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I'm asking for prayer for dd. I'm scared.

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The lymph nodes behind my ears often swell when I'm sick. It also happened once when I was not and had not been sick. Considering my father had passed away from cancer about a year before, I freaked out and immediately went to my doctor. I told him what was wrong; he took one look at me and asked if I had dyed my hair recently. I had - one of those do-it-yourself kits from the drugstore. I'm guessing I didn't do a good job since he asked right away. :tongue_smilie: Anyway, the chemicals caused the lymph nodes to swell horribly. I was back to normal a few days later.

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I take my daughter to my family doctor. Yikes on the young lady talk. I hadn't even thought to worry about that.

She is 11.5 now so I'm sure it is coming up soon. The only reason I dread it is because although she is 11, she is homeschooled and really doesn't have a clue about boys. I mean she knows the absolute basics and knows about the upcoming monthly event sometime in her future. She and her friends still play dolls and imagination games. Adult activities are so far off her radar...


I don't want the doctor to think she is overly sheltered or whatever. Nor do I want the adult activity talk from a PA or nurse she has just met. I understand the need for it with some kids.


Okay, we've established it is probably lymph nodes and 99.9% not life threatening. Do I have to take her in?


Just kidding. I'll suck it up and take her as soon as I can get her in.

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My son has a swollen gland on teh left side- it is visibly swollen, about an inch across, and very painful. We have been having tests done- blood tests and ultrasound. They dont know what it is, so now he is on antibiotics.


It might have been Epstein Barr (glandular fever- I think you guys have another name for it) but it wasn't. Mumps- apparently not. The doctor called it lymphedenitis which didnt help much as that could mean all sorts of things. She doesn't know. If the antibiotics he started last night don't work he will have to get a needle biopsy.


It could be a bacteria that is hard to treat.


But overall....I am not worried, but that could say more about me than what he has! Yes it could be something sinister but the chances are small. He seemed to be feeling better this morning although the gland was still up. He took one day off school but we dont want him to get behind and it doesnt seem to be infectious- the doctor said it was fine that he goes to school if he feels well enough.


ANd now that he has it, other people are mentioning a similar condition. Someone at his school had something like it and had the biopsy. We dont want to go there until we have to.


THe glands are part of the lymphatic and the immune system. It could be all sorts of things- many things make glands swell, and they usually involve an infection, which is not cancer at all. So....dont worry. Just get it checked out.

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THe glands are part of the lymphatic and the immune system. It could be all sorts of things- many things make glands swell, and they usually involve an infection, which is not cancer at all. So....dont worry. Just get it checked out.

My exact thoughts. There are many lymph nodes there. Most of us have congested lymphatic systems.

Once you get it checked out, and hopefully if it's nothing more than that, there are things that can be done to help improve the lymphatic system - dry body brushing, etc. This is pretty common, but still important to have it checked out. In most cases, these things are infections and/or swollen lymph nodes.

Praying. :grouphug:

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Sounds like swollen lymph nodes to me too. My hubby once had a swollen one in one armpit and it scare the bejeesus out of me. I got him in right away and it turned out that it was caused by a very slight skin irritation due to his deodorant. I would take her in just for your own and her peace of mind. :grouphug:

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Ds4 had this very recently - know the weak-kneed feeling of terror well! I hardly slept that night, I kept waking to check he was breathing. And when I mentioned it to my friend she said her ds had exactly the same thing. I went to the doctor, and as with my friend, it was diagnosed as swollen lymph glands. They can take up to a year to subside, apparently, and unless they caused discomfort or grew, I was instructed just to wait them out. The next step would be a biopsy, which is apparently not much fun... It's been a month or two and ds's "bumps" can hardly be felt.


Sure it will be fine, but get it checked out, for sure!



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I wanted to let you know I am praying for your DD.


Now, I know she isn't a dog, but my dog had 2 swollen lymph nodes this week. He is a rough collie, and his were so swollen he looked like a short-snouted, fat-faced dog. This came up overnight, suddenly, and was rather alarming. Anyway, after 3 doses of antibiotics (12 hours apart), he looked like a collie again. The swelling went completely away.

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Since she has one behind both ears, I agree with the others that it sounds like swollen glands.


I had a giant lump behind one of my ears and it was a sebaceous cyst. Went to the doctor and she drained it and it went away without a problem in a few days. Hasn't been back since!


Keep us updated.

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It could be a swollen lymph node. My daughter had one in the same place. It was huge and took forever to go away. Definitely take her to the doctor, but I just wanted to hopefully give you a little peace of mind tonight.


Dd had this too. Go check it out today, but it will probably be fine.

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