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Another small window into each other's days: installment number two


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Hey everyone, we had a thread like this a few months ago and it was so fun to see what life was like for others:



So here we go again:

**The Question**

What are you / your kids doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?


How old are your kids?

What are they doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

What are YOU doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?

How do you "transition" into schooltime (or do you)?



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My kids are 10, 5, and 2.


Fifteen minutes before dd starts schoolwork, she's just getting up. Fifteen minutes before ds starts schoolwork, he's eating breakfast. Fifteen minutes before I start with either of them, I'm either eating breakfast or (more likely) cleaning up breakfast while the kids finish eating.


Our bedrooms, kitchen, etc. are all on the main floor of the house, and the schoolroom/playroom is up in the finished attic, so we transition by going upstairs. It seems to work pretty well.

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Here's ours:


Our kids are 5, 10, 11, and 13.


15 minutes before we are all usually walking in the door after work. Everyone puts their things away / shoes / etc. Then the kids and I "get the mail" which is a long walk. The kids usually run as fast as they can (racing each other). Then they run back to the house. It blows off the last bit of energy I need to get everyone going on school work with not many complaints. :)


If its a weekend (we also school Saturdays and Sundays with our day off on Monday), then I say "15 minutes", "10 minutes", etc. They are usually playing with toys or a video game. I'm usually getting books ready, ensuring corrections are done, scores are entered, etc. Then I'm chasing kids to their books and pencils :)

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My sons are 13 and 7.


They have finished their breakfasts and are working on their daily chores.


I am usually up in our school room getting their work on their desks and getting organized for the day.


Our school room is upstairs, so we make the climb and enter the room. They go to their desks and see what's there. I give overall instructions for the day, and we get started.:)

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My kids are 7 and 9.


15 minutes before school, we are all still asleep! LOL.. We do school the first thing every morning. They are not allowed to get out games or toys or turn on the tv or anything. They MUST do school first. That said, we usually start our day with literature read alouds during breakfast, even on the early days when we have to take DD to gymnastics first thing. I will say, though, that by doing things this way, we have zero transition time getting ready to do school. They get up. They "go to school."

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Usually playing with trains and/or legos. They are 6 & 4.


I am usually throwing dinner in the crockpot, loading/emptying or folding laundry, cleaning up breakfast, and unloading the dishwasher. Oh, I can't forget making the coffee for the travail ahead :lol:!


As far as transitions, I set the books out on the dining room table, give a 5 minute warning to come to a stopping place with the toys for the 6 y.o., and then off we go. We do have a name tag system so ds can set his name tag on anything he was building or playing with and brother can't touch it during his school time.

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Kids are usually finishing up breakfast or if I'm lucky their main chore they are supposed to get done before school! :001_smile: I'm usually cleaning up breakfast or frantically getting things in order if I didn't do it the night before. Usually I do it the night before though...


The kids pretty much know they go right from breakfast to primary chore to school... if the younger two boys snuck off to play before I could catch them our transition is me yelling up the stairs for them to come down and start school! :D

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My three oldest dc are cleaning up from a coffee stand they run in our front yard during the local elementary school's morning drop-off time. The elementary school backs up to our neighborhood and the parent drop-off traffic goes right down our street on the way from the school. My dc started this the beginning of last year and were pretty successful. They've committed to doing it this school year as well, but I'm probably going to talk them out of doing it next year. Though they have many regular customers and even do a couple of deliveries to neighbors on our street, sales are down this year so they are barely making a profit. Also, it means a late start on school for us. So, my dc are cleaning up their coffee stand, while I am checking my emails or giving the 4yo breakfast. We used to start the day with a Bible devotional together, but this year my dc just dig in to their math first thing. It's their most dreaded subject and they want to get it over with asap. I encourage my oldest two to have their own personal quiet time now. Dh also tries to do a family Bible devotional in the evenings, but he hasn't been very consistent.

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Not a typical day but what is. We were all up by 6am. Oldest dd went to dentist. I took 7 and 9 yo to the Y for Healthy Kids Day. Came home and did Wii with 12 yo and 3yo. Had lunch, then headed back out to drop college books in UPS and pick up 7 and 9 yo. Went to Walmart to get new nerf darts. Came home, 16 yo has returned from overnight. A college friend of oldest dd stopped in and they're watching movies. Had 15 yo take out recycling. On to making dinner and going to Cub Scouts at 6:30.

