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Case Is Coming To An End

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The case with Workers Comp is coming to an end.


For those who aren't aware, I developed RSD from a strain/sprain which happened by a resident at work assaulting me.


WCB doesn't like what my Drs are saying. Which is that I'll never be able to work again. So now the case is going to the Medical Panel Board. 3 specialists are going to decide if they agree with my Drs, or if I'm able to work at all. If they say I can work 10 hrs a week, WCB takes 10 hrs a week off what I receive now. Or they can completely agree with my Drs.


Its a win win for WCB. The worst that can happen is that they have to continue on what they're currently doing. They're gambling that they might get a reduction in what they have to pay out.


The date is April 29. I know that I'm worrying early, but I just can't seem to stop. There's no appealing the Medical Board's decision. Its as binding on me as it is WCB. This is the end.


I'm scared. As ppl have pointed out irl, my case is solid. All my Drs agree. But this is a big unknown, and no appealing. When WCB messes me around, I call my union rep, and he goes to the head of the food chain there, and things are fixed. There's no appealing this.


I haven't lied or exaggerated my condition. I'm also scared that they're going to ask for a physical exam. There's nothing like having to strip to the waist, put on a gown and let strangers hurt me. The level of pain gets so bad that when I had to go for a 2 day functionality exam, Diva found me in the upstairs hallway, passed out. At first she couldn't wake me, and thought I was dead. :( I hate letting strangers hurt me.


If you could pray that I find some peace so I don't drive myself nuts btwn now and the end of April, I'd appreciate it.


Its a guarantee that I'll be asking for more prayers and support the week of the exam.

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Thanks for all the responses.


Fwiw, I'm not strong. I'm simply cornered, and fighting tooth and nail to not lose more than I already have to RSD.


I appreciate the song link, but my sound card is hooped. Puter is slowly dying, just praying it holds until we can afford to replace it.

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Granted that I only know bits of your story from various posts, but if the "powers that be" aren't treating you properly, have you ever considered contacting some type of media outlet to see if they can help? Sometimes being the noisy one works - especially if you get someone of influence on your side. Just a thought.. :)

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Granted that I only know bits of your story from various posts, but if the "powers that be" aren't treating you properly, have you ever considered contacting some type of media outlet to see if they can help? Sometimes being the noisy one works - especially if you get someone of influence on your side. Just a thought.. :)

Media here hates WCB stories and pretty much refuses to cover them. Why? B/c it shuts down their system for over a wk w/ppl calling, emailing and faxing their WCB horror stories.


The only WCB story covered in the last 3 yrs was when a guy went in there w/a gun, taking hostages. He released them all safely. Wolf's immediate comment on hearing the story was that he was amazed it didn't happen on a regular basis :001_huh:


There was even an editorial in the paper saying why they don't cover WCB stuff.

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Impish, I truly hope it works out in your favor. I think all of those claims adjusters are just evil, evil people anyway. A situation a dear family member is in made me think of you last night. My favorite uncle learned he has a brain tumor 3 weeks ago. He put in for short-term disability last Thursday. Yesterday (Tuesday) he got a call from the short term disability people asking when he was going to be back to work and telling him that surely his doctor has given him a return date. They didn't listen to him at all. They don't care that his employer is behind him 100% and told him to take all the time he needs. They don't care that he has a tumor. They don't care that the doctors are weaning him off the steroids that are preventing him from having painful headaches that make him vomit and muddle his thoughts so he can endure a second brain biopsy (the results from the first biopsy were unreadable due to the steroids, but the doctors are sure it's cancer -- hopefully lymphoma). They don't care that once he's off the meds that his speech is garbled and he sees things that aren't there (people on a ferry boat waving to him, etc.). Nope -- they want him back at work doing a desk job, or get this -- driving a fork lift and stacking pallets! I don't think his work will allow that. They don't want to put anyone in danger or be responsible if the tumor grows to the point where he starts having seizures before the doctors can verify what it is and begin treatment. My uncle is so hurt! This is a man who never, ever cheated the system, and his most difficult day in this entire process was when he had to go into his work and drop off his keys (he's been a driver for this company for over 35 years and they love him). He WANTS to work, but he absolutely cannot right now, and these short-term disability adjusters are making him feel even worse about the whole thing by implying that he's not sick enough to stay home. They're supposed to call his doctor to get a return date from him. I hope the doctor tells them where to shove it! :mad:

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Media here hates WCB stories and pretty much refuses to cover them. Why? B/c it shuts down their system for over a wk w/ppl calling, emailing and faxing their WCB horror stories.


