned that we're in the same time zone again so I need to call her.


I am blessed with many kindred spirits here. Of course, I raised most of them so that helps. My kids are constantly crakcing me up.

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And, y'know, Doran's on FaceBook now. She's not lost or anything. :D



My FB page hasn't really branched out farther than family and some of my children's friends so that I can monitor. The other night I had three people telling me how to do something basic on there. I can really only manage to be queen of one domain and I chose this one. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by KidsHappen
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In real life, I am mostly very kind (I might think things, but I don't say them). And no smack on my FB by anyone. I thought we were talking about here...I edit all the time. As I said, I am working on that. :tongue_smilie:



Yeah, I do most of my editing here. I only post about 1/4 of what I type and I only type about 1/4 of what I think. :001_smile:

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As for dark humor, "Fargo" is one of my favorite movies. I didn't think that was odd until about 3 days ago when someone told me it was weird.


We loved it but we don't recommend it to anyone anymore because we found that many people didn't get it. Same thing with Burn After Reading. Hysterical movie. I mean how can you fail to see the humor in "the security of your sh*t"?

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Does anyone else think this board might be a teeny bit more fun if we all didn't practice such saintly restraint?


Or would that kill the Hive Mind entirely.


Not content to be merely threadkillers, we'd probably be like




Accidentally shutting down all topics except for the weather, not realizing that our dark sarcasm and subtle humor had gotten entirely out of hand.


Well, it would probably be more fun but yeah, the poor moderators would have to be shutting us down left and right. :001_smile:

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Not me, surely!! Nope, never! :lol: :D I edit quite a bit before I post and often after I post as well! lol My mother, brother, dh and I all speak this weird sort of language that is a mix of sarcasm, puns and lines from movies/songs. :001_huh: :D


:iagree: Literal people are the bane of my existence.:tongue_smilie:


Oh girl! I so hear you. I hate when someone (unwittingly) says something that leaves me an opening to make the perfect sarcastic reply and they don't get it. I swear, I think I've become such an expert on cricket chirps that I can distinguish which variety of cricket they are. :tongue_smilie::D

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:iagree: Me. All. The. Time!! I would love to post my Doran-isms, but I always think that it won't come across as funny, and I'll hurt someones feelings. So, I don't.



Oh, I know some people would see the humor but I would also probably hurt some feelings so I edit. :001_smile:

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I swear, I think I've become such an expert on cricket chirps that I can distinguish which variety of cricket they are. :tongue_smilie::D


That's funny!


Disapproving crickets, critical crickets, oblivious crickets, angry crickets....

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Perhaps we need an alert system.


I once posted on my facebook status that I was a Latin Lover and added a picture of Rudolph Valentino. I was defriended by at least one person that day. :lol::lol:


I grew up watching Hawkeye Pierce. Now I watch House.



Love House. The Lie to Me guy is good too.

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