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Little girls & mismatched outfits

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Haven't read any other replies, but if my child is staying at home, she is allowed to wear anything, including pajamas. If she is going in public, I have to match her clothing. She accepts help so it has not ever been an issue.



This is me, too. I would let Dd7 have more latitude than I do matching wise if she wouldn't (almost) always put on play clothes that are ripped, stained, or terribly outdated to go to town. She has stacks of nice clothes, and I just can't let her out of the house in her grubbies.

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I tell them (gently) if something doesn't match, but if they still want to wear it anyway I mostly let them (exceptions would be some big event with extended family). I tell them because I do want them to gain the skill of matching clothes & putting things together, but don't usually make them change because they also need to develop their own style. So far this has worked pretty well.

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This is me, too. I would let Dd7 have more latitude than I do matching wise if she wouldn't (almost) always put on play clothes that are ripped, stained, or terribly outdated to go to town. She has stacks of nice clothes, and I just can't let her out of the house in her grubbies.


Actually, this is where I draw the line. DD5 has wanted to wear clothes that are ripped or badly stained or way (way!) too small, and that I generally won't allow unless we're going somewhere where she's going to get even more grubby. Creativity, yes. Looking like I let her pick her clothes out of a dumpster minutes before we left the house, no!

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If DD is just going out to play or we're going to the store or something, I don't worry about it as long as she's dressed appropriately for weather and a modicum of modesty.


For her enrichment program or a trip to the grandparents, etc., I encourage her to be a bit more presentable by adult notions--for the enrichment program she usually asks me for help picking clothes, actually. There's a dress code (one that actually fits my own standards of modesty pretty well) and she's just starting to be aware that clothes are supposed to match but not always clear on what does match. At the same time, she has pretty strong opinions, and has the ultimate say as long as she's weather-appropriate.

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My 17 year old still dresses like that. My younger two are a little more coordinated but they still wear mismatched socks on purpose. They also have some weird fashion rules that I absolutely fail to understand. I guess I shouldn't talk. I ran outside in my bright green Grinch pjs and robe they other night (granted it was an emergency but still :001_smile:).

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I just smile and tell her she's beautiful.




My DD used to LOVE to wear bathing suits over t-shirts, then put on her pants. And then some socks and sandals. She's 9 now and we've upgraded *a little*. When she starts to get worried about what to wear now my DS (8) rolls his eyes and comments that "oh great, now she's fashioning again." It's hysterical. Someday she'll care. Until then I embrace her innocence and love it!


ETA - "Modest and Clean". That's my only criteria. Except church - then we add "appropriate" - dress or skirt with nice shirt. And no sneakers to church.

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(The worst was when K was learning to do her own hair and did pigtails. She had extra hair left over so made a third in the back of her head. And then we all went to the grocery store. A was embarrassed and K was so proud. I was just busy.)


When my oldest started to do her own pig tails, she CUT OFF the extra hair left over. I couldn't stop laughing- all I could picture was this continuing, and soon she would have a reverse mohawk. :lol:

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I am a mean mom. For a birthday party I would have made my kids change the outfit. I have had to come to terms in teh recent months with my oldest ds refusing to wear anything other than sweatpants. I HATE sweats, imo they are suitable for eh gym and that it is it. I think it makes him look sloppy and lazy. That said, I have been learning to let it go and know that he won't always look like abum in a pair of sweats. For the other kids, we do not leave the house if they look like little orphan children, so their outfits match, hair is done right (meaning either brushed flat, or if it is tied up the for girls it is done neatly with nothing loose etc), if they can't do it right themselves I do it for them. They know the rules, for me this is especially important when we are going to work. The other parents know who my kids are, and many times they judge the quality of care I give their child on their perceptions of the care I give my kids and I will not have my kids looking neglected at work because they didn't dress properly.


Weddings, church etc are a whole other issue. Those involve proper suits for the boys, and dresses for the girls etc. Even my sweatpants only boy knows better than to question wearing a suit to a wedding. My aunt and uncle brought my cousins to my bothers wedding this summer in what I considered disgraceful things. Cousin 1, age 8 was wearing cowboy pajamas, Cousin 2 was wearing a dress from her dressup toybox and a pair of slippers. They are very much in the let it all go camp, and personally I think the kids look terrible most of the time. They are nice kids, but I feel ashamed of being in family pictures with them all (the parents both showed up to the wedding in sweats so it is not just the kids).


I am vain enough to want my kids to look god when we are out and I do refer to them as little orphan children if they attempt to leave the house in ugly or mismatched clothes. That said I do expect them to be dressed to the nines all the time, I am fully content with jeans and t-shirts if they are clean, wrinkle free and no rips/holes. I just want matching, decent clothes on them for everyday wear, a step up for parties etc and "party" clothes for weddings, special functions, symphony etc.

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I have let her go out to run errands wearing fairy wings. Kind of a pain w/a carseat, but hey...it made her happy.


What is it with wings? My 3 year old wears the wings from her bat costume at least twice a week, especially if we are playing outside. How can I resist when I hear "I want to be your Stellaluna!" in the sweetest, squeakiest little voice?

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MY 7 yr. old dd also makes 3 pigtails. She looks so funny! The 5 yr. old usually has a skirt, shirt, colorful stockings, boots and throws in a hat and a beaded necklace. She has her own style. ;)


My 17 yr. old dd wears different socks, thick bracelets, with ..... fingerless gloves! :tongue_smilie: This too will pass, this too will pass......

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I feel kind of mean now! If we are leaving the house they have to match. If they are staying at home I let them pick although I have to be honest that is drives me nuts! I keep thinking of how the shirt that matches those pants is going to be clean while the matching shirt will be dirty.


I know. I have issues.:001_huh:

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I haven't read all the replies, but short answer--let her wear it. Heck, I frequently let ds wear his superhero cape and rubber boots to the store and library etc. They outgrow it and feel good about doing something themselves. Where's the harm?


(I have often thought I should make a big "I Dressed Myself Today!" button for the dc to wear when they choose something particularly heinous. Just to let folks know I am not color blind....:D)

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I strongly encouraged the mismatched socks. Really helps when the dryer is eating one sock out of every pair. ;)


Yep, I just have a basket full of socks and the girls grab whatever ones they want. The 17 year old was the one that originally did the mismatched socks thing and the youngers just followed suit. I don't even know if they know that some people match their socks. :001_smile:

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