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My newest guilty pleasure

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I have a few little guilty pleasures, my favorite being Swedish Fish. I love those things. I buy a box every time I go to Target (which is not often, it's an hour away).


Anyway, my newest guilty pleasure is the Swiffer Sweeper. I have had one for over a year, but I hardly used it. I always felt guilty whenever I used the throw-away pads. I felt so wasteful. But that has changed. For the past 3 weeks I have been using it twice a week in my kitchen and dining room. Both rooms have hardwood, and do not get mopped enough. There are 7 people living in this house, and those floors get gross fast. I decided to start using those pads and stop feeling guilty. My floor is actually clean. It looks nice. I will no longer feel guilty, I'd rather have clean floors.


Anyone else have a new guilty pleasure?

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I have a few little guilty pleasures, my favorite being Swedish Fish. I love those things. I buy a box every time I go to Target (which is not often, it's an hour away).


Anyway, my newest guilty pleasure is the Swiffer Sweeper. I have had one for over a year, but I hardly used it. I always felt guilty whenever I used the throw-away pads. I felt so wasteful. But that has changed. For the past 3 weeks I have been using it twice a week in my kitchen and dining room. Both rooms have hardwood, and do not get mopped enough. There are 7 people living in this house, and those floors get gross fast. I decided to start using those pads and stop feeling guilty. My floor is actually clean. It looks nice. I will no longer feel guilty, I'd rather have clean floors.


Anyone else have a new guilty pleasure?


I love Swedish fish but they give me migraines.


It's funny about the swiffer...I was thinking I should try it! You inspired me to give it a try and not worry about the cost.


Guilty pleasure: Would opening a can of sweetened condensed milk and eating it a spoonful at a time qualify? :lol:


I love that stuff and it tastes so different after it is cooked. I finally figured I should just eat it the way I want to!


(Full disclosure -- I spread it out. It takes me about 2 weeks to finish a can. :tongue_smilie:)

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Cadbury Mini Eggs, Caramel and Cream Eggs. And they are in stores now. DOH! :drool5: I buy 'em by the boatload at Eastertime.


Unique-smelling hand soap - I know that is a weird one, but why buy "lemon" when you can buy lemon verbena bergamot? (I don't know if that exists, but doesn't it sound good?!)


Lip gloss. I have at least 8 different kinds right now. I'm a rather simple person when it comes to makeup, but I love Philosophy flavored lip gloss. Bubble Gum Blowout is my current fave.


Reading and writing FanFic. It's so so so much fun getting those characters that you love to do what YOU want them to do!

Edited by BikeBookBread
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YUM. I'm making that peanut sauce tonight.


My guilty pleasure was a fantastic smelling shampoo/conditioner line that my hair stylist had. I've never spent much at all on these items, but the smell was amazing.


Now, I'm used to it and not so impressed so I guess I need a new guilty pleasure.


Interested in the adopting the Swifter as my new one! :)



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Guilty pleasure: Would opening a can of sweetened condensed milk and eating it a spoonful at a time qualify? :lol:


I love that stuff and it tastes so different after it is cooked. I finally figured I should just eat it the way I want to!


(Full disclosure -- I spread it out. It takes me about 2 weeks to finish a can. :tongue_smilie:)


That sounds so good. You're way better than I am -- making it last two weeks!

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I like waffles, but only with sweetened fruit. I buy ds16 4 boxes of frozen waffles (a treat all by itself) every time I go to Trader Joes. Ds16 uses unsweetened warmed fruit on his waffles. It always smells so good when he is cooking it in the kitchen, but I know my sweet tooth will insist on adding some sugar to the fruit so I don't eat them with him.


One day I decided to try adding mascarpone cheese to some unsweetened fruit and then adding it to waffles. Ohhhh my. It is quite yummy.


(Mascarpone is an Italian triple-cream cheese made from crème fraîche, it is about the consistency of thick set pudding)

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Anyway, my newest guilty pleasure is the Swiffer Sweeper.

Anyone else have a new guilty pleasure?


Just so you know, Swiffers contain chemicals that are toxic to cats. The cats lick it off their paws and develop irreversible problems.


I just use microfiber cloths I can throw in the laundry. Gets rid of the toxin problem, and also gets rid of the "throw away" problem.



