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Oscar dress winners and losers! Post your shocking or amazing fashions here!

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Well, I just saw a dress (on the Academy Awards website...I'm watching the fashion cam) that I think is a bit on the reckless side. Honestly, what is holding it up, I do not know but it must have steel buttresses and concrete reinforced stays. Her booKs were about to fall out and the guy behind her kept making a valiant attempt to step on her train. Wow!


I haven't seen anything yet that is stunning although I had a glimpse of Amy (the red head nominated for something whose last name escapes me) and she looked very nice, very tasteful.



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I thought most of the dresses were pretty blah this year.


Loved Gwyneth Paltrow's dress & jewels the most. Loved Cate Blanchett's outfit too -- very 'her'. Both of them can carry off the very modern/futuristic styles.


The gal who won best supporting actress (Leo?) had on a hideous dress, imo. Really disliked Nicole Kidman's dress too (esp. w/ the red shoes). :tongue_smilie:


Natalie Portman looked nice.

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I liked Helen Bonham Carter's dress and I hardly ever do. She has very eccentric taste.


I really liked Nicole Kidsman's dress this year. Of course, her hubby is very nice looking as well.


I liked the red dresses: Sandra's dress & Jennifer Lawrence's.


The Hailee/Halles: Hailee Stein's & Halle Barry.


Amy Adams dress was gorgeous.


Maria Menounos, Ashlan Gorse (unusual color choice but I have at least two girls that would both pick that color and look good in it), and it seems like there was at least one more blue sparkly dress that I liked but can't place right now.

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Isn't he married? Wasn't it just two years ago or so that he was talking about how he made it through his wife's 60 hour labor? Maybe that's why they aren't married anymore?


He is still with the same woman that is the mother of his children. I am not sure if they are married or not but it is the same person.

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The C3PO dress was not Gywneth Paltrow. This woman, probably not a star but maybe a member of the press or something, literally was covered in gold fabric that had an "armor" quality!


I did not Like Cate Blanchett's dress...I thought that it was actually quite plain, and didn't flatter her at all. But, then, I'm not fond of her haircut either. She always had such lovely hair and now she has that wash and wear, short - not styled look. I want to say, "Woman, you're filthy rich. It's not like you have to get and wash your own toilets, scrub the counters, clean up after the dog, and run to the post office. People work for you! I'm pretty certain you have all the time in the bathroom you want. If I had your hair, I would not be chopping off!!!" But, I'm sure she isn't interested in my opinion.


Sandra Bullock, Natalie Portman, Celine Dione (sp), Amy Adams...they all looked so lovely. I thought that just possibly either Anne Hathaway's dress or her lips were just a little "too much".


Hailee's dress was sweet and appropriate for her age. I was glad to see her looking elegant, sweet, and not over dressed for her age. Plenty of time for that in the future. What's left of the childhood, as hard as this is to do in Hollywood, was preserved...at least at this Oscar's. Hopefully, she'll be level headed and not find a boyfriend!


I was disappointed to not see Will Smith and wife. They always look smashing! They just seem to have amazing taste.


Colin Firth - You dreamy oscar winning man you!


Will someone tell Tim Burton to get a haircut, clean up, and choose some different glasses so he doesn't look like a character from his creepier films?


I was proud of Helen Bonham Carter - it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!


Robert Downey Jr. Tux was really nice. I didn't recognize Louis Gossett Jr. at all until I saw his pic later with the caption.


There weren't as many hideous gowns as their were last year, but some dude showed up in a sinus infection green suit with a patterned jacket and solid pants. He was an eye sore against the red carpet. Does he own a mirror????



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There weren't as many hideous gowns as their were last year




:iagree::iagree: I thought so too. I thought on the whole, it was a well dressed Oscars, but what was up with the greasy hair??? On Russell Brand okay, you almost expect it, but Sandra Bullock?? When I saw her being interviewed on the Red Carpet I thought she looked fab but that her hair looked greasy and dirty. :confused:

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:iagree::iagree: I thought so too. I thought on the whole, it was a well dressed Oscars, but what was up with the greasy hair??? On Russell Brand okay, you almost expect it, but Sandra Bullock?? When I saw her being interviewed on the Red Carpet I thought she looked fab but that her hair looked greasy and dirty. :confused:


It's been dyed darker than she normally wears it, probably for the role she just started, and the hair products to keep her bangs up might not have helped, either LOL It looked flat in color, too.

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