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Not celebrating anniversary

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Please tell me there are others who do not celebrate your wedding anniversary! We've been married 15 years (today...I think) and have not once celebrated. I hate anniversaries, personally. I don't like the pressure of setting aside a day/night to remember something that isn't a good memory for me (not that I'm not glad to be married to my dh but I was almost 6mo pg, it was a "shotgun" wedding, I didn't like my dh AT ALL when I married him...not a good date in my mind). Even if my wedding was a good memory I still am not the kind of person to focus on an event once/year. If that event involves the expectation of teA then I rebel big time (told dh when we got married to not even think about celebrating Valentine's Day!). Every year I tell myself before Xmas that I will do something special (that doesn't involve teA) and every year the date comes and goes. Dh is the same although he will at least say "Happy Anniversary" at about 10:30pm before bed.


Am I a horrible person for just not caring about things like this??

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Please tell me there are others who do not celebrate your wedding anniversary! We've been married 15 years (today...I think) and have not once celebrated. I hate anniversaries, personally. I don't like the pressure of setting aside a day/night to remember something that isn't a good memory for me (not that I'm not glad to be married to my dh but I was almost 6mo pg, it was a "shotgun" wedding, I didn't like my dh AT ALL when I married him...not a good date in my mind). Even if my wedding was a good memory I still am not the kind of person to focus on an event once/year. If that event involves the expectation of teA then I rebel big time (told dh when we got married to not even think about celebrating Valentine's Day!). Every year I tell myself before Xmas that I will do something special (that doesn't involve teA) and every year the date comes and goes. Dh is the same although he will at least say "Happy Anniversary" at about 10:30pm before bed.


Am I a horrible person for just not caring about things like this??


My circumstances are rather different from yours, but I don't think we've ever done anything for our anniversary. I've never felt horrible for not caring. I don't think my husband does either.

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Until one child was born on our anniversary, we would always forget our anniversary! Sometimes till the day after, sometimes till that evening...LOL! We laugh about it. Now we just celebrate that child's birthday. We aren't worried about our anniversary. To be honest, I never got why people always got sooooo uptight if someone didn't plan a surprise for the anniversary and why is it always expected of the men, and not the women, to perform that duty.

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Please tell me there are others who do not celebrate your wedding anniversary! We've been married 15 years (today...I think) and have not once celebrated. I hate anniversaries, personally. I don't like the pressure of setting aside a day/night to remember something that isn't a good memory for me (not that I'm not glad to be married to my dh but I was almost 6mo pg, it was a "shotgun" wedding, I didn't like my dh AT ALL when I married him...not a good date in my mind). Even if my wedding was a good memory I still am not the kind of person to focus on an event once/year. If that event involves the expectation of teA then I rebel big time (told dh when we got married to not even think about celebrating Valentine's Day!). Every year I tell myself before Xmas that I will do something special (that doesn't involve teA) and every year the date comes and goes. Dh is the same although he will at least say "Happy Anniversary" at about 10:30pm before bed.


Am I a horrible person for just not caring about things like this??


I don't think you are horrible but would your dh like to celebrate your anniversary. I understand that it isn't a good memory but maybe you can celebrate the fact that what started out as an awful day has become something better 15 years later. Your anniversary doesn't have to involve teA even if you choose to celebrate it.

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We use it as an excuse to go out to eat at a really nice restaurant. We do not exchange gifts or cards.


Valentines Day is a moot issue. It's DH's birthday, and we celebrate birthdays by... guess... going out to eat at a nice restaurant! Again, no gift exchanges or mushy cards.


We like to eat out. :tongue_smilie:

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Two years ago dh and I both forgot what day our anniversary was. We called my brother and SIL to wish them a happy anniversary on what we thought was theirs. It wasn't - theirs was 2 days later. Uh oh...we thought that day was OUR anniversary. So, when was ours?!?!? I had to go dig up the marriage license to check - it was the day before and we had already missed it!:lol:


Sometimes we celebrate, sometimes we don't - it doesn't matter much. ;)

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Hey, today is my 15th anniversary too! :D


We usually try to go out for dinner. Two years ago I'm pretty sure it was at Burger Hut. Tonight it's going to be Chipotle burritos and a movie at home--we are broke. We've never done anything more exciting than that, and that's pretty much OK (though once we thought it would be neat to go on an Alaskan cruise so we could see the Northern Lights, but then we found out how much a cruise costs :svengo:).


By the time we get through with October and November birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, we're too tired to do anything! We don't do Valentine's day at all, except for the kids.


However, your relationship is YOURS. If you don't wanna do anything for your anniversary, don't. Why feel guilty if everyone is happy? Don't let others make you feel guilty for what you're happy with.

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I don't think anybody has to celebrate much of anything if they don't want to, & I'm not sure what teA has to do with holidays/celebrations.


That said, I think it's nice to celebrate anniversaries & birthdays. Both are remembering the birth of something new & beautiful. Both are important to others than just those immediately involved.


Sometimes the early angst surrounding weddings/family/whatever went wrong softens with time. Sometimes not.


I like remembering who we were when we got married & seeing how we've changed, how we haven't, & how amazing it is that we chose each other then and now. If I didn't like him now, I could see not wanting to celebrate. If I had come from a place of not liking him to liking him, though...well, that seems like a miracle to me. Worth celebrating.


But I'm also of the philosophy that life is short, & we should spend more time celebrating & noticing the good that's in our lives than...well, I don't know, than just doing the mundane. I think it's too easy these days to not make time to pause & reflect & rejoice. But I don't think that doing so has to look the same for everybody. :001_smile:

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