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All Boys..... 9,7,5,2


We are inconsistent with pretty much everything from A-Z.... but if I collected all of my somewhat consistent looking moments in the last 5 years it would look like this.


I get up first, exercise, shower and get my nose in the Word.

Then, I try to quickly peek at the computer and not get sucked in. < rolling eyes >


The boys get up later (7, or 8 a.m. - 6 if we're REALLY on a great roll) ...we put on some Toby Mac or Third Day or something real loud and motivating... Eat breakfast, tidy things and do chores, and get dress (ish)


Then we eat b-fast together while doing a Bible Study. (The Jesus Storybook or something)


After clearning the table... we "begin". We gather at the table and go over my "white board" that stays up in the dining room. Date, days of the week, months of the year, phone numbers, address, birthdays, etc. I add to it whatever 'stuff" I want them to know and we simply "say" it before starting school. It's nearly a mute point now, and soon it'll turn into my TOG info white board. :-)


This whiteboard-ness came about because, while impressed with OTHER things they had memorized ala CC classes, he was not happy that they weren't "getting" the calendar, their birthdays, and our vital family info. So I started the board.


After going over "the board"....we flow through school. Me, with coffee in hand and a prayer for stamina!

Edited by Kirstin
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My kids are 5 and 3.

15 minutes before we start school, I am usually either cleaning up the kitchen and doing a few morning chores (laundry, dinner prep) or just getting out of the shower.


Kids are playing, usually together. Sometimes still in jammies, sometimes dressed.


I transition by letting DD know that school begins in 10 minutes or so and asking her to get the Bible (first subject) on the sofa and to make sure there is room for math things on the coffee table. DS joins in or not as he chooses.

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i have a 5 and a 2 year old

15 mins before school time I noticed the house was too quite. I found my sneaky kids in my DD's room eating candy... plus our pantery door was wide open. I didnt even bother to make them breakfast thinking they are full of candies now. And sure enough till 1pm no one asked for breakfast! lol

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Mine stagger starting. Ds9 is usually up first and gets started right away and then breaks for breakfast when it's ready. Dd is usually the next up and will generally start right away, providing she doesn't get distracted by PBS that ds4 is usually watching. Ds14 will sleep until breakfast is ready and then eats before starting school. There is no transition and I am usually dragged into answering questions before I am fully awake. They have this strange idea that because a person is vertical and her eyes are half open, then she is awake.

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My boys are 6, 4, and 19 months. They eat breakfast, then while they're still eating, I start morning Bible time. When we're done with that, DS1 moves to the kitchen table where I have the stack of today's work. He starts on math while I corral the two littles and clean up from breakfast.

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15 min before school starts they're finishing up breakfast. During breakfast we read the bible and practice awana verses and also read a couple poems. Then while they brush their teeth and go start handwriting I clean up the kitchen and load/unload the dishwasher. We shoot for starting school between 8 and 8:30 depending on how the morning is going.

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Kiddo is 8.

We started at 4:15 today. At 4-ish, I was in my car driving home and he was playing in the living room. I appear, get him to re-make his bed (he'd torn it apart to build a fort), double check he isn't going to pull the "I'm hungry" card in half an hour, ask if he's brushed his teeth, all while I stuff my stuff away, wash my hands, ask hubby if there is anything HE needs to tell me before we shut the door, get the mail, ask hubby to load and start the DW while we do school, and check on the Y schedule for this evening, open up SM, get out my little white board, and call kiddo.....

We did 1.5 hrs without a break, and they rushed off to the gym. We do this or a little more 5 nights a week. If they don't go to the gym, I read to him or we do art. Weekends are rather longer book times for us.


Either way, I am the driving force, and there is a bit of hollaring about the house, to this male or that male, to get us all on the launch pad for school. If kiddo is gunning for a favor, he makes sure he is at the desk, doing his handwriting, when I walk in the door. :D When has something exciting to tell me, or something to confess, he waits for me in the garage.

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How old are your kids? My homeschooled munchkin is 8.


What are they doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork? I'm climbing in the car and getting ready to drive DS and myself back home from dropping off DD.


What are YOU doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork? See above answer.


How do you "transition" into schooltime (or do you)? The boy lets the chickens out of the coop, comes in, takes of his shoes (and coat this time of year), and then we head into the living room to start math.

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"What are you / your kids doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork?" Either getting dressed for school or still sleeping....


"How old are your kids?" Twelve, thirteen in March....


