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I've heard about it but never thought it would actually happen.

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I thought maybe it was a myth.

DS12, wants to smell good and look good. He actually tries to style his hair. We could barely get him in the shower before.


You don't even want to know how many button-down shirts I got rid of through the years because he wouldn't wear them. Now, that's *all* he wants to wear.


*sniff* He's growing up.

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Oh I know! Its starting here too. My oldest will be 12 in February.

It was a struggle to get him to take a shower before, and now he takes one every other day on his own accord. lol

He also wears deodorant and a bit of cologne sometimes. ;)


Can't get him to wear a button down shirt yet, but he is particular about what he wants to wear and specifically HOW he wants his hair.


Oh dear!

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Oh I know! Its starting here too. My oldest will be 12 in February.

It was a struggle to get him to take a shower before, and now he takes one every other day on his own accord. lol

He also wears deodorant and a bit of cologne sometimes. ;)


Can't get him to wear a button down shirt yet, but he is particular about what he wants to wear and specifically HOW he wants his hair.


Oh dear!


Yep! he asked to wear Dh's cologne tonight to church, LOL

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I thought maybe it was a myth.

DS12, wants to smell good and look good. He actually tries to style his hair. We could barely get him in the shower before.


You don't even want to know how many button-down shirts I got rid of through the years because he wouldn't wear them. Now, that's *all* he wants to wear.


*sniff* He's growing up.


Start looking for the girl. She's not far....

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I cant stand the stink of my ds15's deodorant but he loves it and sprays himself liberally....yuk...but it does smell marginally better than he used to before he showered regularly. He also changes his tshirts more often than once a week or whenever I could get them off him.

Her name is Amy.

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My ds is still an "icky boy" - yay! He doesn't like the prospect of becoming a teenager and can't stand movies with kissing. He doesn't have excessive b.o. yet so it's all good.


Beware. Another year or two...and your sweet icky boy wont be able to help himself. Its all in the programming. :lol:

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Ahh mine is straddling both worlds. Showers every night for 4 days straight. I practically have to drag him out of there. Then forgets for many days. No cologne yet, thank goodness, but hello on the deodorant and shower gel.


And my dd11 can't be dragged in or dragged out of her sweats. I can live with this for the most part.

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I am not listening to this conversation. blah, blah, blah...My ds is 13, doesn't care about clothes. We just moved so I'm not sure what to expect in our new community.


That's bad. It means you don't know who the "talent" might be. :001_huh:


:lol: (Says me, with preschoolers)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still waiting for DS (14) to care about showering. He has decided that he has an opinion about his hair style, which I'm taking as a positive sign. I can't WAIT for the day when smelling good is actually something he strives for. I can't count the number of times I've said, "You stink. Go take a shower and/or put on some deodorant." Sigh...

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With my ds10, I'm pretty sure it has little to do with a girl, but he's been bathing about 4-5x per week without me telling him to. Now, if I could just get him to change his pants more often:glare:.


Yes, it's awful. My house absolutely reeks of Axe lately. ;)

That stuff is awful!!! I bought my step son some last Christmas and even if he just spays a tiny amt, it lingers in the air for HOURS. It used to wake me up in the AM (after he used it)because it was so potent:001_huh:.

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