Reading and writing FanFic. It's so so so much fun getting those characters that you love to do what YOU want them to do!


YES!! My first thought when I saw the subject! Ever since I got an iPad I spend waaaay too much time reading online fanfiction -- I drag that thing everywhere with me. I try to pretend I'm learning to discern good prose, mostly I'm just addicted to fanfiction.net.


I haven't started writing, though. Hmm, that would probably be a "good" activity, too, right?

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Cadbury Mini Eggs, Caramel and Cream Eggs. And they are in stores now. DOH! :drool5: I buy 'em by the boatload at Eastertime.


Unique-smelling hand soap - I know that is a weird one, but why buy "lemon" when you can buy lemon verbena bergamot? (I don't know if that exists, but doesn't it sound good?!)


Lip gloss. I have at least 8 different kinds right now. I'm a rather simple person when it comes to makeup, but I love Philosophy flavored lip gloss. Bubble Gum Blowout is my current fave.


Reading and writing FanFic. It's so so so much fun getting those characters that you love to do what YOU want them to do!


Uncanny. This, minus the lip-gloss, is my *exact* list.


What fandom, may I ask?

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Hey, reading books is a virtue, not a vice!:D


Well, that depends on when you're reading them :001_smile: In elementary school I got in trouble for reading when the teacher was talking. In middle school my then guardians/maternal grandmother took ALL my books away because I was "reading too much." And even today I sometimes read instead of doing housework...

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This forum is my guilty pleasure.


If I have a salty snack and a diet soda in hand I just gravitate to the computer to see what's going on.


I should be folding towels or working on lessons or reading one of the books in my endless stack. Salty snacks just don't taste as good with those things. :D

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Desperate Housewives -


I used to wonder how people could "watch that crap" until there was nothing else on tv one night and I got totally addicted to the storyline :o I still deny watching it to my DH - luckily he never joins me watch my girly shows so he hasnt caught me out yet.


Taking two showers a day is probably a guilty pleasure although I think it more a necessity of good hygeine :D -truthfully I probably wouldnt die from toxic germiness if I cut it down to one a day.

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I will definitely try the pasta salad! It looks yummy and easy.


I broke down the other day and bought a candy bar that I found in a smaller size just in case I hated it. Man, oh man, I wish I had got the regular size, but it was very pricey. Anyway, it was so delicious. It was Mo's milk chocolate with applewood smoked bacon and sea salt. Even dh loved it and we equally shared that tiny little bar. I will get another!


Of course, books are always a guilty pleasure and really good coffee... and Bravo TV, too!



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Cadbury Mini Eggs


These are my absolute favorite! If I had any self control at all, I would buy every bag I could lay my hands on and create a stash to last until next Easter. Alas, I do not, so I limit myself to one or two bags.


Yarn is my other guilty pleasure. Especially pretty sock yarn. I'm trying to hurry up and finish a few things so I can justify getting more. I'm on a FaceBook break right now, so I'm getting a lot more knitting done. :D

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Guilty pleasure: Would opening a can of sweetened condensed milk and eating it a spoonful at a time qualify? :lol:


I love that stuff and it tastes so different after it is cooked. I finally figured I should just eat it the way I want to!


(Full disclosure -- I spread it out. It takes me about 2 weeks to finish a can. :tongue_smilie:)


Oh my goodness! I thought my dh was the only one that did this. He puts it in the freezer, though, and just gets a spoonful at a time.


My guilty pleasure is roasted garlic hummus. I eat it even though my dh says I have to sleep way, way over on the other side of the bed. I love, love that stuff.

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Well, it's not a *new* guilty pleasure, but it is one just the same. I LOVE buying new earrings. I can't help myself. I love them. I see a pretty pair and my eyes turn into Anime/Manga eyes and I go "oooooooh. Puuuuurty" :drool5: and I have to get them. Fortunately most of my earrings come from Forever21 so I don't usually pay more than 5 bucks for a pair, but seriously, it's like an addiction. I probably place an order from them for earrings at least once every month or two. :blushing:

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It's not new, but when I'm in America, I love, when I have the time, to flip through a magazine before the checkout in the supermarket, like Woman's Day, or Taste of Home, or whatever is there. Okay, even People magazine. :D


If I ever have time, I think it would be fun to go to the library and just spend a few hours reading these.

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