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When do you start buying for next year?

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I'm finalizing my plan for next year's school year and I was wondering when everyone buys for next year. Should I start now? It seems so far away but I know it will be here before I know it.


I think you don't want to miss the sales, which start in the spring. Math Mammoth is on sale right now for 20 percent off. Homeschool Buyers Co-Op (which is free to join) has different sales each month. If you are interested in specific curricula you should ask, because people may know about upcoming sales.

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I've already started buying. Our budget also works best when I buy smaller amounts more often.


A few things I keep in mind are:


- how much planning do I need to do? Do I need to write lesson plans or is it more open and go. The more planning time I need the earlier I buy.


- how much of the material do I need to review before teaching? As we get closer to high school I find myself needing more time to review.


- Am I buying from the publisher or third party? Some publishers have spring sales. If you're ordering from someplace like Rainbow Resource they have a busy season.


- How much summer vacation do *I* want? I used to plan all summer. Now I want to enjoy my summer break too, so I try to have the majority of school planning done by the end of May. I tweak over the summer and read a lot, but I don't want to feel like I'm working while my son is off playing.

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I usually buy online stuff in Jan and Feb and then will get stuff in person at our curriculum fair in April. It works out well to buy then because we have tax refund money usually and if dh gets a bonus he gets it in March. My main issue with buying ahead for fall is there have been a few times where I wound up switching curriculum and not using stuff I bought way in advance.

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Typically I wait until our hs group's used book sale and whatever conference I'm attending in the spring or early summer. Ideally I want to figure out what I want to use for next year by then, but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes I'm still buying right up until we start in the fall, but not that often.

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Hoping to start soon and be finished by July. I will spread it out over several months. There are some subjects that I will have to do some research and make a decision, while other subjects are just use the next book of the program we already like. Science and Latin are the big question marks for next year.


Regarding sales, whoever posted about Song School Latin, join CAP's facebook page. They are trying to increase their number of fans right now and if they reach their goal they will be posting a discount code for their facebook fans to use in early March--I think 25% off.

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Sometimes I feel like I am buying curricula all year long! :leaving: In reality I make my list for the upcoming year in January and start looking for the items used and check off the list as it comes. I figure if I start looking early, I'll be able to find a few good deals.


Last week I found the FFL3 workbook at Amazon for $15 (with free shipping) - it said it was a new book, but had a crease in the cover and when it arrived it was in better shape than I've bought off the shelves of B&N! There was a slightly bend corner on the back.

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I buy my A Beka stuff in March when they have free shipping that month, or at one of their homeschool displays. I'll buy my BJU stuff at one of their homeschool displays, too. Other stuff that I buy from Amazon I buy when I get a $25 gift certificate from credit card. I need to finalize my plans, though, for next year before I really start buying.

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