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How many times should I wake up my son?

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He's 18 and a senior in high school. :)


He's taking two classes at the community college but he doesn't yet have a driver's license so I run him over there.


I wake him up for one reason: My 5 year old sleeps in the same room and I don't want an alarm going off early in the morning and waking him up until I've had my first cup of coffee.;)


But, the 18yo just goes right back to sleep. I wake him up again. He goes back to sleep. Etc.


Could you tell me (gently...I'm not in the frame of mind to be totally blasted ;)) how you would handle this situation?



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We have a Golden Retriever that handles any oversleeping problems for us. One 'get up' call and if they aren't up I let the dog wake them up. Having 80 lbs of playful dog bouncing on their bed does the trick. I also have a 'wake up' cat. She will bite anyone not up on the ears. She is also the anti-whine cat because she bites for excessive whining too. I just LOVE my teacher's 'pets'! :D

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It depends on WHY he's going back to sleep. Staying up too late? Address that. Very heavy sleeper/insomniac? Vibration alarm clock or cold water washcloth to the face ;). Doesn't care about the class? Discuss that with him

(how this is handled depends on if he's paying for it himself or not). :grouphug:

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I think this can be set to just vibrate and will wake anyone. If he still does not get up, I would do nothing. Give him advance warning of leaving time. If he does not make it, or gives any attitude whatsoever, he calls (and pays for) a cab. Make sure he has the proper amount, in cash, available at all times. My eldest two only had to pay for a cab once each. We live outside of town. It cost about $50.


It is not your responsibility.

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I'm partial to reveille, myself. You're not awake until you're standing up at the foot of your bunk. Of course, he's 18, so maybe you should ask him what he thinks would be effective? He should be getting himself up and off by now, shouldn't he? Perhaps he should experience the consequences of not getting up on time...missing breakfast, missing a shower, missing class...


As a teen I needed an alarm going off ACROSS THE ROOM so I had to get out of bed to turn it off. Accomodating the continued sleep of the 5yo. may not be reasonable if you want him getting himself up.

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Have you asked your son how he thinks you should handle it? Does he have any ideas?




Except, I'd ask him how he thinks HE should handle this. After the first wake-up call, it's his problem, not yours.


I'd also tell him, "The taxi is leaving at _____. After that, I've got other things to tend to."




(Someone on this board mentioned frozen marbles do wonders to sleepy teens, but I've not had the opportunity to try it.:D )

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Yeah - time to stop. If you want to wake him up the first time to avoid the alarm, that's fine. but after than - he's done. Better to learn now the consequences of being late than at a job.... No covering for him, either.

FYI - I have never, all school year, had to wake my 14 yo son up for school. He gets up at 5:45 on his own.

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Yeah - time to stop. If you want to wake him up the first time to avoid the alarm, that's fine. but after than - he's done. Better to learn now the consequences of being late than at a job.... No covering for him, either.

FYI - I have never, all school year, had to wake my 14 yo son up for school. He gets up at 5:45 on his own.


Impressive! Are all your kids that motivated? My ds1 will wake early (not that early) but my ds2 is very hard to roust out of bed - unless it's Christmas morning.

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Who's paying for CC?


If you are - he pays you CASH for missed classes. Compute it all out - including fees, gas, books, etc.


Then let him get up. He misses classes - cash to you.


That day.


No credit.


His attendance is payment. Makes it up and ready to go - paid.


If CC is free - then he pays "bed rent" or something similar. Find out where it hurts him - within reason - and then make it sting a little. Life is full of consequences.

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I simply irritate my boys until their feet are on the floor. The 5 boys share two rooms and there are times when only certain boys need to wake up. They're in loft beds, and I've got one son, especially, who tends to go right back to sleep, even if he sits up and assures me he's awake. So now I stand at the end of his bed and shake it until his feet are on the ladder and he's on his way down.

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As gently as possible - get that young man to the DMV so he can get his driver's license.


Were it me I'd find some place else for one of the boys to sleep. I'd probably go so far as to put the 5-year old on a camp bed in my room so the 18-year old could be responsible for himself.


At 18 your young adult needs 1. his privacy 2. to be able to get himself around on his own and 3. the responsibility to get himself off to school on his own.

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I guess I am a big softy. I would wake him up and then about 15 minutes before it was time to leave I would announce that we need to leave in 15 minutes or we are not leaving at all and really mean it. I have never been easy to get up in the morning, I always need to hit the snooze button a couple of times before I am ready to get up.

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I'd have him start waking himself. I know it's hard having littles and olders share a room. My 4-yo dd sleeps in my room on the nights when dd1 has to get up early. I've noticed that my teens' alarms will go off multiple times before they finally get up. Doesn't bother me so long as they are up and out on time.


A few other notes: I put my cell phone on vibrate under my pillow when I need to wake up early. But, I'm a light sleeper and that might not work for a teen boy. Also, we use a fan for white noise with our littles. So maybe a vibrating alarm with a fan to drown out any noise?



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As gently as possible - get that young man to the DMV so he can get his driver's license.



You haven't seen him drive, have you?:auto: I'm sure the whole of So. CA is thanking me that he doesn't yet have a license!:lol: We're working on that. We really are. But he is just not a safe enough driver to have one yet.


Thank you all for giving it to me straight.:)


At this very moment, there are contractors in my backyard remodeling our guest suite (a detached studio) into which the 18yo will move as soon as he graduates.:) The 5yo will then get the room to himself.


Oh, and, the community college is free for high school students. All we had to pay was the $17 health fee.

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Without having read all replies, I'd say you wake him twice. If he misses classes, and then misses enough classes that he does poorly or fails or can't finish the class, he pays you back that money. If he's the one paying for the classes, you wake him twice and then he's on his own.

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