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Looking for board games

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I am sure this has been posted here, but I am not able to find the answer so I will ask it again ;)


What are your favorite board games? I am looking at Ticket to Ride, Buy It Right, Ten Days in Europe, and Talicor Where in the World. My children are ds 12, dds 8 and 9. Any other suggestions? This is an example of what we have already....Monopoly, Stratego, Life, Clue Jr, Trouble, Sorry, and Uno. I would like to buy a mix of educational games and fun games. We love family game night but I'd also love some games that they can play without Mom and Dad around. What are you favorites?



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We love love love Ticket to Ride. I also purchased the online package and play it regularly :001_smile:


We love Blokus and Risk, though Risk takes so long.


Monopoly takes forever too. We have had a game of Monopoly going for days.:eek: How long does Risk take?

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Monopoly takes forever too. We have had a game of Monopoly going for days.:eek: How long does Risk take?


I don't know anything about Risk, but my family puts a time limit on Monopoly. We agree to play for a certain time before the game begins. And that's that. Otherwise I get so bored! I don't like games that can't be completed in one decent sitting.

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I don't know anything about Risk, but my family puts a time limit on Monopoly. We agree to play for a certain time before the game begins. And that's that. Otherwise I get so bored! I don't like games that can't be completed in one decent sitting.


Good idea. It is a shame when the Monopoly board that has been sitting there for three days accidentally gets bumped.;)

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Those are good. So is Settlers of Catan, though your younger 2 might be too young for it. My 7 year-old was doing well helping me play it this week, but he isn't ready to do it on his own yet. Another fun one is Bohnanza. It's a card game, but it's very friendly and cooperative. My brother and I have not once wanted to kill each other playing that game, which is a miracle. I swear we revert to children when we play games together & fight like we're little kids!!!!! Ticket to Ride is definitely another favorite :) I just bought Agricola, but haven't played it yet, but it received high ratings. If you go to gameboardgeek.com you can find ratings and reviews on different games. It's a difficult site to get the hang of when it comes to searching and such. Also, it lists board games from all over the world. Many of the top-rated games are German games, not all of which you can buy in the US. For younger kids I recommend any of the German games by a company called Haba. My brother got one for each of my kids for Christmas and we just ordered a couple more. They are excellent quality.

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oh my gosh, we received Monopoly Revolution as a Christmas present! It is beyond fun! It is still long, 4 hours is about it. We play til the first one goes out (there are 6 of us). It is a great game. Playing with millions and 100K, has Credit Cards versus Cash, and a round board! We love it.

We also have done the deal out the cards, but we don't deal all, we hold back one from each monopoly and then we auction those off (auctioning is part of the new game), in no particular order. That made the game about 2 hours.

I blogged on our first game in which I won!! here pics and all!

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My kids also got Forbidden Island for Christmas and love it. It's different in that it is a cooperative game and it's a nice change of pace. I have littles who cry if they lose so we got it for them but my oldest is the one who enjoys it most. Yours could play it together without help from parents.

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As I sit in front of the game cupboard I see Sum Swamp, Pie in the Sky, Heigh Ho Cherrio, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Landy, Pegs in the Park, Yahtzee, Parcheesi, Mancala, Sorry, The Game of Life, Tip, Top Tally, Operation, Ker-Plunk, The Happy Little Train Game, Mystery Date, Scrabble, Po-Ke-No, Cootie, Clue, Chess and puzzles which have all been huge hits here.

Blockus is on the Christmas list for next year.

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YAHTZEE!!! I play every.day. Even by myself.


Farkle is another good one that we play almost nightly. Its another dice game that is addicting. Well, for us, anyway.


I have played Yatzee by myself as well:D It is hard not to allow yourself another roll when you are playing against yourself.

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I bought Castle Panic after watching a little video of it on amazon. It's one of those games that gets faster when you've played it a couple of times because the rules are easy, but there are several steps. Thing 2 (7.5) likes it because it's cooperative, but he's already created his own rules to maximize winning.


We like many of the others already mentioned.


For a while we were playing games nightly after dinner, but hockey practice and the NHL season have beaten that down until April.

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I'm a big fan of cooperative games. My husband and I LOVE Pandemic. We also recently got Forbidden Island and that's a great, affordable cooperative game as well.


Our game closet is overflowing, we love games by Days of Wonder, Rio Grande Games, Gamewright, ThinkFun and more. I'm big on educational games, we just played Totally Gross and Scrambled States yesterday with my DD6. I'll have to come back and post a list of our favorites, it's a long list.

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We LOVE playing games here!


Our favorites are:


Settler of Catan


Forbidden Island

Where in the World


Zingo (we all like to play this together with dd)


Monopoly (all different versions)


Scrutineyes (not sure if you can still buy this)

Scrambled States of America

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I'm a big fan of cooperative games. My husband and I LOVE Pandemic. We also recently got Forbidden Island and that's a great, affordable cooperative game as well.


Our game closet is overflowing, we love games by Days of Wonder, Rio Grande Games, Gamewright, ThinkFun and more. I'm big on educational games, we just played Totally Gross and Scrambled States yesterday with my DD6. I'll have to come back and post a list of our favorites, it's a long list.


Looking forward to your list. I looked at Scrambled States. Do you think my 12yo ds would enjoy it or is it too young?


Forbidden Island and Pandemic seem to be quite popular. I've already added them to my cart at Amazon:)

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We recently began playing Taboo. You try to get other players on your team to guess a given word *without* using certain obvious clues. For example, I might try to get you to say "skid" without using the words road, drive, wheels, or car. I can feel it stretching my brain when we play. =)


We really enjoy it and like to play with my parents, also. If the kids don't know a word, we skip it.

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On the "cooperative and crunchy" end of the spectrum, Wildcraft is fun. You can learn to identify wild plants (and their medicinal uses in a very limited way) while trying to get to the huckleberrypatch and back before sundown. Good quality board and lovely plant drawings. www.learningherbs.com is the website, I think, but it's also available elsewhere.

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Our kids enjoy:


Dixit (older kids, for the younger its hard to think abstractly)



We've enjoyed Dixit also. In case you're unaware, there is now a Dixit 2.


Some favorites here include:


Bananagrams and Set (not board games)

Equate (a math board game which is fun and definitely educational. It can give your brain a real work out.)


One game I haven't seen mentioned yet that my daughter enjoyed playing with friends when she was about ten is Save The Whales. It's a cooperative game.




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We own this and enjoy playing it. We were told a game would take 30 min. but I'd say more like 45 min - 1 hr.


The only negatives are: 1) the instructions were TERRIBLE! We went on Youtube and found a video that taught us how to play it. 2) In spite of the impressive looking box, the game only consists of cards. If you don't mind spending that much for a bunch of cards, I'd highly recommend it! ;)

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As I sit in front of the game cupboard I see Sum Swamp, Pie in the Sky, Heigh Ho Cherrio, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Landy, Pegs in the Park, Yahtzee, Parcheesi, Mancala, Sorry, The Game of Life, Tip, Top Tally, Operation, Ker-Plunk, The Happy Little Train Game, Mystery Date, Scrabble, Po-Ke-No, Cootie, Clue, Chess and puzzles which have all been huge hits here.

Blockus is on the Christmas list for next year.


I can't believe you have Mystery Date. I used to love the commercial for that game when I was a kid -- but we never got the game. That's a real oldie.

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