"How do you "transition" into schooltime (or do you)?" It's been a hard and fast rule for many, many years: school starts at 8. You should be in the school room or have a book of some kind in your hand when the clock strikes 8.... No other thing takes precedence over the school day....

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Ages : 13, 11, 7, 4 and 2.

What we are doing 15 minutes before the start of school, at 8:00:


Dd13 is putting a load of laundry in the washer and then getting her books from the shelf and getting them set up at the table.

Dd11 is finishing up emptying the dishwasher and then searching for her books, which are supposed to be on her shelf, and trying to get to the table before I do.

I am finishing up checking my e-mail or browsing the forum while I eat breakfast...pretending to get caught up in something to give dd11 time to get to the table before I do.:tongue_smilie:

The other 3 are still in bed.


15 minutes before the younger 2 start school, at 9:00:


Dd7 is brushing her teeth and telling ds4 to stop painting on the mirror with his toothbrush...or deterring him from some other 4yo boy thing he has gotten sidetracked with.

Ds4...see above.

Dd2 is finishing breakfast and waiting for dd11 to take over her hour of tot watching.

I am cleaning up from the littles eating and getting dd7's and ds4's first activities laid out.


I don't know that we have a transition really except that they know that when I say "5 minutes" they all know that they should either be at the table or quickly moving in that direction. Our morning routine is the same every morning so they know that when they are finishing their chore (olders)or brushing their teeth (littles) that school will start shortly.

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I have heard of people who homeschool very early and wondered how in the thunder you manage to get everyone up and going so early? Like anywhere between 6 and 8 a.m. I am having trouble getting myself up before 7:45 consistently and the kids up by 8:30. This is especially true for the older. How do you get a teenager up before 9? Do you have early bedtimes? Have you always? If not, how do you start-my husband wants to see all of us making that transition by summertime to conserve electricity (sleep when it's dark).


Also, those who are strict with a start time and being ready to go and in your place with your books, how do you enforce this or how did you train for this?


So my answer to the original poster is that I have 3 dd: 14,7 and 6.


15 minutes before school time the younger two usually have finished breakfast and are playing. I am cleaning up, getting coffee and getting the books together or feeding the chickens and lambs. This is generally sometime around 9 a.m. The older kid is now getting told for the 3rd time to get up. She will gradually do so, get dressed (or stay in jammies), eat and have a cup of tea. Then she usually starts math or science on her own. This is somewhere around 10 a.m.


Transition is difficult if the littles have gotten toys out. Sometimes they ask to watch a video or play on the computer before school. If I know I will be awhile getting ready, I allow it. I usually set a timer or say something like "after that video.."



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I have heard of people who homeschool very early and wondered how in the thunder you manage to get everyone up and going so early? Like anywhere between 6 and 8 a.m. I am having trouble getting myself up before 7:45 consistently and the kids up by 8:30. This is especially true for the older. How do you get a teenager up before 9? Do you have early bedtimes? Have you always? If not, how do you start-my husband wants to see all of us making that transition by summertime to conserve electricity (sleep when it's dark).


Also, those who are strict with a start time and being ready to go and in your place with your books, how do you enforce this or how did you train for this?




We don't start super early right now (8) Although last semester I did have the olders getting up at 6 and starting school by 7. (We were able to change to starting at 8 because the dc took a vote and decided they would prefer to work until 3:30 instead of getting done at 2:30) First of all, we have set bedtimes; 10:30 for olders and 8:30 for littles. We also have a rule that if you don't get up within 10 minutes of being called ( 7 am for the olders) you will go to bed 30 minutes earlier until I determine that you have learned your lesson. For example, if dd13 won't get out of bed Mon. then she goes to bed at 10 that night, and if she won't get out of bed Tue. then she goes to bed at 9:30. She has to get up when called for atleast a week before I will allow her regular bed time again. At the beginning of last year she ended up with a 7:30 bedtime for two weeks until she finally figured out that she had better get up when I call her.


The other thing I found was that I had to have all of my chores\responsibilities completed by the time the dc get out of bed. The only thing I have yet to do when my olders come downstairs is to eat. My littles get up later and I am ready and waiting for them and I keep them moving from task to task until they are sitting at the table. I don't give them an opportunity to play and we don't watch tv so that isn't a distraction.


It's hard to keep every one moving in the morning and oh so easy to get distracted but school has to start at a certain time in our house so that I have time to fit everyone's lessons in. If I only had one or two I wouldn't be as strict about our schedule, but juggling this many kids demands staying on track.

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