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Anyone still have Company over after Church?


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I grew up with my parents having people over on Sundays after church or being invited over for a meal.


No it doesn't seem to be that anymore. We went to a church that did this a lot more than the church we go to now. Is this an old fashion thing. I mean I do hear we are just more busy now or it is too expensive. Well, I wouldn't think that it really isn't much different today, but that it is something that is just more old fashion.


Just curious!

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I grew up with my parents having people over on Sundays after church or being invited over for a meal.


No it doesn't seem to be that anymore. We went to a church that did this a lot more than the church we go to now. Is this an old fashion thing. I mean I do hear we are just more busy now or it is too expensive. Well, I wouldn't think that it really isn't much different today, but that it is something that is just more old fashion.


Just curious!


We have an agape me AT church after the Liturgy every week, with most people staying. We usually leave between 1:30 and 2:00. When the weather warms up, sometimes it turns into an all-afternoon affair. So I think, in our case at least, this takes care of the after-church meal/socialization. Love Sundays; it's our favorite day of the week.

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We dont' do it much either, sometimes, but not often.


We have just started meeting friends at their church and then meet them at the mall food court and bring sandwiches. It allows us visiting time and we love it.


They were going out to an expensive place on Sundays and when we started going there, we did that too for one Sunday, but we told them we just couldn't do that every Sunday and suggested the food court. We brought our own sandwiches and they caught on and started bringing a cooler too! We sometimes will get fries or a drink, but we mostly eat our own stuff and even they have thanked us several times for the idea. It is great.



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Our church has lunch together, there at the church, every week. Most stay. It started because we *wanted* to have meals together, but these few could afford to eat out and these couldn't and things just never happened. So, we started our at church lunch again. :)


But before this church, yes, we were of the camp to invite folks over for Sunday lunch. Back when hubs was in Bible college we always had folks over.


We have several times here as well, but not as frequently as before.


I agree, I'm just not seeing it happen as much today. Sad. :( It's a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and building relationships.

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We had guests over yesterday too! I try to make a big lunch every Sunday so we can invite people over. We were probably only the only family at our church that did though (I could be wrong, I am just guessing). We don't hardly get asked over to people's houses for a meal though, I think it has a lot to do with families being over scheduled and wives who don't like to cook.

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We used to have one family at a time over on Sundays, but now it seems I have a house full of teenagers on Sunday! I have to cook a LOT not knowing how many kids will show up. With our own kids, my oldest and his wife, and a bunch of teens, we usually have 10-15 people for lunch on Sundays.


It's different from the way we used to do it, and my dh and I don't really have any adults (other than my son and his wife) to visit with, but I like that the teenagers feel comfortable to gather at my house.

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Most weeks, we go out for lunch after church, often with friends from church. Or meet up with friends that go to a different church. About every two months, there is a potluck at church after church. I can't imagine trying to have company over right after church. I'd have to miss church to prepare for them.

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My dh is very introverted. It is good enough if he can last through the church service and some social time afterwards at church. It would be a total burn out for him if we have people over right after church.

For me, I am right in the middle. I don't get burned out easily with parties. I can do quite well. But we have to put our dh's need first, don't we?

We do sometimes invite people over on Sundays for dinner one family at a time. We come home after the service and start to prepare for dinner. When they arrive around 5pm, we are rested and ready and can interact fine again.

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I would love to do this but...


How do you cook that big lunch while you are at church? Or do you invite them over for dinner so you have enough time to cook before they show up?


Do you invite a family one week to come the next week? Or do you ask them over for today, hoping they'll be free?

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We still do it some, but not like when I was a kid. We had friends and family over a couple of Sundays ago....and fairly often we meet at McDonalds after our mid week service...eat ice cream and let the kids play...and end up staying up way too late. The public school schedule usually dictate that...we do it a lot in the summer and when school will be out the next day.

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I would love to do this but...


How do you cook that big lunch while you are at church? Or do you invite them over for dinner so you have enough time to cook before they show up?


Do you invite a family one week to come the next week? Or do you ask them over for today, hoping they'll be free?


Big roast or two and lots of potatoes, carrots and onions in a roaster before we leave. Then it is ready when we get home at noon.


Or make up a bunch of hamburger patties, all seasoned and all that...cut up the veggies for burgers....have the tea made, and then dh cooks burgers on the grill for a pretty quick noon meal afterwards.

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I would love to do this but...


Or do you invite them over for dinner so you have enough time to cook before they show up?



Usually this.


And we usually invite someone over the day of. My dh and I look around while at church and scoop out who we would like to get to know better and invite them for dinner that evening. We make friends that way. Eventually, we'll get invites over too (which is AWESOME. I love not cooking.), as they usually feel they need to return the offer, but that's not why we have people over. We just like making friends and getting to know people.

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I would love to do this but...


How do you cook that big lunch while you are at church? Or do you invite them over for dinner so you have enough time to cook before they show up?


Do you invite a family one week to come the next week? Or do you ask them over for today, hoping they'll be free?



Here's how I do it. I often make a roast of some sort that I put on low in the oven. I peel (the day before)and cook carrots and potatoes on top of the stove before church.and add them to the sliced roast after church and thicken the juices.


I bake some bread or rolls and dessert the day ahead. Throw together a salad after church. PRESTO! a meal to feed a crowd


Another thing I sometimes do is an elaborate make your own taco salad. The day before I chop up, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, onions etc. Fry up a bunch of meat with beans, like chili. Then Sun morning start some rice, and turn off. After I come home, warm up the chili, put it all out with taco chips and sour cream, olives etc. Sometimes I make corn bread with this too.

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We would, but we honestly don't have enough friends. We live a sad life. :001_huh:


We used to house church, so eating and fellowshipping were the norm. I loved that. Now, if only it didn't take 45 minutes - 1 hour to get there.


:grouphug: Sorry. Wish I could be your friend. Being lonely is makes me sad. Keep looking! there are many other lonely people around.

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