The only WCB story covered in the last 3 yrs was when a guy went in there w/a gun, taking hostages. He released them all safely. Wolf's immediate comment on hearing the story was that he was amazed it didn't happen on a regular basis :001_huh:


There was even an editorial in the paper saying why they don't cover WCB stuff.


Weird. I've never heard of media outlets refusing specific types of stories! Not running specific stories, sure (for various reasons) but an entire... what's the word I want - genre? No, that's for books and movies and stuff. You know what I mean! :tongue_smilie:


You could always send them your story and see what happens anyway though - it couldn't hurt to try, could it?


Are there any support groups that could lobby/etc on your behalf?

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Girlfriend, this is AWESOME news!!! We knew this would have to happen in order for the end to come, in order for a settlement and for your worker to finally leave you alone. It is absolutely a good thing! There is light at the end of the tunnel! This IS cause for CELEBRATION!!!



And you're right, those IRL who have seen you KNOW that this is legit, it is painfully clear darlin. I know it sounds trite, but try not to worry. Your case is solid, your drs back you up and the only real nutcase is your worker. THAT is plain to see as well, with everything she has pulled, including leaving a papertrail that can nail her butt to the wall. But it's not about her. It's about an end.


Ultimately, please remember what stress does to you.

Remember Who is in charge.

This is the final stretch of the race, so don't lose sight of that. It will go well. :grouphug:

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My thoughts are with you.

My Dh had to go to many work-cover panels, and every time it was extremely stressful on the whole family. He was injured at work( High School Labtec.) left with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, classroom at school had to be closed down and completely gutted before students were allowed back in).Unfortunately he wasn't in the union, otherwise the union would have done all the fighting for him.

After 7 years of being on workers comp,they (workers comp)finally found a doctor that wrote a goofy report and had him cut off, he then went on a disability pension, a major pay cut, but better than nothing.

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I'll be praying for you, Impish and also for your uncle, jujusky- how horrible. I don't know if they hire truly evil people or just some real dolts who don't understand anything. A brain tumor that has not been operated on is just not something that one returns to full functioning and to harass someone like that is just so cruel. He is the kind of person we all really want to get disability money or people like you, Impish. Not the people I keep seeing on the court shows I watch who are scamming the system. By the way, I have never heard of a scammer trying to claim they have RSD. Those lowlifes who choose to scam the system usually aren't very bright either and certainly don't find rarer conditions to out down.

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Impish, I truly hope it works out in your favor. I think all of those claims adjusters are just evil, evil people anyway. A situation a dear family member is in made me think of you last night. My favorite uncle learned he has a brain tumor 3 weeks ago. He put in for short-term disability last Thursday. Yesterday (Tuesday) he got a call from the short term disability people asking when he was going to be back to work and telling him that surely his doctor has given him a return date. They didn't listen to him at all. They don't care that his employer is behind him 100% and told him to take all the time he needs. They don't care that he has a tumor. They don't care that the doctors are weaning him off the steroids that are preventing him from having painful headaches that make him vomit and muddle his thoughts so he can endure a second brain biopsy (the results from the first biopsy were unreadable due to the steroids, but the doctors are sure it's cancer -- hopefully lymphoma). They don't care that once he's off the meds that his speech is garbled and he sees things that aren't there (people on a ferry boat waving to him, etc.). Nope -- they want him back at work doing a desk job, or get this -- driving a fork lift and stacking pallets! I don't think his work will allow that. They don't want to put anyone in danger or be responsible if the tumor grows to the point where he starts having seizures before the doctors can verify what it is and begin treatment. My uncle is so hurt! This is a man who never, ever cheated the system, and his most difficult day in this entire process was when he had to go into his work and drop off his keys (he's been a driver for this company for over 35 years and they love him). He WANTS to work, but he absolutely cannot right now, and these short-term disability adjusters are making him feel even worse about the whole thing by implying that he's not sick enough to stay home. They're supposed to call his doctor to get a return date from him. I hope the doctor tells them where to shove it! :mad:


Sorry about your uncle:grouphug:


Just tell him to give them a date....If the doctors know he will be off for an indefinite amount of time, and he has a 6mths of disability insurance, the doctor can write a note with an estimated return to work date of 6 mths in the future. That date can change many times over the course of a case. Short term disability has paperwork obligations that require a return to work date (otherwise it wouldn't be short term disability). When the short term disability insurance runs out, he may need to start over with the long term disability company.


I have been on short term disability 4 times with my company (I have been there 15 years). 1 pregnancy, 1 varicose vein removal, 2 times for my back. With my pgy, I had one return to work date, with my back....it was extended several times each month. Each extension was just a faxed paper that said the new date and was signed by the doctor. Drs are used to this paperwork and shouldn't question it or give him any grief about filling it out.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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